SOLVING 4 issues at once


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Tornado Force Winds

Our solution to the S. American Refugee caravan and our response to Saudis for the torture of the journalist can be "possibly" taken care of through one act that could resolve both issues=
Send the REAL LEGITIMATE cases of
Asylum to Saudi Arabia as punishment for human rights violations, let them Teshuva and show us their humanity by taking in those who truly are fleeing for legitimate asylum.
REFUSAL=freezing all assests and investments including prepaid funds for defense weapons and crafts.
True Teshuva requires reversing human rights violations with humanitarian acts such as this
For the caravan that is merely leaving for unsubstantial reasons get sent back using funds from Soros' frozen assests if he's connected to the Caravan as Gov't officials are stating.
Freeze Soros NY mansion and use the money to help finance the wall along with his other frozen assets.
That solves 4 problems,
and the soft coup will be without it's Resist financing.
Plus solving a fifth and even sixth issue:
Being sent to the Middle East would bring much needed diversity there, while no imigration seeker is gonna ever risk doing that again. :71:
Also Dems couldn't complain without insulting Muslims.:113:
The Progressive Jihadists are hoping for a Kent State overreaction on the Southern Border right before the election. Soros might be paying shooters to attack his paid Fugees at the border
The Progressive Jihadists are hoping for a Kent State overreaction on the Southern Border right before the election. Soros might be paying shooters to attack his paid Fugees at the border
Yeah half those people had cameras and the political ploy focus about cry for food could be solved if all those staging agents (reporters) shared half their sandwiches, since they equaled the amount of refugees.
Dems are staging this as a humanitary crisis which if it was would be their fault for staging the stampede.....but yeah they are setting up Trump to look bad no matter what he does. (They'll always take the opposite position of how he handles this.) Which means give it to a Dem politician or former one to handle and watch the fun as you take the blame game away from Republicans.
The Progressive Jihadists are hoping for a Kent State overreaction on the Southern Border right before the election. Soros might be paying shooters to attack his paid Fugees at the border
Yeah half those people had cameras and the political ploy focus about cry for food could be solved if all those staging agents (reporters) shared half their sandwiches, since they equaled the amount of refugees.
Dems are staging this as a humanitary crisis which if itcwas would be their fault for staging the stampede.....but yeah they are setting up Trump to look vad no mattercwhat he does. (They'll always take the opposite position of how he handles this.) Which means give it to a Dem politician or former one to handle and watch the fun as you take the blame game away from Republicans.
It's like the Sam Kinison skit on World Hunger
Personally I'd drop them off at
Rosie O'Donnells house, but that's just my sense of humor.
If Dems shout the hunger issue then start a Kibbutz situation in Saudis or Iraqi territory and let them eat the fruits of their labor and have abundance in doing so.
You doubting the intelligence community and Generals? Isn't that something you guys kvetched Donald was doing?
The fake news was about mistaking info on a video clip of money being handed out(location was also mistaken) but the Gov't verified Soros financing that has nothing to do with the clip. And by the way Snopes is biased, you can't trust the fact checkers either.
Plus solving a fifth and even sixth issue:
Being sent to the Middle East would bring much needed diversity there, while no imigration seeker is gonna ever risk doing that again. :71:
Also Dems couldn't complain without insulting Muslims.:113:
Apparently you are not well versed on the influx of Islamist to a lot of places in the South American states. You can thank the Vatican for some of that chit. The power play is a lot more than some diversity crap. It more about the Petro dollar and the Euro on the money end and Islam verses Christianity and Judaism on the religion end if one has the good sense to look at the whole.
Plus solving a fifth and even sixth issue:
Being sent to the Middle East would bring much needed diversity there, while no imigration seeker is gonna ever risk doing that again. :71:
Also Dems couldn't complain without insulting Muslims.:113:
Apparently you are not well versed on the influx of Islamist to a lot of places in the South American states. You can thank the Vatican for some of that chit. The power play is a lot more than some diversity crap. It more about the Petro dollar and the Euro on the money end and Islam verses Christianity and Judaism on the religion end if one has the good sense to look at the whole.
So you found a Sheva (7th) solution, sending back the possible cells and trojan horses who planed on blending in with the Caravan.
  • Info for Sparky;
  • Sometimes you have to fact check the fact checkers
  • Snopes is not a legit unbias fact check source, I noticed their fact checking was based on subjective opinion of flawed logic not actual investigation or hard evidence, so I dug into who owned the web site and found their parent co owned a Clinton web site which was also validated by another source that busts fake news and here is more:
    Snopes Article Exposing “Fake News” Turns Out To Be “Fake News”

    Facebook May Be Combatting Fake News with Potentially Misinformed ‘Fact-Checkers'

    Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

    Snopes is already exposed by who owns them (Proper Media in liberal San Diego, California), exposing that Clinton and Snopes needs to hide who's behind their propaganda sites posing as journalism and that you don't know who owns or is behind your info.
    :) Proper Media owns web properties and
    their execs are kept secret as is the web page ownerships through Perfect Privacy.
    Isn't this how you people tie people to Putin?
    Now one has to admit this connect the dots lunacy is flawed ? ;-)
    If you want to connect the dots to snopes then try:
    Snopes owner that is Proper Media partners with BlueKai® that is Oracle
    and Oracle is a partner of The Nature Conservancy, a liberal and active proponent of cap and trade and a carbon tax, they support planned parenthood and same sex marriage=have a liberal agenda.
Last edited:
Wait I just saw footage of these people, they have Gucci bags and better clothes then people in my city, they don't look like the hardship claims and if they can walk that far then surely they are healthy. In fact I'll trade them some of the Phila. Phillies hitters who hit under .200 last year for any of their best Baseball players with the Stamina to walk all that way.
And by the way Snopes is biased, you can't trust the fact checkers either.

but, we can trust yours , which are all extreemist moon bat whack job links

further, any politician or faction that tells you to HATE any given race religion or group of people are essentially brownshirts

Something I find rather unpallatable ,especially when it comes from a Jew

And by the way Snopes is biased, you can't trust the fact checkers either.

but, we can trust yours , which are all extreemist moon bat whack job links

further, any politician or faction that tells you to HATE any given race religion or group of people are essentially brownshirts

Something I find rather unpallatable ,especially when it comes from a Jew

:21: You just proved you got bamboozled by fake news in that you yourself can't distinguish Legal immigration from illegal immigration, true political asylum from induced political strategic tactics.
But worse, you not only drank the cool-aide, you tried to poison others with your regurgitation of that fake news and narrative that insults people by using the race card loosly which in itself is a racist act of pandering and manipulating a race, while hinting that you feel them inferior enough to fall for your manipulation and control of them.
I'm a racist for pointing out flagrant racism now?

sure HaShev, say whatabout you go defeat the interlock on your microwave this morning, and stick your head on it?

nothing starts the day like a well done jewish brownshirt >>>

I'm a racist for pointing out flagrant racism now?
sure HaShev, say whatabout you go defeat the interlock on your microwave this morning, and stick your head on it?

nothing starts the day like a well done jewish brownshirt >>>
And there is the true nature of the hurt ego of a true leftist, displace and deflect knowing full well the Antifa are the brownshirts and you telling a Jew to stick himself in an oven just proves you are a racist.
By the way, what people are used as slave labor for Pelosis Wine Vinyards? And why does she have no paperwork on her office desk and never gets anything done? Why is she in office, getting paid by Tax payers so she can not work?
Last time I checked, the Gov't had two majority parties running the country, one is doing nothing but kvetching getting nothing done and the other party is carryingvthe load with one hand tied and weighed down by the obstructionist. IT'S TIME TO BRING IN ROBOTS, they'd at least be more life like.
Current events;
Reflecting on Hurricane Michael and how the Building codes after Opal did not hold weight.
We should not be building on barrier Islands, we should not be rebuilding on the sand on the beach, and if we build close to the ocean or in Hurricane riddled areas, we should stop building the same type of innefficient cookie cutter designed homes.....
I've been promoting Jacque Frescos (May he RIP) VENUS PROJECT cement dome bldgs since 1996 for this very reason of wind resistant curves for progressing to more practicle designs for beach areas.
Roxanne Meadows directs The Venus Project now if you want to see if they still carry the designs of his.
Opal destroyed the beach front of Mexico Beach but spared the inland homes blocks in, so they assumed just build higher to avoid surge(but where the winds rise higher too)
Mexico Beach surged in new construction, but there was a reason the town was previously not built up, and now they know why.
If the new sprawl would have taken my advice back then, they would still be standing today. Being Shalem requires progressing to all we could and should be, not staying stagnent in status quo constantly stepping on that same outdated uninspired mouse trap again and again.

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