Some Fine Shooting

And he was Just turning his life around.
Side point: Journalists should know the difference between "rob" and "burglarize."

This guy was clearly not out to "rob" them; he wanted to burglarize their house.

Good for this old lady. She didn't panic and did exactly what she should have done.
Ooops, my bad. When I read the subject title, "Some Fine Shooting", of your post and saw the word "Applause" keyed in over the link, I thought you were referring to the toddler who shot and killed his Mother.

Of course you were happy the toddler shot his anti gun morons need deaths from accidents so you can drag the bodies in front of the cameras...while we who want people to be able to defend themselves try to get gun safety education taught in public schools to try to prevent accidents like this...

only anti gunners enjoy the deaths by gun accident.....they need dead people...especially dead push their agenda...since their beliefs about guns in the United States are not based in facts, the truth or need dead kids to overcome the reason of normal people...
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