
'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
Gang presence in the United States military - Wikipedia


Wikipedia is not my special place for truthful sources, but it seems plausible… I was never around any Special Forces personnel... I always assumed that they cleaned out the ranks themselves to keep honor and integrity a high priority...

I don't know what is going on but there seems to be a rash of incidents within the Navy Seals right now...

US Navy SEAL platoon ordered home from Iraq for allegedly drinking alcohol

Booze, coke, hazing, forced redeployment — what's wrong with the Navy SEALs?

A Navy SEAL Platoon Is Pulled From Iraq Over Misconduct Reports

U.S. Navy SEALs sent home from Iraq following allegations of sexual misconduct and drinking while deployed
Seeing how I haven't been in the Military for 40+ years and have never belonged to a gang, I have to rely on the crap I get from the interweb… I was hoping that somebody that is ex-special forces or been drummed out of a street gang might enlighten me...
Gang presence in the United States military - Wikipedia


Wikipedia is not my special place for truthful sources, but it seems plausible… I was never around any Special Forces personnel... I always assumed that they cleaned out the ranks themselves to keep honor and integrity a high priority...

I don't know what is going on but there seems to be a rash of incidents within the Navy Seals right now...

US Navy SEAL platoon ordered home from Iraq for allegedly drinking alcohol

Booze, coke, hazing, forced redeployment — what's wrong with the Navy SEALs?

A Navy SEAL Platoon Is Pulled From Iraq Over Misconduct Reports

U.S. Navy SEALs sent home from Iraq following allegations of sexual misconduct and drinking while deployed
'''''non-operational periods."/''''''
no drinking during non-op periods??
Gang presence in the United States military - Wikipedia


Wikipedia is not my special place for truthful sources, but it seems plausible… I was never around any Special Forces personnel... I always assumed that they cleaned out the ranks themselves to keep honor and integrity a high priority...

I don't know what is going on but there seems to be a rash of incidents within the Navy Seals right now...

US Navy SEAL platoon ordered home from Iraq for allegedly drinking alcohol

Booze, coke, hazing, forced redeployment — what's wrong with the Navy SEALs?

A Navy SEAL Platoon Is Pulled From Iraq Over Misconduct Reports

U.S. Navy SEALs sent home from Iraq following allegations of sexual misconduct and drinking while deployed

First, the Navy SEALs are NOT Special Forces, which are a part of the US Army.

Second, if you didn't know that, why are you commenting?
Gang presence in the United States military - Wikipedia


Wikipedia is not my special place for truthful sources, but it seems plausible… I was never around any Special Forces personnel... I always assumed that they cleaned out the ranks themselves to keep honor and integrity a high priority...

I don't know what is going on but there seems to be a rash of incidents within the Navy Seals right now...

US Navy SEAL platoon ordered home from Iraq for allegedly drinking alcohol

Booze, coke, hazing, forced redeployment — what's wrong with the Navy SEALs?

A Navy SEAL Platoon Is Pulled From Iraq Over Misconduct Reports

U.S. Navy SEALs sent home from Iraq following allegations of sexual misconduct and drinking while deployed
They've been used and abused to the breaking point.
First, the Navy SEALs are NOT Special Forces, which are a part of the US Army.

Second, if you didn't know that, why are you commenting?

With all due respect Admiral Rockwell Tory, :fu:and the horse you rode in on... I will comment on any fucking thing I want to... Unlike you and your hubristic ass I and other folks know that they can learn new things everyday...
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First, the Navy SEALs are NOT Special Forces, which are a part of the US Army.

Second, if you didn't know that, why are you commenting?

With all due respect Admiral Rockwell Tory, :fu:and the horse you rode in on... I will comment on any fucking thing I want to... Unlike you and your hubristic ass I some folks know that they can learn new things everyday...

Would you mind trying that sentence again in English please? I didn't quite catch your intended purpose.
The men who are in the military know who are better. Those who want excellence gravitate to the ones who aspire to live as the best of the past. No matter what the branch, or the level of abilities. That is the reality of today. And the military has less patience then back then also.
Special Operators are people who've been through the crucible of extremely tough training. They have been taught and experienced the truth that they must rely on the fellow members of their unit. It takes a special kind of person to command them and earn their respect.
Unfortunately, many individuals have been assigned to command positons who lack the skills and experience of those under them. This lack of leadership is directly responsible for many of the incidents we've seen reported in the media.

Leadership is a two way street. You respect them and they respect you. When that doesn't exist, you're asking for nothing but grief.

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