Research Finds Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, And Purposeful Than Liberals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Despite the left telling people otherwise, research finds conservatives have happier families, find more meaning in life, are generally happier overall, and donate far more money and time to the needy than their liberal peers do."

Spending 4 years of your life consumed by hate and attempting to destroy something rather than create / build / make something better in order to make yourself feel better tends to lead to bitterness, unhappiness....although Dems and snowflakes have been pretty mush been single-minded of purpose for the last 4 years: 'Hate, undermine, destroy, Impeach Trump!'

'The more socially conservative people are, the happier and more content with life they are. And party affiliation matters significantly. Conservative Republicans outpace conservative, moderate, and liberal Democrats. When picking your neighbors, regardless of your politics or beliefs, conservative Republicans are who you want.'

Studies show Conservatives are more satisfied with and fulfilled in their own lives whereas Liberals are miserable, hate their own lives, and have the obsessive need to control and impose their will on others; lives.

"In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap."

" shows a strong correlation between liberalism and psychoticism, not conservatism."

This was hardly reported at all by the MSM.....gee, wonder why not?!

So, as science proves, all the snowflakes who spew false, unsubstantiated accusations and talking points, who constantly attack and insult Conservatives, and display zero tolerance, grumpiness, and a denial of facts / reality, they just can't help themselves. It is who they are.


Why Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, Purposeful Than Liberals

Research Finds Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, And Purposeful Than Liberals

"Despite the left telling people otherwise, research finds conservatives have happier families, find more meaning in life, are generally happier overall, and donate far more money and time to the needy than their liberal peers do."

Spending 4 years of your life consumed by hate and attempting to destroy something rather than create / build / make something better in order to make yourself feel better tends to lead to bitterness, unhappiness....although Dems and snowflakes have been pretty mush been single-minded of purpose for the last 4 years: 'Hate, undermine, destroy, Impeach Trump!'

'The more socially conservative people are, the happier and more content with life they are. And party affiliation matters significantly. Conservative Republicans outpace conservative, moderate, and liberal Democrats. When picking your neighbors, regardless of your politics or beliefs, conservative Republicans are who you want.'

Studies show Conservatives are more satisfied with and fulfilled in their own lives whereas Liberals are miserable, hate their own lives, and have the obsessive need to control and impose their will on others; lives.

"In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap."

" shows a strong correlation between liberalism and psychoticism, not conservatism."

This was hardly reported at all by the MSM.....gee, wonder why not?!

So, as science proves, all the snowflakes who spew false, unsubstantiated accusations and talking points, who constantly attack and insult Conservatives, and display zero tolerance, grumpiness, and a denial of facts / reality, they just can't help themselves. It is who they are.


Why Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, Purposeful Than Liberals

I TIP much more generously than any liberal I know. I generally tip AT LEAST 22-25% at restaurants, 26-30% if the service is very good to excellent. A liberal whom I no longer associate with would make it a big deal when he tipped over 15%, I never saw him tip over 20%. The only restaurant I tip below 20% is at a local Chinese buffet, where 10-15% is considered to be sufficient.
That's one point I sorta disagree with - the generosity of liberals versus conservatives. It all depends on the CONDITIONS regarding 'generosity' / 'charity'.

For example, Liberals are the most generous human beings on the planet....WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.
It isn't, and that was not the claim. You have cause and effect inverted, here.

THe theme was not that political party determines happiness. It was that happiness influences choice of political parties.
If you look at the way the democratic party sells itself, it's all about dividing people into groups and instilling a sense of resentment in these groups as somehow inherently aggrieved.

That is not a sales pitch that works with well-adjusted people content with their lives and with a sense of self-efficacy. It only works on disgruntled individuals looking to scapegoat others for their own lack of self-worth.
"Despite the left telling people otherwise, research finds conservatives have happier families, find more meaning in life, are generally happier overall, and donate far more money and time to the needy than their liberal peers do."

Spending 4 years of your life consumed by hate and attempting to destroy something rather than create / build / make something better in order to make yourself feel better tends to lead to bitterness, unhappiness....although Dems and snowflakes have been pretty mush been single-minded of purpose for the last 4 years: 'Hate, undermine, destroy, Impeach Trump!'

'The more socially conservative people are, the happier and more content with life they are. And party affiliation matters significantly. Conservative Republicans outpace conservative, moderate, and liberal Democrats. When picking your neighbors, regardless of your politics or beliefs, conservative Republicans are who you want.'

Studies show Conservatives are more satisfied with and fulfilled in their own lives whereas Liberals are miserable, hate their own lives, and have the obsessive need to control and impose their will on others; lives.

"In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap."

" shows a strong correlation between liberalism and psychoticism, not conservatism."

This was hardly reported at all by the MSM.....gee, wonder why not?!

So, as science proves, all the snowflakes who spew false, unsubstantiated accusations and talking points, who constantly attack and insult Conservatives, and display zero tolerance, grumpiness, and a denial of facts / reality, they just can't help themselves. It is who they are.


Why Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, Purposeful Than Liberals


Of course

makes perfect sense

people who go around bitching and complaining about liberals and gays and feminists and atheists and muslims and democrats and shouting "civil war! it's time to kill our enemies!" sure must be the happiest people in the world!

or the most deranged.
Most "liberals" are extremely hateful, dishonest, and without patriotism to the United States.
"Despite the left telling people otherwise, research finds conservatives have happier families, find more meaning in life, are generally happier overall, and donate far more money and time to the needy than their liberal peers do."

Spending 4 years of your life consumed by hate and attempting to destroy something rather than create / build / make something better in order to make yourself feel better tends to lead to bitterness, unhappiness....although Dems and snowflakes have been pretty mush been single-minded of purpose for the last 4 years: 'Hate, undermine, destroy, Impeach Trump!'

'The more socially conservative people are, the happier and more content with life they are. And party affiliation matters significantly. Conservative Republicans outpace conservative, moderate, and liberal Democrats. When picking your neighbors, regardless of your politics or beliefs, conservative Republicans are who you want.'

Studies show Conservatives are more satisfied with and fulfilled in their own lives whereas Liberals are miserable, hate their own lives, and have the obsessive need to control and impose their will on others; lives.

"In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap."

" shows a strong correlation between liberalism and psychoticism, not conservatism."

This was hardly reported at all by the MSM.....gee, wonder why not?!

So, as science proves, all the snowflakes who spew false, unsubstantiated accusations and talking points, who constantly attack and insult Conservatives, and display zero tolerance, grumpiness, and a denial of facts / reality, they just can't help themselves. It is who they are.


Why Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, Purposeful Than Liberals


Of course

makes perfect sense

people who go around bitching and complaining about liberals and gays and feminists and atheists and muslims and democrats and shouting "civil war! it's time to kill our enemies!" sure must be the happiest people in the world!

or the most deranged.
He-he, you are ONE miserable liberal loon!
"Despite the left telling people otherwise, research finds conservatives have happier families, find more meaning in life, are generally happier overall, and donate far more money and time to the needy than their liberal peers do."

Spending 4 years of your life consumed by hate and attempting to destroy something rather than create / build / make something better in order to make yourself feel better tends to lead to bitterness, unhappiness....although Dems and snowflakes have been pretty mush been single-minded of purpose for the last 4 years: 'Hate, undermine, destroy, Impeach Trump!'

'The more socially conservative people are, the happier and more content with life they are. And party affiliation matters significantly. Conservative Republicans outpace conservative, moderate, and liberal Democrats. When picking your neighbors, regardless of your politics or beliefs, conservative Republicans are who you want.'

Studies show Conservatives are more satisfied with and fulfilled in their own lives whereas Liberals are miserable, hate their own lives, and have the obsessive need to control and impose their will on others; lives.

"In four studies, conservatives expressed greater personal agency (e.g., personal control, responsibility), more positive outlook (e.g., optimism, self-worth), more transcendent moral beliefs (e.g., greater religiosity, greater moral clarity, less tolerance of transgressions), and a generalized belief in fairness, and these differences accounted for the happiness gap."

" shows a strong correlation between liberalism and psychoticism, not conservatism."

This was hardly reported at all by the MSM.....gee, wonder why not?!

So, as science proves, all the snowflakes who spew false, unsubstantiated accusations and talking points, who constantly attack and insult Conservatives, and display zero tolerance, grumpiness, and a denial of facts / reality, they just can't help themselves. It is who they are.


Why Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, Purposeful Than Liberals

Here's where I get shot by both sides. Liberals are too touchy feeley and emotional. Conservatives are too rigid and pedantic. Liberals tend to be activists and engines of change. Conservatives tend to uphold tradition and protect. Conservatives are likely to donate money to build houses, liberals are likely to grab a hammer. Two very different sides of the same coin. I think both are happy in different ways.

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