'Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

Socialism is very real.

And WE have a socialist/capitalist system.

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

Or are we talking about how MUCH socialism we require...
Socialism, properly defined, means the nationalized ownership of business and industry.

Your gargantuan kleptocratic welfare state, while socialistic in nature, isn't socialism in it's full build-out form.

Once again, you show yourself to be the dimmest bulb on the USMB marquee.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Calling it "boogeyman" implies that its a fictional threat, but in reality i would say its more like a very real "Nation serial killer".
Socialism is very real.

And WE have a socialist/capitalist system.

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

Or are we talking about how MUCH socialism we require...

Social security, Medicare, Medicaid are massive Ponzi schemes that use the "at gunpoint" approach where one is forced to participate and "da gubermint" takes from the employee and the employer to fund it which has been stolen to fund other functions of "gubermint". The VA is "socialist"??? You are playing fast and lose with the term, dumb ass.
Socialism is very real.

And WE have a socialist/capitalist system.

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

Or are we talking about how MUCH socialism we require...
Socialism, properly defined, means the nationalized ownership of business and industry.

Your gargantuan kleptocratic welfare state, while socialistic in nature, isn't socialism in it's full build-out form.

Once again, you show yourself to be the dimmest bulb on the USMB marquee.

Leftards are THE dumbest motherfuckers. They are like dung beetles...mindless eaters of shit.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The Democratic Party is a socialist party. They’ve made that abundantly clear, particularly with the rise of people like Sanders and AOC in their ranks

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The Democratic Party is a socialist party. They’ve made that abundantly clear, particularly with the rise of people like Sanders and AOC in their ranks

Free education
Free healthcare
Nationalized industries
Vilification of the rich
Open borders
Odd gender identities
Fear of red hats

Sound about right?
Socialism, properly defined, means the nationalized ownership of business and industry.

Which clearly doesn't apply to this country...so why are we even talking about it and why is the Mod above you lying about it?
Socialism, properly defined, means the nationalized ownership of business and industry.

Which clearly doesn't apply to this country...so why are we even talking about it and why is the Mod above you lying about it?

What do you call government takeover of healthcare and education? The question is why do you keep lying about it?
Socialism, properly defined, means the nationalized ownership of business and industry.

Which clearly doesn't apply to this country...so why are we even talking about it and why is the Mod above you lying about it?

What do you call government takeover of healthcare and education? The question is why do you keep lying about it?
Your fantasy

Actually, it’s your party’s wet dream and you have candidates campaigning on it
Socialism, properly defined, means the nationalized ownership of business and industry.

Which clearly doesn't apply to this country...so why are we even talking about it and why is the Mod above you lying about it?
Wait a minute here...You post a big list of the "successes of socialism", then say you're not really a socialist when your bullshit gets called out?

Holy fuck....You're going to need Allied Van Lines to help you with your goalpost moving.
Socialism is very real.

And WE have a socialist/capitalist system.

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

Or are we talking about how MUCH socialism we require...

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

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