Zone1 So, Why Is This Okay?

I don't believe anybody said that but look up anyways.

Well Leo already answered that in the quote below, but I also have to add that George Floyd is now seen as a hero in death when he was a criminal in life and why no political examples? Those are the biggest examples in the news right now that I can think of.
I also provided (in my post #40) 3 links to people who did suffer legal consequences for using the 'n' word. It's easy for SOME to claim free speech includes hate speech however, the reality is different. Also note that a white using the 'n' word is all but 'verboten' while a black using the word 'cracker' is generally acceptable or calling whites 'parasites' in a video goes without scrutiny by most of the media and law enforcement.
Yes the USMB would mete out pain. Inciting violence is a matter of opinion by the legal eagles.

A Scottsdale real estate agent who angrily told a Black man that they were in a “no (N-word) zone,” has been arrested for disorderly conduct.
That is a good example of wrongful arrest imo. I watched the video, he was not disorderly, he was expressing his opinion and the person filming it was almost egging him on. So yes, that is fair example.

Another example:

That one is weird, looks like they tried to use an old law (that is not specific to race) and I agree with the civil liberty groups on this, it needs to be repealed.

HARTFORD, Conn. — Free speech concerns that were raised following the arrests of two University of Connecticut students accused of saying a racial slur have led state legislators to consider repealing a century-old law that bans ridicule based on race, religion or nationality.

The episode on campus involving two white students in October was recorded on video and sparked protests against racism. Many people applauded their arrests, but civil liberties groups condemned them as an affront to First Amendment rights.

Police said the students, Jarred Karal and Ryan Mucaj, uttered the racial slur several times while walking through the parking lot of a campus apartment complex and were recorded by a black student. They said that they were playing a game that involved saying offensive words and that it was not directed at anyone in particular.

They were charged under a 1917 law that makes it a misdemeanor for anyone who “ridicules or holds up to contempt any person or class of persons, on account of the creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race of such person or class of persons.”

And another:

An internal Cincinnati Police Department investigation concluded an officer used a racial slur following an incident with a teenager believed to be a Cincinnati Public Schools student.
CPD on Monday released the report from its internal investigations section related to District Three Officer Rose Valentino. The incident was caught on bodycam and dashcam.

Valentino’s police powers are suspended as the disciplinary hearing process continues, according to interim City Manager John Curp.
This one does not involve any arrest and it involves the conduct of a police officer. A person in his position has no business using slurs against people. He wasn’t arrested, but his conduct is being reviewed and it should be.

So, you are right, there have been some cases where people have been arrested for using racial slurs but that seems to be pretty rare.
Hate speech probably. That word has been virtually banned for so-called 'whites' to use.
This is a lie.

No one is ‘banned’ for using any words – including hate speech.

Hate speech is entitled to First Amendment protections.

Hate speech advocating for imminent lawlessness or violence is not entitled to First Amendment protections; and if someone is charged with a crime it will be the result of that lawlessness or violence, not the hate speech.
1. Jan 6th protestors
2. BLM rioters
Another lie.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorists are subject to appropriate, warranted criminal prosecution the consequence of their acts of terrorism and treason – having nothing to do with their speech.

And anyone protesting against police violence and criminality who violated the law were likewise subject to criminal prosecution.

Those who engage in rioting should be arrested. Agree or disagree?
There was no riot on Jan 6th and no one is charged with rioting, it was a protest and it was NOTHING like the BLM riots that the Democrat-media called 'mostly peaceful' while parts of cities burned, cops were killed, cop cars smashed along with other cars, rioters claiming part of a City, and Kamala Harris was instrumental in bailing them out. FYI, charges against Jan 6 protestors: obstructing official proceeding, entering in restricted buildings, civil disorder.....Many rotting in jail. Meanwhile BLM rioters go mostly scott free.
This is a lie.

No one is ‘banned’ for using any words – including hate speech.

Hate speech is entitled to First Amendment protections.

Hate speech advocating for imminent lawlessness or violence is not entitled to First Amendment protections; and if someone is charged with a crime it will be the result of that lawlessness or violence, not the hate speech.
Go ahead then and use the 'n' word, see what happens. Coyote said USMB would bring pain. (disclaimer; I am not urging you do to it) even though you called me a liar. Which is technically against Forum rules.
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Agree, but that's not what happened. mudwhistle, where's that video of yours?
Agree, but that's not what happened. mudwhistle, where's that video of yours?

It sounds like there are many who think the Jan 6 rioters should not have been prosecuted.

On the other hand, I can’t find many (if any) who think that those who engaged in rioting during the Floyd protests should not have been prosecuted.

The biggest difference to me is NO ONE called the Floyd rioters Patriots or Political Prisoners (despite the fact that tbe administration at the point want law enforcement to focus only on the leftist agitators and participants).
There was no riot on Jan 6th and no one is charged with rioting, it was a protest and it was NOTHING like the BLM riots that the Democrat-media called 'mostly peaceful' while parts of cities burned, cops were killed, cop cars smashed along with other cars, rioters claiming part of a City, and Kamala Harris was instrumental in bailing them out. FYI, charges against Jan 6 protestors: obstructing official proceeding, entering in restricted buildings, civil disorder.....Many rotting in jail. Meanwhile BLM rioters go mostly scott free.
That’s funny.

Sure looked like a riot to me.

We’ve lost any common ground for a discussion when we cannot even agree that a riot is a riot regardless of partisan affiliations.
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Those who engage in rioting should be arrested. Agree or disagree?
The right to protest is guaranteed in the constitution.
You probably assume that everyone that was at the Capital on Jan 6th is a rioter.
I'm willing to bet that the riot that took place outside the WH May 2020 you don't consider that a riot.

For a black man to say but if a white guy was saying all of this he'd probably be arrested for a hate crime.

That's not CRT. And why do whites like you ask stupid questions? Whites have practiced racism against every other race in this country That's why whites can't say certain things. Whites have been given the most by the government and are most dependent on the government. So the statement that blacks are parasites is false. I would not say that whites are parasites, but I would say that whites have been given the most by the government.
Because the folks under discussion are untouchable.

Caucasian liberals will excuse them for anything.

Caucasian liberals will give them as many special privileges as possible.

Since the1960s, the folks under discussion have been treated with kid gloves.

They have become the most pampered group in the history of the world.

Sadly, their great-grandchildren are going to discover that when Caucasians become a very small group sometime in the next century (or before), the folks under discussion are going to lose their special status.

The most protected and pampered group has been caucasians.

That's why a caucasian can make a thread like this to whine about how badly whites are oppressed when they have the most of everything.
It’s because blatant and hateful black racism against whites is tolerated while even a hint of criticism of any negative behavior by blacks is met with outrage.
There is no blatant black racism against whites. And bigotry claiming to be criticism is what gets met with outrage.
Here we have another white race bait thread.

There are whites have practiced racism against blacks for all of American history. Whites who practice white victimhood, ignore this and the animosity it has created. To such deniers, this animosity is the same as the racist beliefs whites made up out of nothing.
You are a liar, you are the most protected poster on this board free to post your racist views for all to see while most that disagree with you are slapped around by biased mods,
My views aren't racist, nor am I protected. Your "disagreements" are not based in fact. They are personal attacks. Most of my threads get closed because you guys can't debate the topic and spend your time launching racist tirades at or about me. Whites are in here making overtly racist comments, one poster has consistently posted white supremacist beliefs. We blacks can't call them that or we get penalized, but you have just called me a racist and you won't get penalized. But going beyond this forum, whites have been the most protected group in America.
My views aren't racist, nor am I protected. Your "disagreements" are not based in fact. They are personal attacks. Most of my threads get closed because you guys can't debate the topic and spend your time launching racist tirades at or about me. Whites are in here making overtly racist comments, one poster has consistently posted white supremacist beliefs. We blacks can't call them that or we get penalized, but you have just called me a racist and you won't get penalized. But going beyond this forum, whites have been the most protected group in America.
LOL you call whites racist in every thread you post in repeatedly.

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