Speaker of the House Byron Donalds

Yep, Donalds would be an excellent choice but he's too new and he's the arch enemy of the Democrats. He's a brilliant, Conservative Black man.
Good luck to him. And, I mean it. A Black man in a leadership role in the Republican party? That would be something, no?

The last black guy who served as a chairperson of the RNC - (Steele) - did not have good things to say about the racists in the Republican party.

Let's hope that has since changed.
Hakeem Jeffries.
Now that Jordan is out of the picture who would be a better choice than Donald's ?
I can't think of any

The MAGA Republicans want Donalds. Trump wants Donalds. I want Donalds. Nazicrats are horrified that Donalds will win the nomination

SPEAKER RACE: Multiple Anti-Jordan Republicans Announce Support For Byron Donalds​

Multiple Republicans who refused to vote for House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) have announced their support for his Freedom Caucus colleague, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL). The endorsements could prove crucial if Donalds if additional Jordan holdouts follow suit.

Donalds formally announced his bid for House Speaker on Friday after finding himself in the conversation on multiple occasions. During the House Speaker votes this past January, Donalds notably voted against former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on the third ballot. He was later nominated by McCarthy detractors on following ballots and also received votes during this week’s ballots.

The guy has only been in congress for two years. There is nothing outstanding about his political record. Why the hell would he be a good choice for speaker? Because he represents a district in Florida? Because of his skin color?

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