So whose side will you be on, libs?

Sassy 12154998
Hands Foo a Kleenex to wipe that nasty "O" ring from around his mouth

Verification that Sassy has no clue as to what the phrase "Obama is destroying America" actuall means or is referring to.

Even 16 million additional food stamp users since Obama was inaugurated by Sassy's calculations is in no way destroying America. Assisting people in need is not destruction.
Her version of Jesus says Fuck you asshole, get your own damn fish...

Yep, all those damn babies saved from abortion, need to be fed, but once the cord is cut- so goes the loving care about them there precious lives. To hell with them & their welfare queen mamas.

We adopted two, what are you doing....besides bawling like a bitch? You fail
Sassy 12154998
Hands Foo a Kleenex to wipe that nasty "O" ring from around his mouth

Verification that Sassy has no clue as to what the phrase "Obama is destroying America" actuall means or is referring to.

Even 16 million additional food stamp users since Obama was inaugurated by Sassy's calculations is in no way destroying America. Assisting people in need is not destruction.
Her version of Jesus says Fuck you asshole, get your own damn fish...

Yep, all those damn babies saved from abortion, need to be fed, but once the cord is cut- so goes the loving care about them there precious lives. To hell with them & their welfare queen mamas.

We adopted two, what are you doing....besides bawling like a bitch? You fail

LOL, I'm not so sure about that... & being real ain't bawling, so get your definitions straight. & I won't bitch & moan about the needed tax hikes it may take to make sure the ones that STAY with their mamas don't go hungry. YOU?
Pointing out the hypocrisy from the pro birth crowd always get them riled up, so they iggy rather than debate.. Gotta get them born, but don't wanna make sure they grow up healthy.... food stamp recips are a scourge because THAT takes too much money. That's why they aren't pro life. & that includes Sassy.

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