Soothing the symptoms of anxiety with graphene oxide

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I'm just gonna drop this here and leave any conclusions to the reader.

Researchers from Graphene Flagship partners SISSA in Italy, ICN2 in Spain and the University of Manchester in the UK, in collaboration with the Ribeirão Preto Medical School of the University of São Paulo, have discovered that graphene oxide inhibits anxiety-related behaviours in a model study. They found that injecting graphene oxide into a specific region of the brain silences the neurons responsible for anxious behaviour.

Laura Ballerini, lead author of the paper and Professor of Physiology at Graphene Flagship partner SISSA, Italy, explains that graphene oxide disables communication between the synapses that cause this type of fear.

“Two days after injecting graphene oxide into a specific region of the mouse’s brain, it behaved like other mice that had never experienced the smell of a cat in their home environment. In other words, graphene oxide inhibited the mouse’s anxiety-related behaviour,” Ballerini explains. She says that two days is roughly the time for memories to form and be consolidated in the mouse’s brain, which corresponds to the time for the symptoms of anxiety to subside.

“Graphene oxide interacts with the part of the brain responsible for the formation of fear-related memories, which cause anxiety. It doesn’t work like a drug, by inhibiting the function of the receptors – instead, it temporarily halts the entire mechanism long enough to disrupt the brain’s fear-related pathology, without damaging them,” continues Ballerini.

Graphene oxide interrupts anxiety-related neuron signals without affecting the neurons, or the surrounding cells. In simple terms, it only ‘turns down’ the communications between specific neurons.

Continued - Soothing the symptoms of anxiety with graphene oxide

Study - Graphene oxide prevents lateral amygdala dysfunctional synaptic plasticity and reverts long lasting anxiety behavior in rats
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''Next, Ballerini and colleagues will seek to combine the synapse-targeting behaviour of graphene oxide with its ability to attach to carrier molecules for drug delivery.''

Cough boosters cough cough....
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Sleeep......:stir: ...sleeeeep, my pretties :dev3:...sleeeeeeeeep.....:sleep: ...sleeeeeeeeeeeep....:bigbed:..............

boot painting_0.jpg
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So the graphite pencil lead that became stuck in the palm of my hand when I was in second grade kept me COVID free and chill for all these years?
They are getting rid of the mouse's alert system. Memory of the cat is a good thing for the mouse. Could be deadly for the mouse if we erase that memory.
How soon before they declare it fit for use on the human herd? And then mandate it.

Feral cats are the worst.

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