Solyndra is Obama's Halliburton Watergate


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Obama and Biden are crooks and have been caught redhanded laundering campaign money through the corrupt company Solyndra.

First, we have Obama's fund raiser Steve Spinner, whose wife represented Solyndra pressing the Department of Energy to make the loan guarantee, "I have OVP [the Office of the Vice President] and WH [the White House] breathing down my neck on this."

Then, we have Tom Carnahan, owner of the Wind Capital Group, and son of the woman who stole a Senate seat from Ashcroft, hosting a fund raiser for Obama after benefitting from the loan.


When the dots just slam into each other you don't have to bother connecting them!
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Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.

Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.
JSF isn't the issue. Try to keep up. it's not the spending that the issue.

It's WHO is doing the spending.

As I've always suspected.

Bravo. :clap:

Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.

Big difference between the constitutional act of of defense of this country and funding a third rate "energy" corporation that was about ready to tip over. The first is the main job of the federal government, but the other is pure idiocy.
I'm not sure what you mean by money laundering. The only connection to campaign cash that I can see is that Solyndra part-owner George Kaiser was an Obama campaign cash bundler. But there's no evidence in the public record that the Obama campaigns have laundered any campaign cash, through Solyndra or otherwise.

What I really want to say though is that Halliburton and Watergate simply aren't comparable scandals. Offering sweetheart deals to political cronies (as occurred for Halliburton and Solyndra) is simply not comparable to the gross criminality of Watergate.

Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.

Big difference between the constitutional act of of defense of this country and funding a third rate "energy" corporation that was about ready to tip over. The first is the main job of the federal government, but the other is pure idiocy.

Show me in the constitution where it specifies that you can give tax payer dollars to a private company to produce a plane.

Or even authorizes an air force.

A fighter/bomber is not a defensive weapon system.
I'm not sure what you mean by money laundering. The only connection to campaign cash that I can see is that Solyndra part-owner George Kaiser was an Obama campaign cash bundler. But there's no evidence in the public record that the Obama campaigns have laundered any campaign cash, through Solyndra or otherwise.

What I really want to say though is that Halliburton and Watergate simply aren't comparable scandals. Offering sweetheart deals to political cronies (as occurred for Halliburton and Solyndra) is simply not comparable to the gross criminality of Watergate.

These clowns applauded Bush when he shipped tax payer dollars on WOODEN PALLETS to Iraq. No accountability whatsoever. They LOST billions.

And they are trying to drum up a scandal here?

Laughable to say the least.

Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.

Big difference between the constitutional act of of defense of this country and funding a third rate "energy" corporation that was about ready to tip over. The first is the main job of the federal government, but the other is pure idiocy.

i'll direct your attention to the general welfare and commerce clauses of the constitution. those give government broad latitude in the actions in which it can engage for the benefit of the populace. you might want to read a case or two. it could help you.

you just don't like the second... but that isn't the constitutional standard.

thank heaven.

Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.

Big difference between the constitutional act of of defense of this country and funding a third rate "energy" corporation that was about ready to tip over. The first is the main job of the federal government, but the other is pure idiocy.

i'll direct your attention to the general welfare and commerce clauses of the constitution. those give government broad latitude in the actions in which it can engage for the benefit of the populace. you might want to read a case or two. it could help you.

you just don't like the second... but that isn't the constitutional standard.

thank heaven.

I'll look into it.
I'm not sure what you mean by money laundering. The only connection to campaign cash that I can see is that Solyndra part-owner George Kaiser was an Obama campaign cash bundler. But there's no evidence in the public record that the Obama campaigns have laundered any campaign cash, through Solyndra or otherwise.

What I really want to say though is that Halliburton and Watergate simply aren't comparable scandals. Offering sweetheart deals to political cronies (as occurred for Halliburton and Solyndra) is simply not comparable to the gross criminality of Watergate.

These clowns applauded Bush when he shipped tax payer dollars on WOODEN PALLETS to Iraq. No accountability whatsoever. They LOST billions.

And they are trying to drum up a scandal here?

Laughable to say the least.

That was a screw up. No question about it. The nation building was like throwing money into a fire place.:eusa_whistle:
I'm not sure what you mean by money laundering. The only connection to campaign cash that I can see is that Solyndra part-owner George Kaiser was an Obama campaign cash bundler. But there's no evidence in the public record that the Obama campaigns have laundered any campaign cash, through Solyndra or otherwise.

What I really want to say though is that Halliburton and Watergate simply aren't comparable scandals. Offering sweetheart deals to political cronies (as occurred for Halliburton and Solyndra) is simply not comparable to the gross criminality of Watergate.

These clowns applauded Bush when he shipped tax payer dollars on WOODEN PALLETS to Iraq. No accountability whatsoever. They LOST billions.

And they are trying to drum up a scandal here?

Laughable to say the least.

That was a screw up. No question about it. The nation building was like throwing money into a fire place.:eusa_whistle:

As usual, it is the coverups that nail the perpetrators and drag it on forever...

Well that's the meme anyway.

The joint strike fighter with over 120 Billion in cost overruns and 300 billion total tax payer bill yet nothing to show for it..completely goes WHOOOSSHH..over the heads of "fiscal" conservatives.
JSF isn't the issue. Try to keep up. it's not the spending that the issue.

It's WHO is doing the spending.

As I've always suspected.

Bravo. :clap:

No you arrogant ass. The issue in this Thread is not Spending. It's the fact that Obama is a Crooked Fuck that Used Stimulus funds like his very own Multi-Billion dollar Re-Elect me Fund.

He Pressured people under him to Make a bad loan to Funnel Money to Supporters, and have an Opportunity for a Photo Op. A Loan the Previous Administration had Considered and Denied. A Loan everyone was Telling Obama Not to make.

This is just the Tip of the Ice Burg Here I am telling you. We gave Him Billions to hand out in just the Way this half a Billion was. 80% of it went to Blue states, Unions and Supporters of Obama and Democrats. It was one of the biggest Crimes ever Carried out on the American People, and Now that asshole Obama wants another Couple Hundred Billion more to do exactly the same thing will.

His 1 Billion dollar Re-election fund isn't enough. He needs to use Hundreds of Billions of US Tax Payer Dollars to buy his way back in.

Yet all you can do is deflect by Bringing something that is completely UN-related to the Scandal we are discussion.
JSF isn't the issue. Try to keep up. it's not the spending that the issue.

It's WHO is doing the spending.

As I've always suspected.

Bravo. :clap:

No you arrogant ass. The issue in this Thread is not Spending. It's the fact that Obama is a Crooked Fuck that Used Stimulus funds like his very own Multi-Billion dollar Re-Elect me Fund.

He Pressured people under him to Make a bad loan to Funnel Money to Supporters, and have an Opportunity for a Photo Op. A Loan the Previous Administration had Considered and Denied. A Loan everyone was Telling Obama Not to make.

This is just the Tip of the Ice Burg Here I am telling you. We gave Him Billions to hand out in just the Way this half a Billion was. 80% of it went to Blue states, Unions and Supporters of Obama and Democrats. It was one of the biggest Crimes ever Carried out on the American People, and Now that asshole Obama wants another Couple Hundred Billion more to do exactly the same thing will.

His 1 Billion dollar Re-election fund isn't enough. He needs to use Hundreds of Billions of US Tax Payer Dollars to buy his way back in.

Yet all you can do is deflect by Bringing something that is completely UN-related to the Scandal we are discussion.

The Obama administration was considering whether to pump another $5.4 million into the failing solar panel manufacturer Solyndra in late August, according to hundreds of pages of new emails obtained by Fox News.

The emails show that Energy Secretary Steven Chu and his staff were eager to find a way to keep the failing company alive, but officials at the White House, Treasury Department and Office of Management and Budget intervened to cut off any more funds from going to the company.

Read more: Energy Department Wanted To Give More Money To Solyndra, Emails Show | Fox News
I'm not sure what you mean by money laundering. The only connection to campaign cash that I can see is that Solyndra part-owner George Kaiser was an Obama campaign cash bundler. But there's no evidence in the public record that the Obama campaigns have laundered any campaign cash, through Solyndra or otherwise.

What I really want to say though is that Halliburton and Watergate simply aren't comparable scandals. Offering sweetheart deals to political cronies (as occurred for Halliburton and Solyndra) is simply not comparable to the gross criminality of Watergate.

These clowns applauded Bush when he shipped tax payer dollars on WOODEN PALLETS to Iraq. No accountability whatsoever. They LOST billions.

And they are trying to drum up a scandal here?

Laughable to say the least.

That was a screw up. No question about it. The nation building was like throwing money into a fire place.:eusa_whistle:

And where's Darrell Issa's investigations into any of that?

He's had plenty of time to look into it.
JSF isn't the issue. Try to keep up. it's not the spending that the issue.

It's WHO is doing the spending.

As I've always suspected.

Bravo. :clap:

No you arrogant ass. The issue in this Thread is not Spending. It's the fact that Obama is a Crooked Fuck that Used Stimulus funds like his very own Multi-Billion dollar Re-Elect me Fund.

He Pressured people under him to Make a bad loan to Funnel Money to Supporters, and have an Opportunity for a Photo Op. A Loan the Previous Administration had Considered and Denied. A Loan everyone was Telling Obama Not to make.

This is just the Tip of the Ice Burg Here I am telling you. We gave Him Billions to hand out in just the Way this half a Billion was. 80% of it went to Blue states, Unions and Supporters of Obama and Democrats. It was one of the biggest Crimes ever Carried out on the American People, and Now that asshole Obama wants another Couple Hundred Billion more to do exactly the same thing will.

His 1 Billion dollar Re-election fund isn't enough. He needs to use Hundreds of Billions of US Tax Payer Dollars to buy his way back in.

Yet all you can do is deflect by Bringing something that is completely UN-related to the Scandal we are discussion.

Yeah..I know it's not about the spending. It's about trying to do a "Clinton" on Obama.

40% of the stimulus was tax credits. And comparatively it wasn't as expensive as the Nuclear Orbital Platform, Reagan put up with no one investigating that..or the two fucking wars Bush dumped a load of blood and treasure with no one investigating that.

So "you arrogant ass". This is partisan hackery at it's finest. Another attempt to impeach ANOTHER Democratic President.



It's WHO is doing the spending.

As I've always suspected.

Bravo. :clap:

No you arrogant ass. The issue in this Thread is not Spending. It's the fact that Obama is a Crooked Fuck that Used Stimulus funds like his very own Multi-Billion dollar Re-Elect me Fund.

He Pressured people under him to Make a bad loan to Funnel Money to Supporters, and have an Opportunity for a Photo Op. A Loan the Previous Administration had Considered and Denied. A Loan everyone was Telling Obama Not to make.

This is just the Tip of the Ice Burg Here I am telling you. We gave Him Billions to hand out in just the Way this half a Billion was. 80% of it went to Blue states, Unions and Supporters of Obama and Democrats. It was one of the biggest Crimes ever Carried out on the American People, and Now that asshole Obama wants another Couple Hundred Billion more to do exactly the same thing will.

His 1 Billion dollar Re-election fund isn't enough. He needs to use Hundreds of Billions of US Tax Payer Dollars to buy his way back in.

Yet all you can do is deflect by Bringing something that is completely UN-related to the Scandal we are discussion.

40% of the stimulus was tax credits.

That is why I said a couple Hundred Billion dollars and not 850 Billion. Stop with your Fucking Deflection. We live in the here and now. Where our President is using the US treasury like an Election Fund.
Here's Darrell-

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who will become chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee when the 112th Congress is sworn in Wednesday, said he would lead six major investigations in the first three months of the year. This is an ambitious undertaking by conventional standards, as congressional investigations often take months to bear fruit.

Incoming House GOP chairmen have a long list of issues to investigate

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