Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team got slapped HARD by Judge Cannon in classified docs case.

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
She's pissed and is not tolerating Jack Smith's shenanigans. She knows he and his team is corrupt to the core.

Judge in classified docs case slams prosecutors before dismissing hearing on potential conflicts of interest​

She's pissed and is not tolerating Jack Smith's shenanigans. She knows he and his team is corrupt to the core.

Judge in classified docs case slams prosecutors before dismissing hearing on potential conflicts of interest​


stop twisting shit

read your own links dufus

It's procedural -- last minute arguments

Cannon lashed out at special counsel prosecutors and dismissed the court, saying the hearing could not proceed because of prosecutors' "last minute" arguments, and admonishing the special counsel's team for "wasting the court's time."
She's pissed and is not tolerating Jack Smith's shenanigans. She knows he and his team is corrupt to the core.

Judge in classified docs case slams prosecutors before dismissing hearing on potential conflicts of interest​

She should be taken off this case. Incompetence at its finest. No objectivity at all.
She better step very carefully here...but we know she's in the bag for Trump.
She's pissed and is not tolerating Jack Smith's shenanigans. She knows he and his team is corrupt to the core.

Judge in classified docs case slams prosecutors before dismissing hearing on potential conflicts of interest​

The judge with the Orange lips? Ruled if favor of tRump? Most likely against all reason a precedent?

What a surprise.
The Crazy Corrupt Democrat Cult is turning America into a Banana Republic with their politicization of the DOJ and Far Left Extremist DAs.

Do you lefties remember when we warned your criminal representatives in the Senate about abusing the Filibuster? I doubt it. Most of you have fried your brains so bad with cheap dope all you're capable of is sloganeering.

How about you decent, upstanding types? Do you remember? Do you remember how we warned them?

Dropping the filibuster on all but lesser Bills gave us, the Party of Goodness and Light, the Supreme Court.

The Filibuster was your friend and you fuck him in the ass. How typical.

Now, you're abusing the Judicial system the same way you abused the Filibuster.

And remember this -- Payback is truly a bitch.

So when Republicans have 50 - 75 dimocrap criminal scum that would otherwise have been protected under the prior gentleman's agreement from prosecution....... When we have them in Court, when friendly Judges are putting them in Prison for heretofore overlooked offenses....... For DECADES.

Remember this moment in time. I promise you, I will.

Because, let me tell you something you already know -- Your only chance of getting the Presidency and winning the House in '24 is to cheat. Hard. Bad.

And that's how we're going to put you in prison. Hopefully for life.

So enjoy your Hitler-esque Show Trials, boys. We're coming for you
She's pissed and is not tolerating Jack Smith's shenanigans. She knows he and his team is corrupt to the core.

Judge in classified docs case slams prosecutors before dismissing hearing on potential conflicts of interest​

It’s clear the xiden’s brownshirt lawyers are doing everything they can to delay and derail this case going to trial with these insane motions
She should be taken off this case. Incompetence at its finest. No objectivity at all.
She better step very carefully here...but we know she's in the bag for Trump.
She's just a fat broad, that never got asked out on dates. I can understand her hostility. She wears it like armor.
Special counsel Jack Smith's team had requested the hearings for U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to determine if attorneys for co-defendants Carlos De Oliveira and Walt Nauta have any conflicts of interest arising from their past and current representations of witnesses who the government may call at trial.

Doesn’t help Trumps case at all

But does lay a groundwork to remove Judge Cannon from the case
She should be taken off this case. Incompetence at its finest. No objectivity at all.
She better step very carefully here...but we know she's in the bag for Trump.
Type demafasict brownshirt attacking the court for not falling in line with your political agenda

I wouldn’t be surprised if xiden sends out his pro-Hamas BLM brownshirts to firebomb the court house

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