Socialism Ascendant


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
College Peofs.jpg

Quite a coincidence that Franklin Roosevelt had that choice to make:

FDR was pro-totalitarian, and his greatest decision was whether to bring Adolph or Stalin to the prom.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

And today, the Left is still following FDR's lead.

6. “Article II of the constitution of the DSA, to which Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib belong, states: "We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships." That is closer to the traditional definition of socialism—a definition that implies a set of institutional arrangements that inevitably would limit freedom of choice.

"Our task is formidable. Democratic socialists must secure decisive majorities in legislatures while winning hegemony in the unions," writes Bhaskar Sunkara, editor of Jacobin magazine, in his Socialist Manifesto. "Then our organizations must be willing to flex their social power in the form of mass mobilizations and political strikes to counter the structural power of capital and ensure that our leaders choose confrontation over accommodation with elites."

In 1906 the German sociologist Werner Sombart devoted a monograph to answering the question, Why Is There No Socialism in the United States? Sombart noted the comparatively high and rising standard of living of American workers. "On the reefs of roast beef and apple pie," he said, "socialistic Utopias of every sort are sent to their doom."
America's Best Defense Against Socialism

The attraction of socialism is the promise to steal from those that have more, and distribute it to their supporters.

Of course, that’s not what happens.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

"It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it."

and your attempts to put YOUR religion back in public schools are ALSO about indoctrination. YOU want to indoctrinate MY KIDS with your dangerous religious beliefs.

Whoever indoctrinated YOU did a great job!

I am reminded of a documentary i say 30 years ago; about communist party leaders in towns and villages. One woman was asked "How did you become party leader of this village?"

she replied: "when I was a child and they said JUMP....I jumped HIGHEST!....."

I'll bet YOU jumped highest, too......

and you can't wait to yell JUMP at other people......
School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
Socialism is ascendant in the Democrat Socialist Party but not in America nor globally. Unless and until the Dems can end their insanity, every election will be billed as "America vs Socialism" with every Dem win celebrated by the socialist lemmings as a victory for their cause and agenda.

I see a very dark future for the Dems and a centrist 3rd Party emerging which may well render the current socialist version irrelevant and will be comprised of those who can no longer stomach their current party's direction.

"America will never be a socialist country!!" - D.J. Trump

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

"It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it."

and your attempts to put YOUR religion back in public schools are ALSO about indoctrination. YOU want to indoctrinate MY KIDS with your dangerous religious beliefs.

Whoever indoctrinated YOU did a great job!

I am reminded of a documentary i say 30 years ago; about communist party leaders in towns and villages. One woman was asked "How did you become party leader of this village?"

she replied: "when I was a child and they said JUMP....I jumped HIGHEST!....."

I'll bet YOU jumped highest, too......

and you can't wait to yell JUMP at other people......

1. "...and your attempts to put YOUR religion back in public schools ..."

I said nothing about religion, you dope.....and, the religion you refer to is that of the Founders of this nation.

“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”
Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

2. "YOU want to indoctrinate MY KIDS with your dangerous religious beliefs."
I want the schools to teach the truth about socialism.

Notice, you could find not a single mistake in the you've tried to change the subject.

I love the ire my posts instill in lying oafs like you.

3. "Whoever indoctrinated YOU did a great job!"

Not I....I can defend and explain any position I endorse.

You can't.

4. "I am reminded of a documentary i say 30 years ago;..."

Here's one they show in government school now....

the 20-minute video being shown in American classrooms entitled The

Story of Stuff; a catchy title to appeal to grade school kids. This piece of anti-capitalist propaganda was

put together by Greenpeace member Annie Leonard.

5. Let me know when you feel the need to be put in your place pleasure.
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.

Here's a novel approach for you, about you take a position on socialism for America.

After all....that is the topic.

Go out on a a little courage.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
Socialism is ascendant in the Democrat Socialist Party but not in America nor globally. Unless and until the Dems can end their insanity, every election will be billed as "America vs Socialism" with every Dem win celebrated by the socialist lemmings as a victory for their cause and agenda.

I see a very dark future for the Dems and a centrist 3rd Party emerging which may well render the current socialist version irrelevant and will be comprised of those who can no longer stomach their current party's direction.

"America will never be a socialist country!!" - D.J. Trump

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!!

Some 60 million citizens, and untold millions of the illegals Obama sent out to vote, voted for the socialist party.

We are in mortal danger of losing the country if the occupation of the schools isn't ended.

It certainly will be an interesting 2020.
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
Socialism is just communism lite .... :cool:

But billions of taxpayer money to oil companies is just fine. Another 16 billion for farmers is not "socialism"?

canadians pay less per capita for their "socialized" healthcare than we do.

So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?

Oh....BTW.....Canadians pay more out of pocket than Americans prior to ObamaCare.

The following ‘Universal Healthcare’ countries have higher out-of-pocket costs than the United States:

Out-of-pocket spending as a share of total expenditure on health, 1980-2000 (table 4)

Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland.

Even you must be amazed at how stupid you are.
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.

Nah....he isn't.
Socialism is just communism lite .... :cool:

But billions of taxpayer money to oil companies is just fine. Another 16 billion for farmers is not "socialism"?

canadians pay less per capita for their "socialized" healthcare than we do.

So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?

Oh....BTW.....Canadians pay more out of pocket than Americans prior to ObamaCare.

The following ‘Universal Healthcare’ countries have higher out-of-pocket costs than the United States:

Out-of-pocket spending as a share of total expenditure on health, 1980-2000 (table 4)

Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland.

Even you must be amazed at how stupid you are.

It is kind of funny.
"Europe has free healthcare!!!!"
Uh...but there tax rates are substantially higher... you understand those taxes pay for it?
.....walks away.....

One week later..... "Europe has free healthcare!!!
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

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