Spare The "switch" Spoil The Child?

of course half of the people in the south would be for corporal punishment.... whipping slaves was a sporting event..

No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.
the bash the democrats card has been played.
who the fuck is "we"?
A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.

... he said, his voice dripping with bigotry.

Seriously, that's incredibly bigoted.
of course half of the people in the south would be for corporal punishment.... whipping slaves was a sporting event..

No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.
the bash the democrats card has been played.
who the fuck is "we"?

You're a BORE....change your fucking tampon and find somebody else to pester. :fu:
of course half of the people in the south would be for corporal punishment.... whipping slaves was a sporting event..

No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.

Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.
Prove me a bigot.
read your posts ! but then again there is no need to, you do an excellent job of proving it all by yourself.

You is one silly sumbitch.

I am Black.

Who do you say I am bigoted against?

Stupidos like you???

being black has fuck all to do with bigotry, that's racism.. who's stupid again..?You Goddamned cocksucker!

You can't go around accusing members in good and long standing of something as

The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event. The word has commonly been used in certain restricted contexts, in the expression 'racial prejudice'. Initially this is referred to making a judgment about a person based on their race, religion, class, etc., before receiving information relevant to the particular issue on which a judgment was being made; it came, however, to be widely used to refer to any hostile attitude towards people based on their race or even by just judging someone without even knowing them. Subsequently the word has come to be widely so interpreted in this way in contexts other than those relating to race. The meaning now is frequently "any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence".[1] Race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and religion have a history of inciting prejudicial behavior.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding state of mind. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

Racism, by its definition, is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. People with racist beliefs might hate certain groups of people according to their racial groups. In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or get preferential treatment. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, even though anybody can be racialised, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnic discriminiation.
They all mean similar, yet different things as you can see.


You ignorant, deluded jerks act as though you know everything but don't know shit.

Just answer my fuckin question.

Who am I bigoted against, ASSHOLE?
asked and answered.

So tell us, are you the only ignoramus, stupid, jerk, asshole, bitch in your immediate family?
Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

I don't have any "problems" Dudley....I've managed to arrange my affairs so those worthless ***** don't affect me....what they've done to YOU should be your concern....they use you like a condom then toss you in the trash every two years.
A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.
I wasn't referring to you and DAWs can stuff it.
of course half of the people in the south would be for corporal punishment.... whipping slaves was a sporting event..

No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.
the bash the democrats card has been played.
who the fuck is "we"?

You're a BORE....change your fucking tampon and find somebody else to pester. :fu:
golly I'm offended! you can't expect to spew the shit you do and not expect to have it thrown back in your face..
someone's a pussy and it ain't me.
read your posts ! but then again there is no need to, you do an excellent job of proving it all by yourself.

You is one silly sumbitch.

I am Black.

Who do you say I am bigoted against?

Stupidos like you???

being black has fuck all to do with bigotry, that's racism.. who's stupid again..?You Goddamned cocksucker!

You can't go around accusing members in good and long standing of something as

The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event. The word has commonly been used in certain restricted contexts, in the expression 'racial prejudice'. Initially this is referred to making a judgment about a person based on their race, religion, class, etc., before receiving information relevant to the particular issue on which a judgment was being made; it came, however, to be widely used to refer to any hostile attitude towards people based on their race or even by just judging someone without even knowing them. Subsequently the word has come to be widely so interpreted in this way in contexts other than those relating to race. The meaning now is frequently "any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence".[1] Race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and religion have a history of inciting prejudicial behavior.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding state of mind. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false or not universally applicable or acceptable.

Racism, by its definition, is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. People with racist beliefs might hate certain groups of people according to their racial groups. In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or get preferential treatment. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, even though anybody can be racialised, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnic discriminiation.
They all mean similar, yet different things as you can see.


You ignorant, deluded jerks act as though you know everything but don't know shit.

Just answer my fuckin question.

Who am I bigoted against, ASSHOLE?
asked and answered.

So tell us, are you the only ignoramus, stupid, jerk, asshole, bitch in your immediate family?
back at ya!
Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

I don't have any "problems" Dudley....I've managed to arrange my affairs so those worthless ***** don't affect me....what they've done to YOU should be your concern....they use you like a condom then toss you in the trash every two years.
bullshit.. if that were so then you wouldn't be bitching as much as you do.
of course half of the people in the south would be for corporal punishment.... whipping slaves was a sporting event..

No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.

Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

"The Palestinian."

Picking up the criticisms originally directed at you and lobbing them back at those who first fired them.
A black buddy of mine from the Navy was the biggest racist towards blacks I was ever around.

May be so.

But Daws called me a bigot.

Now he can't prove it when called upon to do so!

He's a lying, son of a bitch, Liberal, egg sucking dog, blue bellied bitch of an asshole.
I wasn't referring to you and DAWs can stuff it.
not directly you weren't.. but it begs the question, why did you need to post it ?
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of course half of the people in the south would be for corporal punishment.... whipping slaves was a sporting event..

No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.

Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

"The Palestinian."

Picking up the criticisms originally directed at you and lobbing them back at those who first fired them.
just said that in post #90
No, whipping slaves was a very private event....usually in a barn or shed. There were instances where a whipping was viewed by other slaves to keep them in line. Personally, I'd have no problem with bringing that back for the "knockout game" fans.....give them a taste of the lash or the works in Singapore....why not here? :whip:

The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.
the bash the democrats card has been played.
who the fuck is "we"?

You're a BORE....change your fucking tampon and find somebody else to pester. :fu:
golly I'm offended! you can't expect to spew the shit you do and not expect to have it thrown back in your face..
someone's a pussy and it ain't me.

All show and no go.
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.
The racist ignorance of some on this board is just almost more than I can believe.

Beating babies, beating blacks, beating women -

There's just no end to it.

How do people like this get to be so completely screwed up?

Poor Dudley...the world is so cruel yet somehow we find a way to enjoy life despite it's might think about the solutions that are being presented to you by the Obama/Clinton/Pelosi crowd and decide how well they've worked.
the bash the democrats card has been played.
who the fuck is "we"?

You're a BORE....change your fucking tampon and find somebody else to pester. :fu:
golly I'm offended! you can't expect to spew the shit you do and not expect to have it thrown back in your face..
someone's a pussy and it ain't me.

All show and no go.
that's what you call a paper tiger.
Quit being a typical RW victim.

Don't blame Obama, Clinton and/or Pelosi for your problems.

Take responsibility for what you say and do.

I don't have any "problems" Dudley....I've managed to arrange my affairs so those worthless ***** don't affect me....what they've done to YOU should be your concern....they use you like a condom then toss you in the trash every two years.
bullshit.. if that were so then you wouldn't be bitching as much as you do.

That's not even stupid logic.

Its not logic at all.

That's nonsense!
the switch was a standard feature at our house as was my mom's FAVORITE the brush or extension cord.
my dads best back up was a embossed western style belt.
it left cowboy hats and cactus imprints for days afterwards.
There's no reason for hitting a kid as punishment. No slapping, spanking, nothing. You don't teach small people to become peaceful, caring adults by hitting them.

Exactly true.

Never, no way, no how.

And, its horrifying that some are talking about the vicious beating of a 4yo baby, with a tree limb, as though its "discipline".

The perpetrator of such a beating should never again be allowed near that child or any other.

Tree limb???!!!

Most ridiculously funny image you can ever conjur!

It's a switch. A supple, green, young tree branch.
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