So You Still Think Your VOTE COUNTS?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Go ahead, throw this in the conspiracy theory forum, but it won't change the FACT that EVERYTHING in this video is SPOT ON TRUTH... PROVEN and SUBSTANTIATED... and if this doesn't PISS YOU OFF, then you are BRAIN DEAD... this should stay in the politics forum because there's nothing CONSPIRATORIAL about it... it's FACT...

I know my vote doesn't count. I try to manipulate my vote so that it means something. I don't vote for any democrats. I some elections this means I don't vote at all. I don't vote for any non whites and I don't vote for any women judges. I vote no on all initiatives. It makes for a spotty ballot.
I know my vote doesn't count. I try to manipulate my vote so that it means something. I don't vote for any democrats. I some elections this means I don't vote at all. I don't vote for any non whites and I don't vote for any women judges. I vote no on all initiatives. It makes for a spotty ballot.
You should take a half hour and watch the whole video. It's enough to curl your toes, and it's FACT.

"It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."

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The GOP needs to fight back with more vigor or we will have our 2016 vote taken away...
Go ahead, throw this in the conspiracy theory forum, but it won't change the FACT that EVERYTHING in this video is SPOT ON TRUTH... PROVEN and SUBSTANTIATED... and if this doesn't PISS YOU OFF, then you are BRAIN DEAD... this should stay in the politics forum because there's nothing CONSPIRATORIAL about it... it's FACT...

The only one trying to rig the 2020 election is Donald Trump. Lucky for us, he got caught.

You didn't even watch the video. You just came in here and TROLLED with your BULL SHIT.

Get a fucking LIFE, you IGNORANT SCAB.
Okay, in the first three seconds the airhead blonde said "the Democrat Party".

That tells me all I need to know about the intelligence level of her propaganda video. :lol:
You didn't watch it ALL, and there's NONE of it that you can REFUTE.

You pathetic JACKASS.

Maybe I should REPORT YOU for TROLLING like you trolls always do to ME.
I urge people to watch the ENTIRE video before commenting, because the HEART and PROOF in the video doesn't start until after about the 3 minute mark, then it gets into the FACTS.

30 minutes isn't that long out of your life to learn something that should piss you the hell off about something you THOUGHT was TRUSTWORTHY.

IT'S NOT, and the video explains WHY, IN DETAIL.
I know my vote doesn't count. I try to manipulate my vote so that it means something. I don't vote for any democrats. I some elections this means I don't vote at all. I don't vote for any non whites and I don't vote for any women judges. I vote no on all initiatives. It makes for a spotty ballot.
You should take a half hour and watch the whole video. It's enough to curl your toes, and it's FACT.


you are posting a Infowars reporter as fact...

Not watching half an hour of that shite... Post what you have to say with some evidence....

You can't just post a 30 min video from a known conspiracy site and say it is FACT...

It makes you look stupid and that is a face..
The rubes must be scared Trump is going to lose in 2020. They are already pre-loading their excuses. :lol:

"This time it was TEN million illegal Mexicans who voted!"
I know my vote doesn't count. I try to manipulate my vote so that it means something. I don't vote for any democrats. I some elections this means I don't vote at all. I don't vote for any non whites and I don't vote for any women judges. I vote no on all initiatives. It makes for a spotty ballot.
You should take a half hour and watch the whole video. It's enough to curl your toes, and it's FACT.


you are posting a Infowars reporter as fact...

Not watching half an hour of that shite... Post what you have to say with some evidence....

You can't just post a 30 min video from a known conspiracy site and say it is FACT...

It makes you look stupid and that is a face..
Then you're just TROLLING, and UNABLE TO REFUTE A DAMN THING in it.

Go troll another thread with your, I'D RATHER REMAIN IGNORANT LEFTIST CRAP.
I'm okay with the Trumptards bleeving their votes don't count. So they should probably not bother to vote...
The thing about this is, this isn't about LEFT or RIGHT, this is about the ability of a FOREIGN ENTITY being able to FLIP an AMERICAN ELECTION, EITHER WAY.


But, the BOARD DEMTRASH would rather just come in the thread and IMMEDIATELY TROLL, like the IGNORANT MORONS THEY ARE.
OP says your vote does not count.

I say your vote counts...but also your vote is the ONLY power you have in Americas political system!

Who gains?

If you listen to me, I've gained nothing!

If you listen to OP...he has gotten you to NOT exercise the ONLY power you have. That is quite a gain!
Yep... I knew it... even though this is ALL PURE FACT, some LEFTIST SHIT STAIN MOD OR ADMIN had to throw this in the conspiracy theory forum.

Not ONE SINGLE FACT in this is a CONSPIRACY THEORY. Just goes to show how this board leans.

Yeah... evidently this board IS a member of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

What a bunch of pathetic ass holes.
OP says your vote does not count.

I say your vote counts...but also your vote is the ONLY power you have in Americas political system!

Who gains?

If you listen to me, I've gained nothing!

If you listen to OP...he has gotten you to NOT exercise the ONLY power you have. That is quite a gain!
Where did I say DON'T VOTE? Show me.

The video, IF you bothered to WATCH IT ALL, points out how CORRUPT our VOTE COUNTING PROCESS IS.

So try again, dumbass.
Trump's replaying all the old hits.

1. This election is rigged!

2. Muslims!

3. Mexicans!

4. The wall will be paid for by Mexico!

5. I will pay off the debt in 8 years!

6. I will repeal and replace Obamacare and it will be so easy!

7. Witch hunt!

8. I'm coup-coup!

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