South Africa Today Under Black Rule

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
South Africa becomes another African basket case after turning the country over to "democracy"

Soon? They are pretty much there already.

Western foreign investment in the region decreased by 16% by 2020 but the Chi-Coms are taking a interest..
Yep. SOMEBODY'S gonna rule Africa. If it isn't whites, China or Muslims will. It certainly won't be blacks
I'd love to see Africa go to familes like this one to rule over the continent.
It's not because blacks run the country. It's because LEFTISTS run the country.

If they were anarcho-capitalists rather than global collectivists the country would be one of the most prosperous and liberal nations on the continent.

The problem is, much as it is here, that bolshevik agents infiltrated and indoctrinated key people decades ago, and the disease of marxism spread like EBOLA holding DNA strands with HIV. SA is a shithole that has been in serious decline since that communist sociopath Mandela was released from prison just like Rhodesia is almost uninhabitable thanks to Mugabee.

There used to be a theme about The US Marines....

"If it has to be destroyed overnight, send in the USMC".

When it comes to destroying a country, or even the entire earth itself over an extended period of time, entrust despotic marxist parasites and pray intergalactic aliens either wipe out the planet or the globalist elite. We have a chance with the aliens, with the elites humanity will turn the planet into an ant colony and the sun will burn us out in just a few millennia.

It's not because blacks run the country. It's because LEFTISTS run the country.

If they were anarcho-capitalists rather than global collectivists the country would be one of the most prosperous and liberal nations on the continent.

The problem is, much as it is here, that bolshevik agents infiltrated and indoctrinated key people decades ago, and the disease of marxism spread like EBOLA holding DNA strands with HIV. SA is a shithole that has been in serious decline since that communist sociopath Mandela was released from prison just like Rhodesia is almost uninhabitable thanks to Mugabee.

There used to be a theme about The US Marines....

"If it has to be destroyed overnight, send in the USMC".

When it comes to destroying a country, or even the entire earth itself over an extended period of time, entrust despotic marxist parasites and pray intergalactic aliens either wipe out the planet or the globalist elite. We have a chance with the aliens, with the elites humanity will turn the planet into an ant colony and the sun will burn us out in just a few millennia.

What African country has shown any sign of success?

Or Caribbean for that matter?
What African country has shown any sign of success?

Or Caribbean for that matter?
I won't dispute your premise. I will dispute the fundamental of the argument. It's not because the people running the governments are black, it's because they're trying to appease leftists, they're trying to govern as leftists or they're actually governing as corrupt leftists. There isn't a single government on earth that is trying to be anarcho-capitalist libertarian nationalists.

Asians are supposed to be the smartest fuckin people on earth. Most of them exist under despotic rule.

Caucasian whites that believe we're the "master race" are the weakest, dumbest, laziest fuckin people I've ever seen. If the rest of the world's "races" are "inferior" there should only be about a billion of us colonizing the entire earth at this point but alas.. We're being over run by marxist inferior primates? Is that the "jews" fault? I don't buy that steaming bullshit. I reject the concept of "race" in general. We are a single human race. Endowed by Our Creator with certain inalienable rights, such as Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It was probably thousands of years before the mental illness disease of marxism was born that there were concepts of "collectivism" that appealed to "people" who wanted to do as little as possible and continue to exist at the expense of the toil other people performed. Sure... There were people who worked hard to make that vision a reality, but the harder they worked, the less the bed wetters did and those societies collapsed.

It happens everytime an empire is born and the reason every empire in history collapsed.

If they were anarcho-capitalists rather than global collectivists the country would be one of the most prosperous and liberal nations on the continent.
I doubt that the people in control even know what those terms mean. It will take many more centuries to overcome thousands of years of tribalism.
A super serious topic.

Should be discussed carefully and civilly.

Some Americans are concerned that when Caucasian Americans are eventually a tiny minority and when the nation is run mostly by African Americans and Hispanic Americans, the nation will become a failed state.


Well, people point out that in many American cities that are currently run mostly by African American or Hispanic American politicians, the rate of corruption and disorganization and violence is quite high.

To be blunt (but gentle), it appears that some ethnicities lack the knack of efficient governance.

Oh, yes, many Caucasian politicians are no model of excellence in governance, either, but in life, everything is RELATIVE.
A super serious topic.

Should be discussed carefully and civilly.

Some Americans are concerned that when Caucasian Americans are eventually a tiny minority and when the nation is run mostly by African Americans and Hispanic Americans, the nation will become a failed state.


Well, people point out that in many American cities that are currently run mostly by African American or Hispanic American politicians, the rate of corruption and disorganization and violence is quite high.

To be blunt (but gentle), it appears that some ethnicities lack the knack of efficient governance.

Oh, yes, many Caucasian politicians are no model of excellence in governance, either, but in life, everything is RELATIVE.
Carefully and civilly? I generally ignore leftists anyway.

The white population of earth is on the decline, but populations everywhere are in decline when they achieve a certain level of modernization.

Take China for instance. Not only did they stomp on their own dicks embracing marxism, they adopted a single child policy and they're now realizing that the ratio of 1 productive person (or less) having to support 2 retired persons plus themselves is unsustainable.

The powers that rule the US above the electoral process understood it decades ago and that's why they're keeping the border open, rather than encourage current citizens to have 3 or more children. One can make the argument that certain cultures have a more difficult time governing with the values that most of western white people embrace, but they have never been immersed within a school of thought that promoted individual rights above the will of a state, free markets and efficient honorable public service.

In my perspective it has been the unique experience of the US where the concept of honorable public service was realized. Perhaps it was also in Britain for some time, until the marxists infiltrated and collapsed their empire. I'm no seer, but I remain optimistic that libertarian philosophy can prevail, because it sells itself, collectivist tyranny has to be manifested with force and it always fails.



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