The Obama administration pushed through the $800 billion economic stimulus bill last month because it said the measure would save or create 3.5 million jobs including 16,000 in New Hampshire.
But a looming decision by Obamas Defense Department could make saving some of those jobs harder.
Over the last several weeks, Lockheed Martin has been involved in a massive advertising campaign designed to focus attention on the thousands of jobs associated with the production of the F-22 fighter jet. Nationwide, the F-22 line employs 95,000 workers at 1,000 companies in 44 states.
NH’s 7,000 F-22 Jobs Still at Risk : Now! Hampshire
In a time where the economy is in terrible shape and our defense is stretched to it's limits, now comes this. We pass Stimulus bills all in the name of stimulating employment and we have all seen how well that worked. We see political figures on a daily basis democrat and republican get up there and wax poetic about JOBS JOBS JOBS and then when the time comes to actually save them and actually provide for the defense needs of this nation what do they do? They strike it from the Defense Appropriations bill with McCain/Levin Amendment. I am frankly disgusted with those that represent this nation and their overall neglect of those that they represent , democrat and republican allke. The F-22 could have easily been kept a vital part of this nations defense industry had congress made the decision to just lift the ban on export to those friendly nations that had shown an interest and the cost to the taxpayer would have been next to nothing. However, in their haste to kill the F-22 the Senate has shown that they care little for the defense of this nation nor do they care for jobs. So spare me the talk of we need strong Unions, because you just killed 95,00o Union Jobs, spare me the talk on critical defense jobs, because you just killed them. and spare me the talk on how much you care about jobs because next election you won't have one.
But a looming decision by Obamas Defense Department could make saving some of those jobs harder.
Over the last several weeks, Lockheed Martin has been involved in a massive advertising campaign designed to focus attention on the thousands of jobs associated with the production of the F-22 fighter jet. Nationwide, the F-22 line employs 95,000 workers at 1,000 companies in 44 states.
NH’s 7,000 F-22 Jobs Still at Risk : Now! Hampshire
In a time where the economy is in terrible shape and our defense is stretched to it's limits, now comes this. We pass Stimulus bills all in the name of stimulating employment and we have all seen how well that worked. We see political figures on a daily basis democrat and republican get up there and wax poetic about JOBS JOBS JOBS and then when the time comes to actually save them and actually provide for the defense needs of this nation what do they do? They strike it from the Defense Appropriations bill with McCain/Levin Amendment. I am frankly disgusted with those that represent this nation and their overall neglect of those that they represent , democrat and republican allke. The F-22 could have easily been kept a vital part of this nations defense industry had congress made the decision to just lift the ban on export to those friendly nations that had shown an interest and the cost to the taxpayer would have been next to nothing. However, in their haste to kill the F-22 the Senate has shown that they care little for the defense of this nation nor do they care for jobs. So spare me the talk of we need strong Unions, because you just killed 95,00o Union Jobs, spare me the talk on critical defense jobs, because you just killed them. and spare me the talk on how much you care about jobs because next election you won't have one.