Some people are beyond being Morons


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
North Texas
So, There I am at the gas station paying an exorbitant amount of money to fill up my Pontiac Bonneville at a gas station that has 12 pumps. We all know what gas stations look like and the numerous warning signs they have posted about no cell phones while pumping and static discharge, and my all time favorite 'no smoking'. As if any sane person wouldn't know that smoking around gasoline isn't conducive to good health and long life.

Well, apparently there are some people who are just beyond stupid because there I am at pump 11 and this huge white cadillac pulls up to pump 12. Some old guy with unkempt gray hair, a grandpa like t-shirt, and thick rimmed glasses. He pulls up and while the car is still running, everyone around pumping gas, he rolls down the window and flips a lit cigarette out the window on to the ground. About 8 of us are staring at him as if a dragon just hatched out of an egg, absolute looks of disbelief on our faces and this old bastard had the temerity to look up and shout 'what the fuck are you idiots looking at?'.

I don't think he was prepared for the onslaught of slanderous remarks and vituperation because he got right back in his car as 5 of us started walking towards him and he pulls off in a huff. Some woman started screaming about his geneology and how it should meet a darwinian end at least ended the confrontation on a laughing note.
Sounds like a candidate for a future Darwin Award.....just hope he doesnt kill anybody else out when he kills himself.
I just hope that when I get real old, that I don't get STUPID. Because I know what you're talking about.

Is it senility, or do we just get dumber as we get older? Or was this old fart fucking stupid even in his younger years? :p:
Im sure that the fucktard that my husband is speaking of didnt have the sense to shake the p*ss off his d*ck after going.
I really loathe stupidity - I mean REALLY.

DAMN, ya'll should have seen DK after this happened (I was there) - I thought DK was going to blow an artery or something he was so pissed.

I gave the guy the birdie salute as we left.....

:finger: :fu2: :finger3: :bat: :321:
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Im sure that the fucktard that my husband is speaking of didnt have the sense to shake the p*ss off his d*ck after going.
I really loathe stupidity - I mean REALLY.

DAMN, ya'll should have seen DK after this happened (I was there) - I thought DK was going to blow an artery or something he was so pissed.

I gave the guy the birdie salute as we left.....

:finger: :fu2: :finger3: :bat: :321:

That was a bit of a retard move. You would fit right in here in NJ with the birdie KL, NJ is known for such kindness!!!:D
Man, what a fool.

Interestingly enough, however, you CAN drop a lit cigarette in a vat of gasoline and it won't ignite.

Not that I'd try that one at home....
Originally posted by nycflasher
Man, what a fool.

Interestingly enough, however, you CAN drop a lit cigarette in a vat of gasoline and it won't ignite.

Not that I'd try that one at home....

Very true. It's not the liquid gasoline that ignites, it's the vapor. So on a cold day, that particular experiment would work much better than a hot day.
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