Some lady just called into C-SPAN complaining about the reversal of affirmative action, and claiming the KKK still exists

Why did you think "some lady" needed a rebuttal? Still a whole country full of shitty people who think the white race and their twisted christian "values" needs to be defended. There's your Klan. Don't have to join anything or wear robes. Just vote for whitest, angriest guy on the ticket.

lol you gimps trying to claim whites are angry is hilarious. Shall we osot all those pics of burning cities and feral looters that make up your peer group of freaks again? lol
Democrats talk big about conservative racism and insensitivity, but their actions prove that Democrats are actually the ones with their boot on the Black man's throat. Democrats actually think Blacks are too stupid to get an ID, too stupid to get into a good university, too stupid to get a good job on their own, etc. etc. I don't understand why any Blacks vote for Democrats when that party basically thinks they're stupid and easy to exploit.
Democrats have sent millions of black men to prison in their Dem run states and Dem run cities with Dem run police departments and Dem run courts and Dem run prisons.
This is always how these conversations go far left wing extremist. They look at what somebody says, and then they respond with two or three word post maybe one or two lines. But they never confront the issue, because they are either racist themselves, they are profiting from blm or they’re on drugs.

Very simple issues. Affirmative action is racism. A college gives a scholarships to somebody based on how they look, a major company in America or news network hiring somebody based on how they look is racism, and it is supported by multi millionaire and billionaire politicians. The same people who say “wave a flag of Ukraine, wave a LGBT flag wave a BLM flag it’ll help you out” when it doesn’t. Poor people all across America are starving.

And looking at how things are unfolding on social media with the return of free speech. It is abundantly clear the Democrats lie and cheat, so do their neo conservative Republican allies. But in the end the truth prevails.

While the billionaire Neo con Mitt Romney leads a BLM March …poor white people, and Black people across America are shooting up heroin, dreaming of a better life. And that dream will unfold, and they will have a better life. Because at the end, goodness prevails over evil. And the bad politicians will be voted out of office soon.

People who believe that the KKK is still a threat are either racist, profiting from black lives matter or on drugs. These are the people who pat them selves on the back, but actually do nothing for the cause of the workingman. You never see these people in the inner cities. They’re in the suburbs. They don’t even care that there’s no good night clubs or bars on the east side of Buffalo. You got to go to the city you got to go to the suburbs. But I know and so do the great majority of Americans because we see things that the enemies of America don’t care about.

In the end the truth prevails .. kindness, love strength is going to win over evil
Brother, I’m not sure who you’re responding to or how that follows what has been said in this thread

if you find one of the 10 or 15 KKK members left in this country, let us know…. More importantly, we need to reign in the BLM leaders these white and Black people who have stolen money from working class people to build mansions.

Talk about the people who say that people are born privileged based on their skin color, talk about those who say we should have college admissions based on how people look. Or not choice is yours
The KKK was never that numerous. They only ever existed because a much larger group of people were sympathetic to their shit. Usually those who were invested in an exploitative system.
this is a win for freedom-loving Americans, not the fascist KKK, who have less members than there are Commies in Wyoming
I’m of the opinion that you are fine with fascism when it’s the democrats colluding with the media,and big corporations to suppress those you don’t like.
You're not suppressed. You just don't get to talk shit in the public sphere without blowback. You're the one that decided to have unpopular and inflammatory opinions. Take your lumps and quit yer bitchin.
The leader of the Democrat party acts surprised when he contemplates that there are clean presentable Blacks too. He sympathizes with Blacks because he says they don't have accountants and lawyers. He says they're not capable of getting an ID or filling out routine forms. And lets never forget that Joe has the final say about whether you're really Black or not. That sounds like a racist to me.
That is literally anyone now.
All it takes to be a woman today is a dress.
And yet they too are discriminated against. Makes you feel proud to advertise to the world our tolerance, inclusion, and love of everyone when the opposite is true, same for that democracy lie. We should get rid of the biggest lie and propaganda piece, "The Pledge of Allegiance", which it claims to want liberty and justice for all....Such propaganda.
You're not suppressed. You just don't get to talk shit in the public sphere without blowback. You're the one that decided to have unpopular and inflammatory opinions. Take your lumps and quit yer bitchin.
Not allowed opinions contrary to the DNC agenda/propaganda. Cant question COVID,Mask mandates,Forced vaccinations (or lose your job),election outcomes,Hunter Biden laptop etc.

The leader of the Democrat party acts surprised when he contemplates that there are clean presentable Blacks too. He sympathizes with Blacks because he says they don't have accountants and lawyers. He says they're not capable of getting an ID or filling out routine forms. And lets never forget that Joe has the final say about whether you're really Black or not. That sounds like a racist to me.
Who is the leader of the democrat party? I'd like to know considering there is no democrat party in power in the US and there never has been one.
And yet they too are discriminated against. Makes you feel proud to advertise to the world our tolerance, inclusion, and love of everyone when the opposite is true, same for that democracy lie. We should get rid of the biggest lie and propaganda piece, "The Pledge of Allegiance", which it claims to want liberty and justice for all....Such propaganda.
And yet they are not discriminated against one iota.
Total myth.
"we need racist and discriminatory bias for blacks because now they have to get by based off their merits, skills, intelligence, ambition and experience.
By the middle of the 21st century whites will no longer be in the majority in the United States. Someday soon Asians, African Americans, and Latinos will control the levers of local, state, and federal government and industry/banking/finance.
It will be interesting to see at that point if America's Anglos still feel that laws protecting minorities (which will be them) are ridiculous...or if by then the pendulum has completely swung to the other side with whites now needing and demanding "equal opportunities" in their competition with the races that hold the power.

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