Speak UP! Now Stop Talking!


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Some people (fortunately few) seem to get all bent out of shape if they ever overhear anyone speaking a language other than English in a grocery store, post office, etc. Sometimes these idiots will overhear a private conversation between two people several feet away (or further) and try to catch my eye in order to 'share' a look of disdain that they assume I would agree with. Needless to say, they do not get the response they are looking for. Sometimes they will harrumph loudly or even make some comment under their breath.

Busy-bodies looking for something to be outraged over.

A few people (fortunately few) who post here regularly seem to exhibit the same bitterness.
Personally I don't give a crap what language people use for personal conversation but I do think and believe that things like ballots etc. should all be be a common national language which is English or at least our version of it anyway.

You don't want people to understand completely what is on any ballot questions?
If it is official, speak English. If you are chit chatting with some other Taco or Rice American speak your little cluck cluck language. No one cares.

However, when you send your little bean burrito to escuela..."he no habla ingles"...that is a problem.
Years ago, I too got upset when I heard people speaking another language, until I learned a little bit of Spanish. Before, I was insecure, and thought they had to be saying bad stuff about me or something I believed strongly about. Sometimes they were, but not nearly as often as I had imagined. I'm ashamed to say I had to learn another language to figure that out.

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