Socialist truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Ironic that Sanders is getting screwed by socialism:)


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I will be the first to admit that I don't get the way these clowns figure this nonsense out. The evil one BARELY won Iowa - yet got 10 times as many delegates as the communist did. She got DESTROYED in NH and (I think) got more delegates than the communist. She won SC by a tad and got twice as many as the communist.

Can any of you left wing nuts explain this "process" that you guys live by?
I will be the first to admit that I don't get the way these clowns figure this nonsense out. The evil one BARELY won Iowa - yet got 10 times as many delegates as the communist did. She got DESTROYED in NH and (I think) got more delegates than the communist. She won SC by a tad and got twice as many as the communist.

Can any of you left wing nuts explain this "process" that you guys live by?

The DNC gives the power of an entire delegate to certain members of the party; they're called superdelegates. They recently admitted that superdelegates exist to make it more difficult for grassroots campaigns to take over the party. Their purpose is to prevent people like Bernie from winning.
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Nobody "gets" the superdelegate votes until they vote. What's being called a delegate total is really just an estimate based on pledges of support. They can always change their minds. It is in no way "socialism"; it's party rules.
I will be the first to admit that I don't get the way these clowns figure this nonsense out. The evil one BARELY won Iowa - yet got 10 times as many delegates as the communist did. She got DESTROYED in NH and (I think) got more delegates than the communist. She won SC by a tad and got twice as many as the communist.

Can any of you left wing nuts explain this "process" that you guys live by?
I will try to explain it, but know that I am still reading up on it and learning about it myself.

There is a difference between a pledged delegate and an unpledged delegate/super delegate.

The primary votes and caucus votes are pledged, and can not be changed before the Convention vote of delegates.

The super delegates, which is comprised of all Federal Senators and Congressmen, (Bernie's coworkers), State Governors, ex Presidents, etc are UNpledged delegates and their votes which could be about 10% of the total delegates needed to win the contest are not valid and counted as a pledged delegate, until the Convention.

These Party members can change who they say they are behind a hundred times before their delegate vote, actually is counted/pledged. A couple of the super delegates who initially voiced that they were behind Hillary, changed their minds and are now saying they are behind Bernie last week, and they could go back to Hillary, then back to Bernie a few more times before the convention vote, who knows?

About half of the Super/unpledged delegates came out in 2015 in support of Hillary, and the other half have not come out in support of her or anyone.

These unpledged delegates have worked with Hillary and Bernie and know them least most of them have, and the ones that committed to Hillary in early 2015 believe she will be a better president than Bernie and her positions on issues represent what they believe the Democratic Party's positions are..., but remember, about half, have not made up their minds yet....and none count, until the convention vote.

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