Sorry, Despite Gun-Control Advocates' Claims, U.S. Isn't The Worst Country For Mass Shootings

The gun control cult says the U.S. is has the worst record on mass shootings of any country. It turns out that claim is pure bullshit. Notice that most of these countries have strong gun control laws:

Sorry, Despite Gun-Control Advocates' Claims, U.S. Isn't The Worst Country For Mass Shootings | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

So who's tops? Surprisingly, Norway is, with an outlier mass shooting death rate of 1.888 per million (high no doubt because of the rifle assault by political extremist Anders Brevik that claimed 77 lives in 2011). No. 2 is Serbia, at just 0.381, followed by France at 0.347, Macedonia at 0.337, and Albania at 0.206. Slovakia, Finland, Belgium, and Czech Republic all follow. Then comes the U.S., at No. 11, with a death rate of 0.089.

That's not all. There were also 27% more casualties from 2009 to 2015 per mass shooting incident in the European Union than in the U.S.

"There were 16 cases where at least 15 people were killed," the study said. "Out of those cases, four were in the United States, two in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom."

"But the U.S. has a population four times greater than Germany's and five times the U.K.'s, so on a per-capita basis the U.S. ranks low in comparison — actually, those two countries would have had a frequency of attacks 1.96 (Germany) and 2.46 (UK) times higher."

The Leftist Anti-Gun Fanatics do not read links, do not read articles they only read things from Inside The Leftist Echo Chamber ie. The Huffington Post and other Moonbat sources etc.

From the linked article from Investors Business Daily ie. A Non-Moonbat Source:


^^^^ What you have there is that in the majority of these mass shooting situations the perpetrator was already KNOWN to be a risk to the public, was already KNOWN to the authorities to have mental health issues and in ALL cases the authorities ignored ALL the warning signs and either deliberately dropped the ball or did not give a shit because there is no logical reason why the authorities should NOT have removed the perpetrators from general society a general society that they knew were at great risk from the known perpetrators.

Leftists do NOT want to discuss these issues because they do NOT fit the Leftist Narrative which is basically BAN GUNS BAN GUNS BAN GUNS BAN GUNS.

The studies all show that removing guns from a population does NOT prevent criminals from getting guns, all removing guns from a population does is remove a persons ability to be able to defend themselves, their family, their property and also to produce a thriving Black Market for guns.

Banning something is never the solution to a problem. EG. In America Prohibition was a disaster, all banning alcohol did was produce Speak Easy's and a thriving Black Market for the production and distribution of alcohol aka Boot Legging. During Prohibition there was more illegal alcohol in circulation than there was legal alcohol in circulation Pre-Prohibition.
Nobody says ban guns in general, dupe. Those horrible communist LOL sites are basically fact-checkers of your ridiculous right wing propaganda machine that is Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc in the US. Total garbage that makes GOP voters all conspiracy nut jobs.

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