Speaking of the Admitted Un-Constitutional Executive Order Barry Imposed....Dems Prep To Use Dream Act Against GOP Candidates


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
While Democrats / snowflakes begin raising hell over / whining about President Trump using Executive Order to strip government liability protection from social media monopolies who claim to be 'platforms' for equal and fair sharing of views yet censor content and editorialize, the same Democrats are preparing to attack GOP candidates by using an illegal, Un-Constitutional EO Barry signed, a move he admitted he had no Constitutional authority to do BEFORE he did it anyway!

"Democrats and Latino-focused outside groups are preparing to weaponize the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling on the fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program against vulnerable Senate Republicans.

The high court is poised to rule any week now on whether President Trump termination of DACA was lawful. If the justices come down on his side, it would clear the path for the administration to strip protections for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants known as “Dreamers” currently shielded by the Obama-era program.

The decision could impact races for a number of seats Democrats are hoping to flip, such as those of Sens. Martha McSally(R-Ariz.) and Cory Gardner(R-Colo.)."

Let's be clear - DACA, as was Barry's EO, IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Before singing his Constitution-violating EO the self-professed Constitutional Scholar admitted he had NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO AFFECT IMMIGRATION LAW.

What Barry was counting on is the exact same thing today's Democrats are counting on:

They KNOW this an extremely EMOTIONAL issue and know there will be a potentially explosive backlash by illegals and some Latinos. a backlash initiated / facilitated / escalated by Democrats who support illegal immigration, open borders, and Sanctuary Cities. They EMOTION, not the US Constitution, is all they have to fight with, as, again, EVEN BARAK OBAMA DECLARED HE HAD NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO AFFECT US IMMIGRATIUON LAW YET WENT AHEAD AND DID SO ANYWAY!

Dems. are using these illegal aliens for votes even though they realize that in 10 years they won't be good for anything. When robotics, AI and machinery take over their jobs, all we'll be left with is 30 million welfare recipients. We need people who can contribute to the new economy, not menial labor slaves.
More whataboutism to justify a petulant president who can't stand the heat...How absurd that you people would support more govt. control not less like you people claim the GOP represents....Pot meet kettle.
Dems. are using these illegal aliens for votes even though they realize that in 10 years they won't be good for anything. When robotics, AI and machinery take over their jobs, all we'll be left with is 30 million welfare recipients. We need people who can contribute to the new economy, not menial labor slaves.
Prove that the Dems are using the illegals to vote in a nationwide organized effort.

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