south carolina is a joke.

why are you going on about feminist leaders?

why are you discussing men who are not running for office? why not focus on the men who will make the future not men who made the past?

Why won't I deflect from the fact that the Left is the biggest bunch of hypocrites to walk the planet? Because that's where attention needs to be focused.
seems to me that voters of sc have proven different lol....seems the right has just as many

a woman who votes for newt is a fool......imo

i mean really when your wife gets sick you just toss her over for a younger model?

You dont think characterizing a woman as a whore is anti-feminist?

lets see i called him a whore monger which he is.....i called the women who had affairs with him...whores which they are.......i dont see that as anti feminist ....i see it as speaking the truth.....

I suspect feminists would have a problem with htis. Except of course if we were talking about a Republican. Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy can rape women and still have support from the feminist leaders. They are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet.
I wouldn't call them whores, I'd call them adulterers. This would include Lewinsky and Mary Jo.

Whore is too nice.
seems to me that voters of sc have proven different lol....seems the right has just as many

a woman who votes for newt is a fool......imo

i mean really when your wife gets sick you just toss her over for a younger model?


I highly doubt that that is an accurate and fair description of what really happened.

Gingriches daughters and first wife do not recall him doing as has been so often repeated (including myself until I looked into the facts of the matter) and instead say that he ws simply there to see his wife and the divorce had been discussed long before that.

Isnt this a fairly common story? Man has affair cheating on first wife, marries the mistress, and then later leaves her as the nature of their relationship has fundamentally changed from illicit and spicey to a mix of boring and OMG she actually does that?

That second marriages end in failure when adultery was the basis for the initial relationship is fairly common place.

Anyway, I suspect that more of the truth dwells in Gingriches account of events while she has a lot of selective memory generated by the pain of rejection of an ex-wife.

BTW, Gingrich is not my first choice, Dr Paul is, but I can live with Newt, or even Obama.

I cant abide the thought of a man like Romney in the White House.

If you want to talk about real whores you couldnt start that topic with a better case then him.
anti feminism? o do explain how speaking the truth is anti feminism?

You dont think characterizing a woman as a whore is anti-feminist?

lets see i called him a whore monger which he is.....i called the women who had affairs with him...whores which they are.......i dont see that as anti feminist ....i see it as speaking the truth.....

You are fucking moron. I take that back. Calling you a moron is an insult to morons.

I'm just speaking the truth, so you shouldn't be offended.
SC is a joke. Also Newt has the highest percentages from married couples and the Religious. What that say about the morals and values of the folks in SC. Is it no wonder that a lot of people don't take religion seriously and more? Or at least those that claim to religious. Don't pick the most honorable Christian that's been married to the same woman for 55 years. Yea let's boo him for following the Golden Rule. Pathetic. The majority in this country are bat shit crazy. I need zombie repellant

You know what? I love Dr. Paul. I think for the most part he makes fabulous sense. It's people like you who turn the rest of us off.

I'm still trying to determine if you are doing this on purpose to hurt him. I watched this bullshit before where so called Paulites hit every board and frankly you were an embarrasment to a very good man.

If you are doing it again you should be ashamed of yourselves. Truly.

u fucking joking? Ive been on USMB since before i supported ron paul and it is the only politics board i visit. fuck you.
SC is a joke. Also Newt has the highest percentages from married couples and the Religious. What that say about the morals and values of the folks in SC. Is it no wonder that a lot of people don't take religion seriously and more? Or at least those that claim to religious. Don't pick the most honorable Christian that's been married to the same woman for 55 years. Yea let's boo him for following the Golden Rule. Pathetic. The majority in this country are bat shit crazy. I need zombie repellant

You know what? I love Dr. Paul. I think for the most part he makes fabulous sense. It's people like you who turn the rest of us off.

I'm still trying to determine if you are doing this on purpose to hurt him. I watched this bullshit before where so called Paulites hit every board and frankly you were an embarrasment to a very good man.

If you are doing it again you should be ashamed of yourselves. Truly.

u fucking joking? Ive been on USMB since before i supported ron paul and it is the only politics board i visit. fuck you.

I suspect you just demonstrated what she is refering to.

And you just dont get it.
SC is a joke. Also Newt has the highest percentages from married couples and the Religious. What that say about the morals and values of the folks in SC. Is it no wonder that a lot of people don't take religion seriously and more? Or at least those that claim to religious. Don't pick the most honorable Christian that's been married to the same woman for 55 years. Yea let's boo him for following the Golden Rule. Pathetic. The majority in this country are bat shit crazy. I need zombie repellant

Comical you should speak of values in this country.

SC is a joke. Also Newt has the highest percentages from married couples and the Religious. What that say about the morals and values of the folks in SC. Is it no wonder that a lot of people don't take religion seriously and more? Or at least those that claim to religious. Don't pick the most honorable Christian that's been married to the same woman for 55 years. Yea let's boo him for following the Golden Rule. Pathetic. The majority in this country are bat shit crazy. I need zombie repellant

No,, what you need is a grizzly bear. And, SC knows that.
Listening to Ron Paul's speech, it was verbatim every speech he has ever given, it was the answer to every debate question. He has a script so well memorized that he doesn't deviate from it by more than a few words.

How do you propose to win? How do you propose to implement your policies? There is no plan. He's a befuddled old man.
i dont think calling a woman who fucked another women's husband for how many years? (6) or so....what would you call her?

Liberated? Unfulfilled? None of your fucking business?

so what the candidate for president does and his morals are no longer any of the voters business?

Well, they certainly weren't when Clinton was fucking his intern. could you be any more of a hypocrite?? try whydonchya?
anti feminism? o do explain how speaking the truth is anti feminism?

You dont think characterizing a woman as a whore is anti-feminist?

lets see i called him a whore monger which he is.....i called the women who had affairs with him...whores which they are.......i dont see that as anti feminist ....i see it as speaking the truth.....

I see it as very extreme. Neither you nor I know those women on a personal level. Why can't people just stay focused on the candidate? The women aren't running for office.
Not from me...I have no such illusions.

But if things keep going the way they are, the Paul delegates are going to have a shitload of sway at the RNC this summer, much to the consternation of the neocon establishment elites....Like Gingrich, Romeny and Santorum.

Only if they decide to take their ball and go home.
A 3rd party will ensure an Obama victory..... we cant afford that man!
That's not how the process works.

I Dr. Paul gathers enough delegates, he will have a lot of bargaining power over the platform committee and with the potential nominee who wants those delegates.

This hasn't been about winning the nomination from day one.

OK at this early stage, 72 delegates are committed. Paul has 4. Santorum leads him by 3.5:1 Gingrich by better than 5:1 and Romney by just over 8:1.
It is not likely that Paul's campaign will gather any steam in Florida and the rest of the states will just accept him as the crotchety old guy with a few great ideas, who would be really terrifying as President.
His bargaining power will be negligible at the convention, but I do see his value in the debates. Some of his positions are sound and people will demand whoever does win the nomination work towards implementing them.

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