Zone1 So, Why Is This Okay?

Not only was there a widely-publicized case of that earlier this year, resulting in life imprisonment plus ten years (the plus ten years signafies 'without the possibility of parole'), but the convicted had only used a slur a few times in the distant past and in a context unrelated to the matter at hand, but his father, who used no slurs at all, was also convicted and given life imprisonment plus ten years for a federal hate crime without a single piece of evidence against him.

This is Leftism in our judicial system, which Josef Biden has thoroughly embedded with unqualified political hit men (and women), disproportionately non-white and full of hate (as Coyote likes it). Disgusting!
More hoopla was made of the white teen who defended himself against the BLM lowlifes trying to kill him than the black racist who mowed down an entire parade of white people, killing six, including a child. Why wasn’t THAT lowlife’s trial televised, the way the liberal media made a display of the white teen?
More hoopla was made of the white teen who defended himself against the BLM lowlifes trying to kill him than the black racist who mowed down an entire parade of white people, killing six, including a child. Why wasn’t THAT lowlife’s trial televised, the way the liberal media made a display of the white teen?
Sadly, most of the news media are co-conspirators in the injustices and attacks on the traditional American way of life.

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