Sondland revises Quid Pro Quo testimony

I wonder what dirt the Democrats have on Sondland to extort him into reversing his testimony? ... :cool:
It's called perjury! Sondland lied and they have the text messages to prove it (you forgot about those) and they have the testimony of all the other people involved. SOndland knew he was going to go to jail for perjury so he had to tell the truth.

Trump's fucked
Funny thing about Congressional testimony...they will give you a second chance to "remember" more correctly. "Clarifications" happen, usually when witnesses see that they are in danger of being charged with perjury.
Giuliani should have listened to Volker. Trump would not be in the hot water he is in today if Rudy the Hand Grenade hadn't been such a stupid bitch.
Giuliani and Trump were clearly pushing for a domestic personal political gain for Trump. The corruption angle was nothing but a smokescreen to cover their slandering of Joe Biden for Trump's personal gain.

Keep fantasizing, grasshopper.
deep State keeps a thorough file on every United States diplomat politician and or government employee.

They probably have video footage of him doing something naughty somewhere.

All the idiotic shit you cultists make up would apply double to the orange turd. How do you guys not get this?

First of all shit head....what makes you think that all of those who support Trump don't understand who he is where he came from and what he's capable of?

The office of the President of the United States requires a ruthless, bloodthirsty and at times dishonest person to master it.

Landslide 2020 baby!

So you know Trump is a piece of shit criminal and you LIKE that?
It's OVER!!!!!!

Trump's fucked!!!

It is a clear QUID PRO QUO!!! There is just too much evidence to deny this anymore.


Heard from a guy who knows a guy who saw a guy that might have gotten ahold of the socks Trump was wearing when he did something. If that doesn't send him to prison nothing will, especially if we ever find out what it was he did, but then we don't need to know what that was, really , since he's guilty!
Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

Is that the walls closing in on the White House?
From your link:

A critical witness in the impeachment inquiry offered Congress substantial new testimony this week, revealing that he told a top Ukrainian official that the country likely would not receive American military aid unless it publicly committed to investigations President Trump wanted.

The disclosure from Gordon D. Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union, in four new pages of sworn testimony released on Tuesday, confirmed his involvement in laying out a quid pro quo to Ukraine that he had previously not acknowledged. The issue is at the heart of the impeachment investigation into Mr. Trump, which turns on the allegation the president abused his power to extract political favors from a foreign power.


The additions Mr. Sondland made to his testimony were significant because they were the first admission by a senior figure who had direct contact with Mr. Trump that the military aid for Ukraine was being held hostage to the president’s demands for investigations into his political rivals.

I wonder what dirt the Democrats have on Sondland to extort him into reversing his testimony? ... :cool:
It's called perjury! Sondland lied and they have the text messages to prove it (you forgot about those) and they have the testimony of all the other people involved. SOndland knew he was going to go to jail for perjury so he had to tell the truth.

Trump's fucked
Funny thing about Congressional testimony...they will give you a second chance to "remember" more correctly. "Clarifications" happen, usually when witnesses see that they are in danger of being charged with perjury.
It is phrased as "let me refresh your memory" lol
It's funny how many tards who have not read the testimony feel free to speak out of their asses, as if they know anything more than what they have been told to parrot. :lol:
It's funny how many tards who have not read the testimony feel free to speak out of their asses, as if they know anything more than what they have been told to parrot. :lol:

It's funny that you haven't been right about anything Trump related since he got elected!
Come to think of it, neither has the whole DemocRat Party.

And that's a long time.

Repeat after me:

Say it enough times, and maybe, just maybe, your fantasies will come true.
Read post 16.

Trump refused to meet with Zelensky until Zelensky issued a public statement about investigating Burisma (and Biden) and the 2016 election. Trump would not settle for a generic statement about investigating corruption.

Quid. Pro. Quo.
I think he’s lying

anyway, even if true trump didnt say it

but if you want to jail the ambassador for qid pro quo be my guest
Sonland is thinking about his reputation and re-thinking his future. Trump will not be President much longer.

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