If someone screwed up "BIIIIIIIIIG" time by not catching the Nigerian man, what the hell did Bush adminstration do when two planes hit the world trade center, one the Pentagon and another almost hit the white house? And calling for Janet to resign. Then Bush should have been court martialed because the warning was thrown in his uglly face and he did nothing and 3,000 died. I cannot believe I am hearing all the rhetoric from radica racist right wing nuts about someone screwing up big time. No one died and someone did screw up but it was not BIIIIIG enough for Janet to resign. Some one screwed at the ticket office to let him board a plane for the U.S. Belly aching old white men forget about 9-11.
This was a stumped toe compared to the screw on 9-11.
This was a stumped toe compared to the screw on 9-11.