Sorry About Those Jobs


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Sorry About Those Jobs
23 Dec 2022 ~~ By JOHN HINDERAKER

Joe Biden’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over a million jobs were created in the second quarter, a heartening statistic that no doubt helped the Democrats in November. But now, the Philadelphia Federal Reserve says that those million jobs were almost entirely fictitious:
The Biden administration vastly overstated its estimate that employers created more than 1 million jobs in the second quarter of this year, claiming historic job growth when in fact hiring had stalled, according to a new estimate.​
Job growth was “essentially flat” in the second quarter with only 10,500 jobs added, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia said.​
Could the Bureau of Labor Statistics be a politicized agency, faking numbers to help the Democratic Party? Twenty years ago I wouldn’t have believed it, but given what we know about the FBI and the CIA, it is easy to believe that the BLS, which I suspect is staffed overwhelmingly by Democrats, may be corruptible. Republicans are not amused by today’s news:
One of the problems with perverting the federal bureaucracy, as the Democrats have done, is that pretty much everyone loses faith in the integrity of government. At this point, there is no reason to assume that government numbers are accurate and unfudged. We have been lied to, too many times.
It is sad, but that is where we find ourselves. Trust has been destroyed.

It looks like everything Maoist Democrats politicians touch becomes corrupted.
Was it the employees of the BLS that made a mistake, or Biden's appointee fudging te numbers?
Really? Off by 989,500 jobs,
Imagine as a citizen filing your federal tax return. Try “Sorry, I made a mistake” with the IRS and see what happens.
What is perhaps so odd, is the Federal Reserve trusted these bogus numbers as being real as part of their setting rate policy. If all the instrumentation is a lie, then we’re driving a ship thru a fog with no idea where the rocks are.
With all the latest revelations about the corrupt FBI and CIA, we can no longer trust a single federal agency.
Maoist/DSA Red Guard Democrats are completely in control of the executive branch and most of the Congressional branch. Luckily the judicial branch is still somewhat objective.
The average citizen can no longer trust a word that comes out of the White House. We can;t believe a word that comes out of any Department CDC, FBI, CIA, DoJ, etc. Don't believe a word with any of the Quisling MSM and certainly don't believe the internet. When you hear information that the numbers were fudged for jobs you feel vindicated in the fact that you do not believe anything anymore. Do not believe Congress do not believe Senate. Will Republicans coming in the first of the year be any different?
Sorry About Those Jobs
23 Dec 2022 ~~ By JOHN HINDERAKER

Joe Biden’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over a million jobs were created in the second quarter, a heartening statistic that no doubt helped the Democrats in November. But now, the Philadelphia Federal Reserve says that those million jobs were almost entirely fictitious:
The Biden administration vastly overstated its estimate that employers created more than 1 million jobs in the second quarter of this year, claiming historic job growth when in fact hiring had stalled, according to a new estimate.​
Job growth was “essentially flat” in the second quarter with only 10,500 jobs added, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia said.​
Could the Bureau of Labor Statistics be a politicized agency, faking numbers to help the Democratic Party? Twenty years ago I wouldn’t have believed it, but given what we know about the FBI and the CIA, it is easy to believe that the BLS, which I suspect is staffed overwhelmingly by Democrats, may be corruptible. Republicans are not amused by today’s news:
One of the problems with perverting the federal bureaucracy, as the Democrats have done, is that pretty much everyone loses faith in the integrity of government. At this point, there is no reason to assume that government numbers are accurate and unfudged. We have been lied to, too many times.
It is sad, but that is where we find ourselves. Trust has been destroyed.

It looks like everything Maoist Democrats politicians touch becomes corrupted.
Was it the employees of the BLS that made a mistake, or Biden's appointee fudging te numbers?
Really? Off by 989,500 jobs,
Imagine as a citizen filing your federal tax return. Try “Sorry, I made a mistake” with the IRS and see what happens.
What is perhaps so odd, is the Federal Reserve trusted these bogus numbers as being real as part of their setting rate policy. If all the instrumentation is a lie, then we’re driving a ship thru a fog with no idea where the rocks are.
With all the latest revelations about the corrupt FBI and CIA, we can no longer trust a single federal agency.
Maoist/DSA Red Guard Democrats are completely in control of the executive branch and most of the Congressional branch. Luckily the judicial branch is still somewhat objective.
The average citizen can no longer trust a word that comes out of the White House. We can;t believe a word that comes out of any Department CDC, FBI, CIA, DoJ, etc. Don't believe a word with any of the Quisling MSM and certainly don't believe the internet. When you hear information that the numbers were fudged for jobs you feel vindicated in the fact that you do not believe anything anymore. Do not believe Congress do not believe Senate. Will Republicans coming in the first of the year be any different?
Well..I guess you can believe the Philly Federal Reserve or the US Govt. Anecdotally, Unemployment in Idaho is 3% according to State stats.

I gotta say..this comes from a right wing blog and was based on a story in the Washington Times so I take it with a lot of salt. Thus far no corroborating evidence has come forward

The Washington Times is an American conservative[3][4][5][6] daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., that covers general interest topics with a particular emphasis on national politics. Its broadsheet daily edition is distributed throughout the District of Columbia and in parts of Maryland and Virginia. A weekly tabloid edition aimed at a national audience is also published.[7] The Washington Times was one of the first American broadsheets to publish its front page in full color.[8]
The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is a part of the Unification movement.[9][10]
Throughout its history, The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance,[3][4][5][6] supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.[11][12] Reagan was also a daily reader of The Washington Times.[13] It has published many widely shared columns which reject the scientific consensus on multiple environmental issues.[14][15][16][17][18][19] It has drawn controversy by publishing racist content, including conspiracy theories about U.S. President Barack Obama[20][21] and by supporting neo-Confederate historical revisionism.

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