Songs you hate

[ame=]William Shatner "Sings" 'Rocket Man' (1978) - BEST QUALITY! - YouTube[/ame]
An anemic rendition of the that droning song "Feelings" which could be used as the theme for the current PC political climate in today's world.

My ears hurt now...:( Glad I do not have a bionic ear.

Lindsay Wagner - Feelings

[ame=]Lindsay Wagner - Feelings - YouTube[/ame]
Hated the "Bubblegum" sound. They couldn't even come up with decent names for the songs. See a pattern?

[ame=]The Archies - Sugar, Sugar (Original 1969 Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]

The Archies- Sugar, Sugar

[ame=]1910 Fruitgum Company - Yummy Yummy Yummy - YouTube[/ame]

1910 Fruitgum Company- Yummy, Yummy, Yummy

[ame=]Ohio Express - Chewy Chewy (1968) - YouTube[/ame]

Ohio Express- Chewy, Chewy
that smirking, tearjerking worst song of all times : "Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro

See the tree, how big it's grown
But friend it hasn't been too long
It wasn't big
I laughed at her and she got mad
The first day that she planted it, was just a twig
Then the first snow came
And she ran out to brush the snow away
So it wouldn't die

.....................................................blah blah sniff sniff, kleenex ... I will be sick:mad::lol:

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I can't bring myself posting a video ...its too irritating.

That resulted from a bet...someone bet him he couldn't write a song about a tree.

He's a pretty good songwriter...and I have never met a father who could listen to his Watchin' Scotty Grow without tearing up a bit.
[ame=]JOHN DENVER Sunshine on my shoulders with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

"Sunshine, on my shoulders - gives me sunburn!"
I'm sorry to have to do this to you all, but it just dosn't get any worse than this:

[ame=]Tony Orlando & Dawn - Tie A Yellow Ribbon - YouTube[/ame]

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