Speaking of a constitutional crisis

The Republicans

Silver Member
Dec 31, 2018
If we are going to generalize the REPUBLIC as a constitutional crisis then we should be included the Congress as the crisis too. You know it’s funny that people who was watching the results on the election night automatically yell it’s a constitutional crisis. So I think it’s time to clean everything out including Congress

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If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.
''Constitutional crisis' is just another Democrat propaganda talking point propaganda. It is the latest in a long line of Democrat/MSM lies such as: 'collusion', 'obstruction', 'hookers peeing on bed', 'illegitimate President', 'racist', 'orange man', 'fast food eater'.....Literally anything they can make up.
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.


  1. Joe Biden doesn’t control US aid to Ukraine—he wasn’t President. Influential yes, but he didn’t control aid.
  2. The US didn’t withhold aid to Ukraine because of anything Biden said or did. Meanwhile, the US under Trump has frozen $250 million in military aid that Congress just approved: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
  3. There is a false equivalency here. Ukraine had a state prosecutor who had a bad reputation for corruption. The company that Biden’s son worked for was not under investigation by this prosecutor. A wide range of players besides the US agreed this prosecutor needed to go. Biden was one of the many people (including a lot outside of the US) pressuring Ukraine publicly saying “this guy has go to go—he’s corrupt!” https://www.washingtonpost.com/p...
  4. Besides, the two situations are totally different. Trump is pushing Ukraine to take action that aids his campaign (which is a felony violation under FEC law). Biden wasn’t doing anything that aided him personally or aided the Obama campaign. Trump apparently both sought to extort and bribe Ukraine to get them to start up an investigation about Biden’s son.
  5. Biden was very open about all of this. Trump has sought to keep the IC’s IG report from going to Congress (as required by law) by insisting the employee is not a “whistleblower” so the 2 week notification rule doesn’t apply and he can keep the report secret.
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.
LoL the video of him BRAGGING about this is a riot. What is even funnier is Biden and all of Libtardia pretending that somehow this is fine and dandy. :21:
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.


  1. Joe Biden doesn’t control US aid to Ukraine—he wasn’t President. Influential yes, but he didn’t control aid.
  2. The US didn’t withhold aid to Ukraine because of anything Biden said or did. Meanwhile, the US under Trump has frozen $250 million in military aid that Congress just approved: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
  3. There is a false equivalency here. Ukraine had a state prosecutor who had a bad reputation for corruption. The company that Biden’s son worked for was not under investigation by this prosecutor. A wide range of players besides the US agreed this prosecutor needed to go. Biden was one of the many people (including a lot outside of the US) pressuring Ukraine publicly saying “this guy has go to go—he’s corrupt!” https://www.washingtonpost.com/p...
  4. Besides, the two situations are totally different. Trump is pushing Ukraine to take action that aids his campaign (which is a felony violation under FEC law). Biden wasn’t doing anything that aided him personally or aided the Obama campaign. Trump apparently both sought to extort and bribe Ukraine to get them to start up an investigation about Biden’s son.
  5. Biden was very open about all of this. Trump has sought to keep the IC’s IG report from going to Congress (as required by law) by insisting the employee is not a “whistleblower” so the 2 week notification rule doesn’t apply and he can keep the report secret.

Bullshit! Biden was point man for Ukraine. The Ukraine prosecutor was labeled corrupt by.....Joe Biden in order to get rid of Shokin because he was hot on Hunter's corrupt tail. Trump only asked them to investigate. He did not do what the lying Schiff claims.
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.


  1. Joe Biden doesn’t control US aid to Ukraine—he wasn’t President. Influential yes, but he didn’t control aid.
  2. The US didn’t withhold aid to Ukraine because of anything Biden said or did. Meanwhile, the US under Trump has frozen $250 million in military aid that Congress just approved: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
  3. There is a false equivalency here. Ukraine had a state prosecutor who had a bad reputation for corruption. The company that Biden’s son worked for was not under investigation by this prosecutor. A wide range of players besides the US agreed this prosecutor needed to go. Biden was one of the many people (including a lot outside of the US) pressuring Ukraine publicly saying “this guy has go to go—he’s corrupt!” https://www.washingtonpost.com/p...
  4. Besides, the two situations are totally different. Trump is pushing Ukraine to take action that aids his campaign (which is a felony violation under FEC law). Biden wasn’t doing anything that aided him personally or aided the Obama campaign. Trump apparently both sought to extort and bribe Ukraine to get them to start up an investigation about Biden’s son.
  5. Biden was very open about all of this. Trump has sought to keep the IC’s IG report from going to Congress (as required by law) by insisting the employee is not a “whistleblower” so the 2 week notification rule doesn’t apply and he can keep the report secret.

Bullshit! Biden was point man for Ukraine. The Ukraine prosecutor was labeled corrupt by.....Joe Biden in order to get rid of Shokin because he was hot on Hunter's corrupt tail. Trump only asked them to investigate. He did not do what the lying Schiff claims.
First of all I already document how that is bullshit. Secondly, even if Biden was in some way culpable , that does not , in any way exonerate Trump for his publicly admitted transgressions . You people are desperate to make this about Biden. It ain't gonna work.
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.


  1. Joe Biden doesn’t control US aid to Ukraine—he wasn’t President. Influential yes, but he didn’t control aid.
  2. The US didn’t withhold aid to Ukraine because of anything Biden said or did. Meanwhile, the US under Trump has frozen $250 million in military aid that Congress just approved: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
  3. There is a false equivalency here. Ukraine had a state prosecutor who had a bad reputation for corruption. The company that Biden’s son worked for was not under investigation by this prosecutor. A wide range of players besides the US agreed this prosecutor needed to go. Biden was one of the many people (including a lot outside of the US) pressuring Ukraine publicly saying “this guy has go to go—he’s corrupt!” https://www.washingtonpost.com/p...
  4. Besides, the two situations are totally different. Trump is pushing Ukraine to take action that aids his campaign (which is a felony violation under FEC law). Biden wasn’t doing anything that aided him personally or aided the Obama campaign. Trump apparently both sought to extort and bribe Ukraine to get them to start up an investigation about Biden’s son.
  5. Biden was very open about all of this. Trump has sought to keep the IC’s IG report from going to Congress (as required by law) by insisting the employee is not a “whistleblower” so the 2 week notification rule doesn’t apply and he can keep the report secret.

Bullshit! Biden was point man for Ukraine. The Ukraine prosecutor was labeled corrupt by.....Joe Biden in order to get rid of Shokin because he was hot on Hunter's corrupt tail. Trump only asked them to investigate. He did not do what the lying Schiff claims.
First of all I already document how that is bullshit. Secondly, even if Biden was in some way culpable , that does not , in any way exonerate Trump for his publicly admitted transgressions . You people are desperate to make this about Biden. It ain't gonna work.

The only transgressor is Biden. It was always about Biden and we knew it way before this fake accusation against Trump that is only meant to be a smokescreen to obfuscate Biden and the whole corrupt Obama administration.
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.


  1. Joe Biden doesn’t control US aid to Ukraine—he wasn’t President. Influential yes, but he didn’t control aid.
  2. The US didn’t withhold aid to Ukraine because of anything Biden said or did. Meanwhile, the US under Trump has frozen $250 million in military aid that Congress just approved: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
  3. There is a false equivalency here. Ukraine had a state prosecutor who had a bad reputation for corruption. The company that Biden’s son worked for was not under investigation by this prosecutor. A wide range of players besides the US agreed this prosecutor needed to go. Biden was one of the many people (including a lot outside of the US) pressuring Ukraine publicly saying “this guy has go to go—he’s corrupt!” https://www.washingtonpost.com/p...
  4. Besides, the two situations are totally different. Trump is pushing Ukraine to take action that aids his campaign (which is a felony violation under FEC law). Biden wasn’t doing anything that aided him personally or aided the Obama campaign. Trump apparently both sought to extort and bribe Ukraine to get them to start up an investigation about Biden’s son.
  5. Biden was very open about all of this. Trump has sought to keep the IC’s IG report from going to Congress (as required by law) by insisting the employee is not a “whistleblower” so the 2 week notification rule doesn’t apply and he can keep the report secret.

Bullshit! Biden was point man for Ukraine. The Ukraine prosecutor was labeled corrupt by.....Joe Biden in order to get rid of Shokin because he was hot on Hunter's corrupt tail. Trump only asked them to investigate. He did not do what the lying Schiff claims.
First of all I already document how that is bullshit. Secondly, even if Biden was in some way culpable , that does not , in any way exonerate Trump for his publicly admitted transgressions . You people are desperate to make this about Biden. It ain't gonna work.

The only transgressor is Biden. It was always about Biden and we knew it way before this fake accusation against Trump that is only meant to be a smokescreen to obfuscate Biden and the whole corrupt Obama administration.
Just more biased partisan blather that does not change anything
Just more biased partisan blather that does not change anything

This current witch hunt is nothing more than the establishment Democrats accusing Trump of doing the same corrupt crap they themselves are doing. It's a tried and true neo-marxist tactic. They have been trying to use that tactic for over 2 years now.

Biden threatened to withhold aid until the prosecutor (Shokin) was fired claiming the prosecutor was corrupt then, he got another Biden friendly prosecutor put in his place to parrot the Shokin corruption story Biden made up. It's all there for anyone to see.

Also, the actual transcript of Trump's conversation shows no hint of quit pro quo. The so-called 'whistleblower' had an advisor that worked for James Clapper the leaker and Trump-hater. Also, the 'whistleblower' went to Schiff's staff before going through the proper channels and then did not tell the proper authorities he went to Schiff first. Then, Schiff lied and said he know nothing of the 'whistleblower' and had to recant later when outed.

Biden claimed his son was making 50K from Burisma however the bank records show he was getting $166K a MONTH! Pretty sweet for druggie and someone with absolutely no experience in the energy industry don't you think?

And that is just scraping the surface. The Obama administration corruption is deep and wide. If you can't see that this witch-hunt smells like 5-day old fish, you are NOT a patriot.
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D and R and politicians in general, but, since both Party's keep other Party's at bay with their rules we only get to disagree with the major players-

Profile of the Sociopath
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm.
  • Manipulative and Conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. ...
  • Grandiose Sense of Self. ...
  • Pathological Lying. ...
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. ...
  • Shallow Emotions. ...
  • Incapacity for Love.
  • Need for Stimulation.
Our re presentatives- our *servants* who have absconded with the title of leaders are all of the above- self serving higher educated- most are lawyers with huge ego's- most huge ego's need a spotlight- think entertainers for examples- the problem with the egotistical being *in charge* manifests itself in making ordinary, non-violent people criminals, and patting themselves on the back because the "did something", Liberty be damned.
If Biden can threaten to hold up $1.8 billion in aid to successfully get a prosecutor investigating his son's benefactor fired, then that kind of thing must be okay. There's no constitutional crisis.

You are kidding me right now? Are you a clown or do you provide services? If this you was the current sitting Vice President then you would probably be kicking and screaming while you are watching cnn or mslsd I mean MSNBC

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Just more biased partisan blather that does not change anything

This current witch hunt is nothing more than the establishment Democrats accusing Trump of doing the same corrupt crap they themselves are doing. It's a tried and true neo-marxist tactic. They have been trying to use that tactic for over 2 years now.

Biden threatened to withhold aid until the prosecutor (Shokin) was fired claiming the prosecutor was corrupt then, he got another Biden friendly prosecutor put in his place to parrot the Shokin corruption story Biden made up. It's all there for anyone to see.

Also, the actual transcript of Trump's conversation shows no hint of quit pro quo. The so-called 'whistleblower' had an advisor that worked for James Clapper the leaker and Trump-hater. Also, the 'whistleblower' went to Schiff's staff before going through the proper channels and then did not tell the proper authorities he went to Schiff first. Then, Schiff lied and said he know nothing of the 'whistleblower' and had to recant later when outed.

Biden claimed his son was making 50K from Burisma however the bank records show he was getting $166K a MONTH! Pretty sweet for druggie and someone with absolutely no experience in the energy industry don't you think?

And that is just scraping the surface. The Obama administration corruption is deep and wide. If you can't see that this witch-hunt smells like 5-day old fish, you are NOT a patriot.

I honestly agree

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