Speaker of the House Byron Donalds

Link to Hamas even knowing who Hakeem Jeffries is.

And the fascists are on the other side, kiddo. This is well known.
1) you either don’t know much about your guy, or are just defecting

2) haha yeah the small govt Conservatives are the fascist! Haha
1) you either don’t know much about your guy, or are just defecting

2) haha yeah the small govt Conservatives are the fascist! Haha
A. You can't provide any info to back up your comment I must assume you just made it up. It's all good though, your buddies on the right d it all the time so I'm used to it.

B. Fascism isn't about the size of government, it's a control thing. And you guys have it in spades.
The way I look at it considering how the Democrats are lock-step in their agenda to destroy this country eventually good will overcome evil for lack of a better way to put it.
Batshyte crazy beliefs like that only serve to make it more difficult to arrive at the kind of compromise and cooperation between the two parties needed to solve the nation's problems.
Why wasn't Donalds even nominated by the GOP members?
McCarthy said something about it when he was answering a reporter...... about the speaker naming a list of potential replacements who reach a 'certain criteria' which is probably signing non-disclosure agreements promising not to pursue certain issues like 9/11, Jan 6th, NSA spying or generally anything supportive of Donald Trump becoming the next president
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