Soros Buys Information Dissemination


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
George Soros, the CFO of Leftwing politics, uses his money to control the political machinery of this nation.

There is nothing wrong with using one's money as one sees fit....but the design behind same must be exposed, and, in so doing, the attempt will....I blunted.

1. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations. See if you can find the pattern in this partial list…

a. The Center for Constitutional Rights, founded by four longtime supporters of communist causes. Center for Constitutional Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Various organizations that promote “open borders” and full citizenship rights for illegal aliens.

c. Organizations such as the Sentencing Project, which attacks the American prison system as ‘racist.’

d. The Gamaliel Foundtion and the Midwest Academy, whose radical instructors train political organizers. “Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate.” Michelle Malkin | » Creepy O-cult video of the day: ?Deliver us, Obama!? Updated

e. The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, founded by self-declared communist Van Jones… “Van Jones’ projects have long been bankrolled by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, which gave $1 million to the Jones-founded Ella Baker Center before becoming a major donor to GFA.”

Soros is in the news today, having his hand in an attempt to shred the first amendment.

2. "Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding -

3. The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it.

4. ....Soros' gave more than $52 million to media organizations from 2000-2010.

5. ...schools....were tasked by the FCC with coming up with criteria for what information is "critical" for Americans to have. The FCC study would have covered newspapers, websites, radio and television, according to The Washington Post.

6. On top of the 1st Amendment problems with this proposal, the schools involved have strong ties to liberal billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundations ...

7. The journalism programs at these schools have even more ties to Soros besides their funding, including faculty members writing for university-based publications allied with Soros-funded outlets.

8. Tracking the $8.5 billion Soros-foundation world is challenging because he funds so much and many of those organizations then partner or even fund one another.

9. The University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. ... narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.

10. he University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. The school also houses the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. That center narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.
Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding | CNS News

The pay-for-converts pattern is the same in the global warming schemes, and with the same aims: huge government control.

Only Americans who respect the Constitution will be incensed over these attempts.
The left will instantly post that the Koch Brothers outspend Herr Reichsführer Soros by huge numbers.

So, all your research and FACTS will be for naught as they refuse to accept it. :eusa_whistle:

But, good try. :clap2:
Looking at the way the radical left chooses to spread their beliefs, through the school systems by teaching radical views as fact and through innocent sounding organizations, it's easy to see how some people take them as their word.

Of course, the instruction books (Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and numerous plans by past dictators) for tearing down capitalism and bringing in socialism/communism means lying. Telling the truth about their intentions would be suicidal. All the left's policies are pushed under the guise of doing things for the greater good. They just can't tell us it's for their good, not ours.

When you have big money and institutionalized socialism in our schools and media, it's hard to fight. The left's plan decades ago was to get to young people through the education system.

We have a whole generation who now question whether gun rights are needed, whether borders are necessary, who believe more in socialist policies and are willing to cede more liberties for what they are told is the greater good.

Soros represents everything the left claims to hate. He is wealthy beyond belief, ruthless, heartless and does everything to further a radical agenda. Of course, the left forgives the first three because they agree on the agenda.
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Looking at the way the radical left chooses to spread their beliefs, through the school systems by teaching radical views as fact and through innocent sounding organizations. It's easy to see how some people take them as their word.

Of course, the instruction books (Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and numerous plans by past dictators) for tearing down capitalism and bringing in socialism/communism means lying. Telling the truth about their intentions would be suicidal. All the left's policies are pushed under the guise of doing things for the greater good. They just can't tell us it's for their good, not ours.

When you have big money and institutionalized socialism in our schools and media, it's hard to fight. The left's plan decades ago was to get to young people through the education system.

We have a whole generation who now question whether gun rights are needed, whether borders are necessary, who believe more in socialist policies and are willing to cede more liberties for what they are told is the greater good.

Soros represents everything the left claims to hate. He is wealthy beyond belief, ruthless, heartless and does everything to further a radical agenda. Of course, the left forgives the first three because they agree on the agenda.

More of what Soros bought:

1. Soros to created a “Shadow Party,” designed to funnel massive amounts of capital into organizations that would assume the role that the political parties traditionally played.

a. A 527 group is a private, tax-exempt political organization set up under Section 527 of the U.S. tax code. Such groups have been around for years but never took center stage until 2004, when they became major players. That's because McCain-Feingold shut the door on unlimited contributions (so-called "soft money") to political parties, so that many of the big-dollar donations began flowing to 527 groups instead. McCain-Feingold at Rest -

2. The Shadow Party was born July 17, 2003, at Soros’s estate. It created the largest and most powerful juggernaut in American history.

Present were Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, John Pope (director of the Sierra Club), Andy Stern (SEIU), among others. The basic structure of the Shadow Party was a network of seven 527 organizations.

a. “… the network of nonprofit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising and policy initiates -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.

The Internet fund-raising operation is a key component. The Shadow Party in this sense was conceived and organized principally by Soros, Hillary Clinton and Harold Ickes. Its efforts are amplified by, and coordinated with, key government unions and the activist groups associated with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The key organizers of these groups are veterans of the Sixties left.”
Looking at the way the radical left chooses to spread their beliefs, through the school systems by teaching radical views as fact and through innocent sounding organizations. It's easy to see how some people take them as their word.

Of course, the instruction books (Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and numerous plans by past dictators) for tearing down capitalism and bringing in socialism/communism means lying. Telling the truth about their intentions would be suicidal. All the left's policies are pushed under the guise of doing things for the greater good. They just can't tell us it's for their good, not ours.

When you have big money and institutionalized socialism in our schools and media, it's hard to fight. The left's plan decades ago was to get to young people through the education system.

We have a whole generation who now question whether gun rights are needed, whether borders are necessary, who believe more in socialist policies and are willing to cede more liberties for what they are told is the greater good.

Soros represents everything the left claims to hate. He is wealthy beyond belief, ruthless, heartless and does everything to further a radical agenda. Of course, the left forgives the first three because they agree on the agenda.

More of what Soros bought:

1. Soros to created a “Shadow Party,” designed to funnel massive amounts of capital into organizations that would assume the role that the political parties traditionally played.

a. A 527 group is a private, tax-exempt political organization set up under Section 527 of the U.S. tax code. Such groups have been around for years but never took center stage until 2004, when they became major players. That's because McCain-Feingold shut the door on unlimited contributions (so-called "soft money") to political parties, so that many of the big-dollar donations began flowing to 527 groups instead. McCain-Feingold at Rest -

2. The Shadow Party was born July 17, 2003, at Soros’s estate. It created the largest and most powerful juggernaut in American history.

Present were Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, John Pope (director of the Sierra Club), Andy Stern (SEIU), among others. The basic structure of the Shadow Party was a network of seven 527 organizations.

a. “… the network of nonprofit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising and policy initiates -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.

The Internet fund-raising operation is a key component. The Shadow Party in this sense was conceived and organized principally by Soros, Hillary Clinton and Harold Ickes. Its efforts are amplified by, and coordinated with, key government unions and the activist groups associated with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The key organizers of these groups are veterans of the Sixties left.”

The sad thing is the main stream media is in cahoots with these leftist. they'll limit their own 1st amendment rights in order to further the leftist agenda. Now # 46 in the world and dropping fast :evil: who would have thought that would ever happen?

According to Reporters Without Borders, America dropped 13 spots on the World Press Freedom Index 2014, designed to rank 180 countries in terms of the freedoms journalists enjoy and the regulations placed on them by government authorities.

The Index, published Feb. 11, shows that America now ranks number 46, below countries like South Africa and France. The Index has been published annually since 2002, but the 2014 ranking for America marks one of the most significant declines ever reported.
Looking at the way the radical left chooses to spread their beliefs, through the school systems by teaching radical views as fact and through innocent sounding organizations, it's easy to see how some people take them as their word.

Of course, the instruction books (Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and numerous plans by past dictators) for tearing down capitalism and bringing in socialism/communism means lying. Telling the truth about their intentions would be suicidal. All the left's policies are pushed under the guise of doing things for the greater good. They just can't tell us it's for their good, not ours.

When you have big money and institutionalized socialism in our schools and media, it's hard to fight. The left's plan decades ago was to get to young people through the education system.

We have a whole generation who now question whether gun rights are needed, whether borders are necessary, who believe more in socialist policies and are willing to cede more liberties for what they are told is the greater good.

Soros represents everything the left claims to hate. He is wealthy beyond belief, ruthless, heartless and does everything to further a radical agenda. Of course, the left forgives the first three because they agree on the agenda.
Believe me education is very important in molding the mind and making the kid think for him or her self. I have always believed that until. I read a book by Hitler and saw History news reels.

Soros almost personally funds "Media Matters" which has become the most powerful media propaganda tool on the left. It's kind of strange that a republican, John McCain made sure that Media Matters was tax exempt.
George Soros, the CFO of Leftwing politics, uses his money to control the political machinery of this nation.

There is nothing wrong with using one's money as one sees fit....but the design behind same must be exposed, and, in so doing, the attempt will....I blunted.

1. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations. See if you can find the pattern in this partial list…

a. The Center for Constitutional Rights, founded by four longtime supporters of communist causes. Center for Constitutional Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Various organizations that promote “open borders” and full citizenship rights for illegal aliens.

c. Organizations such as the Sentencing Project, which attacks the American prison system as ‘racist.’

d. The Gamaliel Foundtion and the Midwest Academy, whose radical instructors train political organizers. “Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate.” Michelle Malkin | » Creepy O-cult video of the day: ?Deliver us, Obama!? Updated

e. The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, founded by self-declared communist Van Jones… “Van Jones’ projects have long been bankrolled by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, which gave $1 million to the Jones-founded Ella Baker Center before becoming a major donor to GFA.”

Soros is in the news today, having his hand in an attempt to shred the first amendment.

2. "Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding -

3. The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it.

4. ....Soros' gave more than $52 million to media organizations from 2000-2010.

5. ...schools....were tasked by the FCC with coming up with criteria for what information is "critical" for Americans to have. The FCC study would have covered newspapers, websites, radio and television, according to The Washington Post.

6. On top of the 1st Amendment problems with this proposal, the schools involved have strong ties to liberal billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundations ...

7. The journalism programs at these schools have even more ties to Soros besides their funding, including faculty members writing for university-based publications allied with Soros-funded outlets.

8. Tracking the $8.5 billion Soros-foundation world is challenging because he funds so much and many of those organizations then partner or even fund one another.

9. The University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. ... narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.

10. he University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. The school also houses the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. That center narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.
Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding | CNS News

The pay-for-converts pattern is the same in the global warming schemes, and with the same aims: huge government control.

Only Americans who respect the Constitution will be incensed over these attempts.

I'm mixed on this one.

On one hand, small government doesn't care who I donate to or what I say. We have freedom of speech around here.

On the other hand, as soon as someone uses Big Government to create a PAC or Corporation they get a leash.

What's the historical precedent? In 1800 if I could take out newspaper ads semi anonymously for this or that and not have to stand up in the town square and yell my views. Something makes me uncomfortable though with our poor distribution of wealth and the power wealth gives.

It seems like you are in a similar state of mind. Where do you stand on this? Should every ad have a list of who paid for it available? Should small government not care?
Soros is the type of USA hating politically active foreigner that the CIA should target with a wet operation.
George Soros, the CFO of Leftwing politics, uses his money to control the political machinery of this nation.

There is nothing wrong with using one's money as one sees fit....but the design behind same must be exposed, and, in so doing, the attempt will....I blunted.

1. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations. See if you can find the pattern in this partial list…

a. The Center for Constitutional Rights, founded by four longtime supporters of communist causes. Center for Constitutional Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Various organizations that promote “open borders” and full citizenship rights for illegal aliens.

c. Organizations such as the Sentencing Project, which attacks the American prison system as ‘racist.’

d. The Gamaliel Foundtion and the Midwest Academy, whose radical instructors train political organizers. “Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate.” Michelle Malkin | » Creepy O-cult video of the day: ?Deliver us, Obama!? Updated

e. The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, founded by self-declared communist Van Jones… “Van Jones’ projects have long been bankrolled by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, which gave $1 million to the Jones-founded Ella Baker Center before becoming a major donor to GFA.”

Soros is in the news today, having his hand in an attempt to shred the first amendment.

2. "Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding -

3. The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it.

4. ....Soros' gave more than $52 million to media organizations from 2000-2010.

5. ...schools....were tasked by the FCC with coming up with criteria for what information is "critical" for Americans to have. The FCC study would have covered newspapers, websites, radio and television, according to The Washington Post.

6. On top of the 1st Amendment problems with this proposal, the schools involved have strong ties to liberal billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundations ...

7. The journalism programs at these schools have even more ties to Soros besides their funding, including faculty members writing for university-based publications allied with Soros-funded outlets.

8. Tracking the $8.5 billion Soros-foundation world is challenging because he funds so much and many of those organizations then partner or even fund one another.

9. The University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. ... narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.

10. he University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. The school also houses the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. That center narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.
Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding | CNS News

The pay-for-converts pattern is the same in the global warming schemes, and with the same aims: huge government control.

Only Americans who respect the Constitution will be incensed over these attempts.
OSI gave $246,528 to the Center for Public Integrity, headed by former CBS News producer Charles Lewis, “to support the continuing expansion of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.” A total of $1 million went for “the Global Access Project.” In total, it is estimated that the group has received $1.7 from Soros.

OSI provided $600,000 to the Media Access Project, a so-called telecommunications public interest law firm critical of conservative influence in the major media.

Understand OSO is the front for the Foundation to give the money without Soros's name being used.
George Soros, the CFO of Leftwing politics, uses his money to control the political machinery of this nation.

There is nothing wrong with using one's money as one sees fit....but the design behind same must be exposed, and, in so doing, the attempt will....I blunted.

1. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations. See if you can find the pattern in this partial list…

a. The Center for Constitutional Rights, founded by four longtime supporters of communist causes. Center for Constitutional Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Various organizations that promote “open borders” and full citizenship rights for illegal aliens.

c. Organizations such as the Sentencing Project, which attacks the American prison system as ‘racist.’

d. The Gamaliel Foundtion and the Midwest Academy, whose radical instructors train political organizers. “Barack has acknowledged publicly that he had been the director of a Gamaliel affiliate.” Michelle Malkin | » Creepy O-cult video of the day: ?Deliver us, Obama!? Updated

e. The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, founded by self-declared communist Van Jones… “Van Jones’ projects have long been bankrolled by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, which gave $1 million to the Jones-founded Ella Baker Center before becoming a major donor to GFA.”

Soros is in the news today, having his hand in an attempt to shred the first amendment.

2. "Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding -

3. The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it.

4. ....Soros' gave more than $52 million to media organizations from 2000-2010.

5. ...schools....were tasked by the FCC with coming up with criteria for what information is "critical" for Americans to have. The FCC study would have covered newspapers, websites, radio and television, according to The Washington Post.

6. On top of the 1st Amendment problems with this proposal, the schools involved have strong ties to liberal billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundations ...

7. The journalism programs at these schools have even more ties to Soros besides their funding, including faculty members writing for university-based publications allied with Soros-funded outlets.

8. Tracking the $8.5 billion Soros-foundation world is challenging because he funds so much and many of those organizations then partner or even fund one another.

9. The University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. ... narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.

10. he University Of Wisconsin School Of Journalism's left-wing tilt has caused controversy before. The school also houses the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. That center narrowly avoided being banned from the campus when Gov. Scott Walker vetoed legislation that questioned the use of state funds to support a journalism group with a liberal agenda.
Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding | CNS News

The pay-for-converts pattern is the same in the global warming schemes, and with the same aims: huge government control.

Only Americans who respect the Constitution will be incensed over these attempts.
I found in the German Newpaper Das Like That Soros is working in the Nation of Hungry to foster Left wing courses against the New government and the power that be are not taking it. It seems he may loose the schools charter.
Looking at the way the radical left chooses to spread their beliefs, through the school systems by teaching radical views as fact and through innocent sounding organizations, it's easy to see how some people take them as their word.

Of course, the instruction books (Alinsky, Cloward-Piven and numerous plans by past dictators) for tearing down capitalism and bringing in socialism/communism means lying. Telling the truth about their intentions would be suicidal. All the left's policies are pushed under the guise of doing things for the greater good. They just can't tell us it's for their good, not ours.

When you have big money and institutionalized socialism in our schools and media, it's hard to fight. The left's plan decades ago was to get to young people through the education system.

We have a whole generation who now question whether gun rights are needed, whether borders are necessary, who believe more in socialist policies and are willing to cede more liberties for what they are told is the greater good.

Soros represents everything the left claims to hate. He is wealthy beyond belief, ruthless, heartless and does everything to further a radical agenda. Of course, the left forgives the first three because they agree on the agenda.
Believe me education is very important in molding the mind and making the kid think for him or her self. I have always believed that until. I read a book by Hitler and saw History news reels.

View attachment 222299View attachment 222300 is meaningless without a morality to attach it to.

1. More details are emerging about Humam al-Balawi, the man who blew up seven intelligence agents in Afghanistan. By education and professional status, the Jordanian doctor is typical of recent suicidal attackers. The man accused of trying to blow up a plane on Christmas Day is a Nigerian graduate of the University of London. In the Fort Hood shootings, a Palestinian-American psychiatrist in the U.S. Army has been charged.
Humam al-Balawi was said to be carrying information about Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's number two, himself a surgeon who was born to a prominent Egyptian family.
Mohamed Atta of 9/11, who was an Egyptian urban planner who had been working in Germany - these are not the wretched of the earth. What essentially is the grievance that draws them to al-Qaida?
Groups Recruiting Well-Educated Terrorists : NPR

2. A recent study at Princeton University by Alan Krueger and Jitka Maleckova, called "Education, Poverty, Political Violence and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection?" argues this point. One piece of the Krueger-Maleckova evidence involves 129 members of Hezbollah who died in action, mostly against Israel, from 1982 to 1994. Hezbollah is now designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization. Biographical information from the Hezbollah newspaper al-Ahd indicates that the fighters who died were, on average, more educated and less impoverished than the Lebanese population of comparable age and regional origin….Moreover, the Palestinians' adherence to the view that the mass murder of civilians was not terrorism was independent of education and higher among those working than unemployed. Hence, support for terrorism was not reduced by increases in education and income….a study by Charles Russell and Bowman Miller (reprinted in the 1983 book Perspectives on Terrorism) considered 18 revolutionary groups, including the Japanese Red Army, Germany's Baader-Meinhof Gang, and Italy's Red Brigades. The authors found that "the vast majority of those individuals involved in terrorist activities as cadres or leaders is quite well-educated. In fact, approximately two-thirds of those identified terrorists are persons with some university training, [and] well over two-thirds of these individuals came from the middle or upper classes in their respective nations or areas." BW Online | June 10, 2002 | The Myth That Poverty Breeds Terrorism

3. …men who belonged to violent Islamist groups active over the past few decades (some in jail, some not). Had those groups reflected the working-age populations of their countries, engineers would have made up about 3.5 percent of the membership. Instead, nearly 20 percent of the militants had engineering degrees. When Gambetta and Hertog looked at only the militants whose education was known for certain to have gone beyond high school, close to half (44 percent) had trained in engineering.
Today's Highly Educated Terrorists | The National Interest Blog

Today's Highly Educated Terrorists

4. Pol Pot, was the leader of the Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmer Rouge[3] and was Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976–1979. Pol Pot's leadership, in which he attempted to "cleanse" the country, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.7–2.5 million people…. he qualified for a scholarship that allowed for technical study in France. He studied radio electronics at the EFR in Paris from 1949 to 1953 Pol Pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan, who had studied in Paris, wrote in his doctoral dissertation that the Cambodian economy and social structure would be renewed by tapping “the dormant energy of the peasant mass” against the cities. “Kissinger, “The White House Years,” p. 518.

6. Ernesto "Che" Guevara "the man was a mass killer. Hundreds were reportedly executed on his watch" Why Do people love a mass murder like Che? // Current

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (1928-1967) was an Argentine physician... Learn About the Life of Che Guevara

As a young boy growing up, he had a passion for education, literature and philosophy. Mao Zedong
"he worked as a doctor. Che Guevara : Biography

7. Lenin was born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, April 22, 1870….In 1891 he passed the law examinations at the University of St. Petersburg as an external student, scoring first in his class. He practiced law briefly in Samara before devoting himself to the revolutionary movement. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), 1870-1924

8. Bashar al-Assad is the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Regional Secretary of the Ba'ath Party, and the son of former President Hafez al-Assad. Al-Assad is a controversial figure both in Syria and Internationally… for his disregard for human rights, economic lapses, sponsorship of terrorism, and corruption. Bashar studied ophthalmology at Damascus University 1988 and arrived in London in 1992 to continue his studies. Bashar al-Assad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

9. Mao was a rebellious teen-ager. His father wanted him to be a farmer; Mao wanted more education beyond the village grammar school. Mao left home at age 13 to attend an advanced school in a nearby district and in 1911 arrived in Changsha, the provincial capital, to attend secondary school…. He tried law enforcement, business and history before settling on education, graduating from a teachers' training school in 1918. He departed for Beijing to attend the university. CNN In-Depth Specials - Visions of China - Profiles: Mao Tse-tung

10.Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri received his master's degree in surgery from Cairo University.... Ayman al Zawahiri - - Biography

11. Nidal Hasan, Abdulmutallab and Humam al-Balawi are jihadists who were educated and came from privileged middle- and upper-class backgrounds. Hasan was an American-trained U. S. Army doctor, Abdulmutallab was a London engineering student and the son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, and double-agent Dr. Humam al-Balawi was a member of the Jordanian professional class. The Educated Muslim Terrorist

12. "One piece of the Krueger-Maleckova evidence involves 129 members of Hezbollah who died in action, mostly against Israel, from 1982 to 1994. Hezbollah is now designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization. Biographical information from the Hezbollah newspaper al-Ahd indicates that the fighters who died were, on average, more educated and less impoverished than the Lebanese population of comparable age and regional origin." Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

and......" a study by Charles Russell and Bowman Miller (reprinted in the 1983 book Perspectives on Terrorism) considered 18 revolutionary groups, including the Japanese Red Army, Germany's Baader-Meinhof Gang, and Italy's Red Brigades. The authors found that "the vast majority of those individuals involved in terrorist activities as cadres or leaders is quite well-educated. In fact, approximately two-thirds of those identified terrorists are persons with some university training, [and] well over two-thirds of these individuals came from the middle or upper classes in their respective nations or areas."Ibid.

13. Fidel Castro was a talented student, and decided to pursue a career in law, entering the University of Havana Law School in 1945. After graduating law school, he opened a law office that primarily catered for poor Cubans, although it proved a financial failure.

Fidel Castro Biography - life, family, parents, story, history, school, mother, young, son, old, information, born

Highly educated Leftists, smart guys all....

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