Space / time . I want to quote


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Just heard this from a Princeton professor

Energy and matter tells space and time how to be shaped

. How Space / time is shaped tells matter how to move in space / time

Just heard this from a Princeton professor

At Princeton? Or on YouTube?

Energy and matter tells space and time how to be shaped

At a certain level that is true. It doesn't account for quantum fluctuations, though.

. How Space / time is shaped tells matter how to move in space / time

In a probabilistic kind of way.

You can predict the probabilities if you know all the possible paths the energy can take.


Matter and energy are the same in different forms.
Space and time are related.

No space or time or matter or energy existed prior to the Big Bang.

So where did it all come from?

It wasn’t the Big Bang so much as the big contradiction. Somethings from nothing — but without causation.
No space or time or matter or energy existed prior to the Big Bang.

Pure speculation.

So where did it all come from?

It wasn’t the Big Bang so much as the big contradiction. Somethings from nothing — but without causation.

We do not yet know the meaning of the word "causation".

And, there doesn't appear to be any such thing as "nothing".
Just heard this from a Princeton professor

Energy and matter tells space and time how to be shaped

. How Space / time is shaped tells matter how to move in space / time


You have missed out Hyper Space which lies around Materium , our four dimensional bubble, within goodness knows how many dimensions of Universe .

BTW, Matter is not involved in any way in shaping energy . Precisely the opposite in simple terms .
...No space or time or matter or energy existed prior to the Big Bang...
We don't know that. In fact, there was no "prior" to the Big Bang because there was no "time before time". It is possible that something may have logically preceded the big bang but there's no way of observing it, it's all conjecture and imagination.

Go ahead if u want but it's yours alone.
So where did it all come from?

It wasn’t the Big Bang so much as the big contradiction. Somethings from nothing — but without causation.
there was no reality preceding something where "before" did not exist, so causality is not relavant nor useful in our understanding. The way I handle it is simply to accept that it IS and whatever caused that "IS" turns out to be something I like because I see it as good.

My experiences is that this kind of reasoning serves well.
You have missed out Hyper Space which lies around Materium , our four dimensional bubble, within goodness knows how many dimensions of Universe...
If we can't observe it then it's neither relevant nor useful.

BTW, Matter is not involved in any way in shaping energy . Precisely the opposite in simple
The more we look at it the more messy it gets.

Matter is made up of molecules made up of atoms made up of particles and the overwhelming majority of measurable mass of an atom is in fact the energy within each particle --leaving the rest mass of the particles as being infinitesimal.

At the same time energy cannot be observed except as it interacts w/ matter. If something cannot be observed it loses the quality of existence.
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Just heard this from a Princeton professor

Energy and matter tells space and time how to be shaped

. How Space / time is shaped tells matter how to move in space / time


We can define any co-ordinate system ... and this gives us any shape we want ... this "four dimensional non-Euclidian space" just makes the math easier ... it may represent reality, but then again, it may not ... it's just math ...
Just heard this from a Princeton professor

Energy and matter tells space and time how to be shaped

. How Space / time is shaped tells matter how to move in space / time

Space time is racist

Let me splain.

Space/time has caused global warming, and as well are all told by the Left, thus global warming is racist.

This is what is being taught in colleges all around the world I think.
Space time is racist

Let me splain.

Space/time has caused global warming, and as well are all told by the Left, thus global warming is racist.

This is what is being taught in colleges all around the world I think.

It's better modeled as poverty ... and the middle classes aren't paying enough taxes ...
Because of our limited existence, we have a limited vocabulary. Our minds cannot function without the necessary verbiage and that is at least part of the problem with discussions at this level. "Before" the big bang is impossible for us to escape thinking about even though the "big bang" itself is more or less a metaphor put in place to demark a beginning we think we observe. What is even more difficult is for humans to contemplate no antecedent.
Pure speculation.
I don’t think that’s true. But it’s a notion I can’t wrap my mind around.
We do not yet know the meaning of the word "causation".
Of course we do. An event leads to the production of some ensuing event.
And, there doesn't appear to be any such thing as "nothing".
Again, just because you and I can’t comprehend it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. However, that said, if we posit a big bang coming from nothing, then I’m still wondering where it put all the stuff that got created? And where did it come from in the first place?

Physicists might have math that describes all of this. And the math may even check out. But I don’t understand it one bit better than believing in the existence of the Creator and then wondering where He came from.
In the beginning there was absolutely nothing. Then something happened to nothing which caused it to become something. That something became everything.
Tell me another one.
You have missed out Hyper Space which lies around Materium , our four dimensional bubble, within goodness knows how many dimensions of Universe .

BTW, Matter is not involved in any way in shaping energy . Precisely the opposite in simple terms .
“Matter is not involved in any way in shaping energy.”

You sound sure of that. But I think you’re wrong despite your apparent certainty. Instead, it is energy that creates matter and that process can go both ways.

More significantly, matter has been scientifically shown to impact energy. That is, because of the relationship between matter and gravity, energy can be affected by matter. Just think of how long it takes a photo formed inside our Sun to even get to the surface because of the massive gravity. Or think of how light can’t escape a black hole.
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I don’t think that’s true. But it’s a notion I can’t wrap my mind around.

The Big Bang is posited to be a concentration of energy. Some people say it was a singularity. Beyond that we don't know much.

Of course we do. An event leads to the production of some ensuing event.

If you have two events A and B, how can you tell if one causes the other?

Again, just because you and I can’t comprehend it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. However, that said, if we posit a big bang coming from nothing, then I’m still wondering where it put all the stuff that got created? And where did it come from in the first place?

Supposedly it came from an "instability". A quantum fluctuation.

Physicists might have math that describes all of this. And the math may even check out. But I don’t understand it one bit better than believing in the existence of the Creator and then wondering where He came from.

Start simple. Why is time different from the other dimensions? How come there's an "arrow" of time? The quantum equations are time-reversible, how come we don't see that in real life?

Here's an interesting one: an observer traveling at the speed of light "sees" more quantum fluctuations than one standing still. In the same time and place where the one standing still perceives a vacuum at 0 degrees Kelvin, the traveler sees a heat bath.

The short story with this stuff is a set of eigensolutions of the probability density matrices, which trace out paths on a torus.

Many mysteries remaining to be appreciated and solved.
The Big Bang is posited to be a concentration of energy.
Ok. Where the fuck did it come from?
Some people say it was a singularity.
Some people don’t seem to know what a singularity is. But the thing about a singularity is that it requires lots and lots of mass and energy. So how does a big bang (which creates all matter and energy) start with something that hasn’t been created yet?
Beyond that we don't know much.
My friend. We don’t “know” even that.
If you have two events A and B, how can you tell if one causes the other?
Usually when you can’t have one without the pre-existence of the other. Sex between the male and the female can cause a baby. The existence of the baby doesn’t cause either parent to exist.
Supposedly it came from an "instability". A quantum fluctuation.
I’ve read that. It sounds all mathy. Theoretical stuff. But here’s the thing. A quantum theory isn’t a thing. It’s more of an idea. But if there is some fluctuation in some “thing” known as a “quantum,” then the quantum also has to already exist.

See the problem?
Start simple. Why is time different from the other dimensions?
Why is anything different than any other thing?
How come there's an "arrow" of time?
If you’re asking why it moves only forward, I don’t have the first fuzziest clue.
The quantum equations are time-reversible, how come we don't see that in real life?
Who says they are time reversible?
Here's an interesting one: an observer traveling at the speed of light "sees" more quantum fluctuations than one standing still. In the same time and place where the one standing still perceives a vacuum at 0 degrees Kelvin, the traveler sees a heat bath.
I have no idea why or if that’s true.
The short story with this stuff is a set of eigensolutions of the probability density matrices, which trace out paths on a torus.
Lol. Sure. But the short story doesn’t provide any answers at all.
Many mysteries remaining to be appreciated and solved.
I’ll say. But that only brings me back to my earlier questions. How does absolutely nothing at all “cause” everything to come into existence?
I’ll say. But that only brings me back to my earlier questions. How does absolutely nothing at all “cause” everything to come into existence?
I already told you.

There's no such thing as "nothing".

You're stuck in linear thinking.

"Causality" is a linear concept. It's defined in terms of conditional expectations. Check "Granger causality".

What you're asking about, is explained by something called "partitions of zero" (or sometimes, partitions of the origin).

Ultimately this train of thought boils down to a question of what constitutes "the system", and the answer is, nothing exists in isolation. In real life there's no such thing as a closed system.

So yeah, maybe there was something "before", but maybe not. Maybe time is compactified and the end joins the beginning like a circle. There are viewpoints that say time doesn't exist "at all", it's just an artifact.
Everything is connected or related. Water cycle. Climate cycle. Actually you & I drink the same water, breathe the same air & feel the same sun. Everything is co-dependent on everything else.

Examples :
Kinetic energy = 1/2 + mass + speed^2
Mass = weight / gravitational acceleration
Time = distance / speed

But...without observers & tools , everything is meaningless. If no more human beings on this blue planet, what's the point of the above equations? :)

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