Something frivolous for fun for all


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
This thread is dedicated to sharing silly stuff like this. A starlet whom I first noted (with appreciation) in Top Gun: Maverick.

Her name is Monica Barbaro.


She is currently on a series called FUBAR starting Ahnold Schwarzenegger. Itā€™s on Netflix. It ainā€™t the best shit on TV. But itā€™s entertaining.

Now, if youā€™re all well behaved, I will someday come back here to share more frivolous stuff. Maybe some more pretty pictures. Maybe even some videos , music and some fun facts.

Iā€™m crazy like that.
Ya she plays AAAAHHnald's character's daughter. Seen a couple of episodes....Plot structure kind of reminds me of that old NCIS series.
Watching FUBAR now. Seen a couple of episodes....Plot structure kind of reminds me of that old NCIS series.
But a bit dumber. On the other hand, Ahnold is amusing. Some of the dialog is funny. And Monica is damn cute.
But a bit dumber. On the other hand, Ahnold is amusing. Some of the dialog is funny. And Monica is damn cute.
Well it certainly 'got it all'.....A black, a female spy, a female boss, a strong macho lead actor, a pretty boy and a tranny. All Netflix approved. Still it has it good moments like when the tranny blew up their van with a bazooka by accident.
This thread is dedicated to sharing silly stuff like this. A starlet whom I first noted (with appreciation) in Top Gun: Maverick.

Her name is Monica Barbaro.

View attachment 790962

She is currently on a series called FUBAR starting Ahnold Schwarzenegger. Itā€™s on Netflix. It ainā€™t the best shit on TV. But itā€™s entertaining.

Now, if youā€™re all well behaved, I will someday come back here to share more frivolous stuff. Maybe some more pretty pictures. Maybe even some videos , music and some fun facts.

Iā€™m crazy like that.
So frickin' wacky...
Ok. This one will require just a little time to develop.

Some of you may recall a fun movie named ā€œPitch Perfect.ā€ Thatā€™s the point of departure. One of the more or less background figures was a Barden Bella whose character name was ā€œJessica Smithā€ although thatā€™s kind of beside the point.

She was actually a pretty talented singer who also sang with a little known group known as The 7th Avenue. They can be found on YouTube.

I found her to be spectacular ā€” albeit mostly in the background ā€” in Pitch Perfect.

For example:



I believe she is now about 33. She has a superb voice.

Iā€™m surprised she hasnā€™t made it bigger.

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