Some things never change


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Remember when Democrat governor Geroge Wallace stood defiantly in a schoolhouse doorway to keep black children out?

Some things never change.

Charter schools are free to open, using their own money and their own buildings. We raised funds to build our schools, so did the Catholics, and they are free to do the same.
Remember when Democrat governor Geroge Wallace stood defiantly in a schoolhouse doorway to keep black children out?

Some things never change.


These charter schools had arranged with the New York government to use buildings that had been sitting idle during these schools' hours, and had been turning out students with vastly superior grades and achievements when compared to students of NYC's goverment schools.

Their results were a real slap in the face to traditional govt schools. And now the govt has struck back, kicking out the charter schools. So the building now stand idle once again, and some of NYC's best-performing schools have lost a priceless opportunity.

The people of New York voted for DiBlasio.

They're getting the government they deserve.
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Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking to curb the influence of outside providers of education, said on Thursday that he would block three charter schools from using space inside New York City public school buildings

Still, Mr. de Blasio, who was a strident critic of charter schools during his bid for mayor last year, showed signs of compromise. In reviewing 49 proposals to share school space approved under Mr. Bloomberg, he left untouched a majority of plans affecting charter schools.

His position puts him at odds with fellow Democrats, including President Obama and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, who has helped expand the schools across the state.
Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking to curb the influence of outside providers of education, said on Thursday that he would block three charter schools from using space inside New York City public school buildings

Still, Mr. de Blasio, who was a strident critic of charter schools during his bid for mayor last year, showed signs of compromise. In reviewing 49 proposals to share school space approved under Mr. Bloomberg, he left untouched a majority of plans affecting charter schools.

His position puts him at odds with fellow Democrats, including President Obama and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, who has helped expand the schools across the state.
Liberal dilemma: which shitbag do we support?
Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking to curb the influence of outside providers of education, said on Thursday that he would block three charter schools from using space inside New York City public school buildings

Still, Mr. de Blasio, who was a strident critic of charter schools during his bid for mayor last year, showed signs of compromise. In reviewing 49 proposals to share school space approved under Mr. Bloomberg, he left untouched a majority of plans affecting charter schools.

His position puts him at odds with fellow Democrats, including President Obama and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, who has helped expand the schools across the state.
Liberal dilemma: which shitbag do we support?
No dilemma, which one can win?
Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking to curb the influence of outside providers of education, said on Thursday that he would block three charter schools from using space inside New York City public school buildings

Still, Mr. de Blasio, who was a strident critic of charter schools during his bid for mayor last year, showed signs of compromise. In reviewing 49 proposals to share school space approved under Mr. Bloomberg, he left untouched a majority of plans affecting charter schools.

His position puts him at odds with fellow Democrats, including President Obama and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, who has helped expand the schools across the state.
Liberal dilemma: which shitbag do we support?
No dilemma, which one can win?

Exactly! That's the only thing that matters. Dems love power. Not to do anything but enrich themselves and keep themselves in power.
Excellent point.

Why Charter Schools Fail the Test


Published: May 4, 2010 120 Comments

THE latest evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, the oldest and most extensive system of vouchers and charter schools in America, came out last month, and most advocates of school choice were disheartened by the results.

The evaluation by the School Choice Demonstration Project, a national research group that matched more than 3,000 students from the choice program and from regular public schools, found that pupils in the choice program generally had “achievement growth rates that are comparable” to similar Milwaukee public-school students. This is just one of several evaluations of school choice programs that have failed to show major improvements in test scores, but the size and age of the Milwaukee program, combined with the rigor of the study, make these results hard to explain away.
Remember when Democrat governor Geroge Wallace stood defiantly in a schoolhouse doorway to keep black children out?

Some things never change.


These charter schools had arranged with the New York government to use buildings that had been sitting idle during these schools' hours, and had been turning out students with vastly superior grades and achievements when compared to students of NYC's goverment schools.

Their results were a real slap in the face to traditional govt schools. And now the govt has struck back, kicking out the charter schools. So the building now stand idle once again, and some of NYC's best-performing schools have lost a priceless opportunity.

The people of New York voted for DiBlasio.

They're getting the government they deserve.
They do NOT do what you righties claimed they would.

You seek more failure


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