South Africa to redistribute white's land

This is the normal process of revolution. The wealth is redistributed to the population and everyone begins again.

It's one of the more basic tenets of human history.
That sounds beautiful in a class lecture but the reality is the whole country will be brought down, not just the whites,
Zimbabwe is the model though it wont be as extreme because they dont have a Mugabe.

If the Black Leadership was wise they would do what is best for the country as a whole. In the end more black people will suffer than was necessary. This was not really a Revolution. This was a Newer generation in the dominant white society who decided it was time to share the power. Of course there was pressure from sanctions but the Black opposition was not innocent either. Mandela was guilty of having people murdered with gasoline filled tires around their neck.

The new South Africa was supposed to be a time for all sides to step back and start over. I think humans are not really capable of that though. I sure hope you don't celebrate the demise of another society

Tiring having to go over basic history again and again.

This is how human populations have behaved for all of human history. I know reading and learning, you know, facts are contrary to the conservative world view but that is how you actually discern fact from Alex Jones batshittery which is what many who post here swim in.
This is not a problem. Marry a black girl, and put your land in her name. She will like it and like you, because her land will then be much bigger than the other losers that got theirs only after division and distribution.
South Africa has not made the progress it should have since freedom.Mainly because whitey still owns everything. A change is needed.
Just as Mugabe did in Zimbabwe, it's happening in South Africa.

South Africa’s parliament has approved a bill that would see the government make compulsory land purchases from rich whites and redistribute it more fairly to address racial disparities, two decades after the fall of apartheid.

S. Africa bill to redistribute whites’ land to blacks risks leaving people homeless
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.
This is the normal process of revolution. The wealth is redistributed to the population and everyone begins again.

It's one of the more basic tenets of human history.
And then they starve and blame whitey........oh and say you owe us

Well, this is a choice for every one of us living on this planet; Do you wanna be a well fed slave or a hungry free man?

I guess we know which one you would have picked...
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.:Boom2:
"South Africa to redistribute white's land"

And where did the "white" take that land from?
Grocery store?:lmao:

Can we give your house to an Indian tribe? I imagine it was their land long before yours.
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.:flameth::fu:
This is the normal process of revolution. The wealth is redistributed to the population and everyone begins again.

It's one of the more basic tenets of human history.
And then they starve and blame whitey........oh and say you owe us
You Are Only Part Human It Is Why You Cannot See The Wrong Within,only real humans Can See,Not Beastly people,get it CHIMP.
"South Africa to redistribute white's land"

And where did the "white" take that land from?
Grocery store?:lmao:

Can we give your house to an Indian tribe? I imagine it was their land long before yours.
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.:flameth::fu:
It happened in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and it is still happening there. Then, they have famine across the country because of "mismanagement" of land, i.e. not cultivating it.
South Africa has not made the progress it should have since freedom.Mainly because whitey still owns everything. A change is needed.

Mass starvation is a change. So is increased poverty.

Death. Mass Death is a change.

Though it probably won't be as bad as Zimbabwe.

This is the normal process of revolution. The wealth is redistributed to the population and everyone begins again.

It's one of the more basic tenets of human history.


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"South Africa to redistribute white's land"

And where did the "white" take that land from?
Grocery store?:lmao:

Can we give your house to an Indian tribe? I imagine it was their land long before yours.
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.:flameth::fu:
It happened in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and it is still happening there. Then, they have famine across the country because of "mismanagement" of land, i.e. not cultivating it.
Yes,mismanagement,comes from infiltration of the europeans or caucasians.he movement through or into an area or territory occupied by friendly to disrupt civilization.which did occur.
think that there is already starvation in Sud Africa . Anyway , the smart guys are in Orania .--- Inside South Africa's whites-only town of Orania - BBC News --- It all fine until its taken from them .
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.:Boom2:
------------------------------------------- yeah , you are a rookie and thats for sure as you are unwise in the way of the world . Anyway , Orania sure looks nice ehh . The rest of s. africa is falling down and starving but Orania is doing fine GT , why do you think that is GT1085 ??
think that there is already starvation in Sud Africa . Anyway , the smart guys are in Orania .--- Inside South Africa's whites-only town of Orania - BBC News --- It all fine until its taken from them .
That land belongs to No White "so-called"That land was stolen,the people on it killed by British whites.all white infidels,Should Be Thrown Out On Their Got Dam Heads.:Boom2:
------------------------------------------- yeah , you are a rookie and thats for sure as you are unwise in the way of the world . Anyway , Orania sure looks nice ehh . The rest of s. africa is falling down and starving but Orania is doing fine GT , why do you think that is GT1085 ??
You Sound Like Your Smart Enough To Know,It IS Because They Were Invaded upon by european Infiltrator Salvages,You Know The Store Well.

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