Social engineering via the left

you're some sort of non partisan... like too many on here.
Thanks for proving me point, you have completely missed the point of the thread, and fallen for the kool-aid they are offering you.


Thanks for proving me point, you have completely missed the point of the thread, and fallen for the kool-aid they are offering you.


It's funny, I see so many younger people using the phrase "Drink the Kool-Aid". They seem to think it just means blindly supporting something, with no idea of its darker origin.
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Drink up, drone!

Personal attacks with no content.

Strange it never applies to you dweebs on here

We don't want your social engineering, we've seen it, child abuse, coddling queers and trannies, attacking Christianity, support of antisemitism.

No thanks
It's funny, I see so many younger people using the phrase "Drink the Kool-Aid". They seem to think it just means blindly supporting something, with no idea of it's darker origin.
. . . well, in this scenario, IMO? I think it is apt.

This cult of partisanship is literally destroying the nation at this point. But, that is just my opinion on that. Everyone has their own take.

Sometime around the mid-nineties it seemed to become not only very useful, but with the advent of media consolidation, the world wide web, and cable news, it also became oddly profitable as well. . .

You mean like your utterly ironic suggestion that non-partisan voters have no spine??

I don't want that either. But you're a partisan, so you can't see that.

I'm a conservative. You're a leftist loon. Never ever will we agree.
The Left has been social engineering since the advent of Marxism. Read Friedrich Engels' The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State if you want to know why they socially engineer the way they do. It's all about destroying the family in order to take us back to their imagined anarcho-communist Utopia.
The Left has been social engineering since the advent of Marxism. Read Friedrich Engels' The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State if you want to know why they socially engineer the way they do. It's all about destroying the family in order to take us back to their imagined anarcho-communist Utopia.

Exactly. They think no one has noticed. But now they've upped their game, children being forefront
. . . well, in this scenario, IMO? I think it is apt.

This cult of partisanship is literally destroying the nation at this point. But, that is just my opinion on that. Everyone has their own take.
I think it's more than opinion. It's demonstrable fact. Look at the two "leading candidates" for President. I wouldn't trust either of them to walk my dog. And I think most people would say something similar. Yet most voters are blithely accepting them as our "choices".
Sometime around the mid-nineties it seemed to become not only very useful, but with the advent of media consolidation, the world wide web, and cable news, it also became oddly profitable as well. . .

Fear sells.
We need to be fighting against the culture war, rather than fighting for one side or the other in the culture war. In other words, fighting against the practice of social engineering, rather than trying to steer the social engineering in a different direction.
It's not enough to call a truce and let the communists keep the cultural territory that they've taken. We need to take back that territory and eradicate the enemy.
It's not enough to call a truce and let the communists keep the cultural territory that they've taken. We need to take back that territory and eradicate the enemy.
So, you want to stay mired in the culture war. Down the pipes we will go!
I don't care. Why can't you loons understand that?

You can screech all day and I don't care
Seriously, if you think I'm a leftist, it tells me all I need to know about the validity of your partisan views. You're an idiot drone.

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