So Who Can Really Beat Trump?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Crazy Uncle Joe with his groping and gaffing while calling for socialism?

Comrade Bernie and his call to toss people in prison who don’t break the law but because he politically disagrees with them?


Kamala ‘I Screw My Way to the Top’ Harris?

Tulsi ‘all you need is love to bring peace’ Gabbard?

I mean really. Trump is going to have to work extra hard to lose.
everyone of the democrats can beat him, or no one can....

IF Democrats get all of or near all of their registered voters out to vote, then any of the candidates will beat him. Democrats/liberals, do not need Republicans to switch sides to win, they only need themselves

If they do not get their registered voters out to vote, then none of them, not even Biden, can beat Trump... imho...

It is in the president's favor, as far as the odds of a president winning a second term, though.
everyone of the democrats can beat him, or no one can....

IF Democrats get all of or near all of their registered voters out to vote, then any of the candidates will beat him. Democrats/liberals, do not need Republicans to switch sides to win, they only need themselves

If they do not get their registered voters out to vote, then none of them, not even Biden, can beat Trump... imho...

It is in the president's favor, as far as the odds of a president winning a second term, though.

Polls don't mean squat, but I saw a report somewhere recently that Trump has a 28% approval rating in the black community, and higher among Latinos. I found it interesting.

That's very close to the Democrat cut-off line. Of course, it's more than a year away.

Remember also that Republicans will be pushing to get the vote out at least as hard as the Democrats.
Crazy Uncle Joe with his groping and gaffing while calling for socialism?

Comrade Bernie and his call to toss people in prison who don’t break the law but because he politically disagrees with them?


Kamala ‘I Screw My Way to the Top’ Harris?

Tulsi ‘all you need is love to bring peace’ Gabbard?

I mean really. Trump is going to have to work extra hard to lose.
Decent American people, they are the majority and they need to put the clown back where he belongs.
everyone of the democrats can beat him, or no one can....

IF Democrats get all of or near all of their registered voters out to vote, then any of the candidates will beat him. Democrats/liberals, do not need Republicans to switch sides to win, they only need themselves

If they do not get their registered voters out to vote, then none of them, not even Biden, can beat Trump... imho...

It is in the president's favor, as far as the odds of a president winning a second term, though.

Polls don't mean squat, but I saw a report somewhere recently that Trump has a 28% approval rating in the black community, and higher among Latinos. I found it interesting.

That's very close to the Democrat cut-off line. Of course, it's more than a year away.

Remember also that Republicans will be pushing to get the vote out at least as hard as the Democrats.
Irrelevant. The commies own the corrupt media. Trump wins anyway.
Maybe the democrats would if they ran someone better then the Dogpatch dog catcher.
Crazy Uncle Joe with his groping and gaffing while calling for socialism?

Comrade Bernie and his call to toss people in prison who don’t break the law but because he politically disagrees with them?


Kamala ‘I Screw My Way to the Top’ Harris?

Tulsi ‘all you need is love to bring peace’ Gabbard?

I mean really. Trump is going to have to work extra hard to lose.
Just about any monkey. So far he has no policy that is actually working.
everyone of the democrats can beat him, or no one can....

IF Democrats get all of or near all of their registered voters out to vote, then any of the candidates will beat him. Democrats/liberals, do not need Republicans to switch sides to win, they only need themselves

If they do not get their registered voters out to vote, then none of them, not even Biden, can beat Trump... imho...

It is in the president's favor, as far as the odds of a president winning a second term, though.
No less an expert - albeit a delusional one - than DNC Chair Tom Perez is already panicked by the party's inability to attract money necessary to compete with the POTUS and what it augurs for the 2020 general elections:.

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Crazy Uncle Joe with his groping and gaffing while calling for socialism?

Comrade Bernie and his call to toss people in prison who don’t break the law but because he politically disagrees with them?


Kamala ‘I Screw My Way to the Top’ Harris?

Tulsi ‘all you need is love to bring peace’ Gabbard?

I mean really. Trump is going to have to work extra hard to lose.
Just about any monkey.

You better hope so, because monkeys are all you have.
Crazy Uncle Joe with his groping and gaffing while calling for socialism?

Comrade Bernie and his call to toss people in prison who don’t break the law but because he politically disagrees with them?


Kamala ‘I Screw My Way to the Top’ Harris?

Tulsi ‘all you need is love to bring peace’ Gabbard?

I mean really. Trump is going to have to work extra hard to lose.
Just about any monkey.

You better hope so, because monkeys are all you have.
Trump won't have much to run on. Trillion dollar deficits? No wall? A new tariff tax? Failing to fix healthcare? Lots of mass shootings? Slowing economy? What a record.
Did a quick look at RCP. With Biden, Sanders, and Warren having effectively turned the nomination into a three way race of unelectables.
Within the week Trump needs to start campaigning heavily for the down ballot Rs and I mean right down to city councils and county commissions. This could be the biggest electoral blow out since Washington ran unopposed.
Crazy Uncle Joe with his groping and gaffing while calling for socialism?

Comrade Bernie and his call to toss people in prison who don’t break the law but because he politically disagrees with them?


Kamala ‘I Screw My Way to the Top’ Harris?

Tulsi ‘all you need is love to bring peace’ Gabbard?

I mean really. Trump is going to have to work extra hard to lose.

If the governor's in liberal states can jump start a recession with states like Kalifornia going into a deep one the question then turns to who will mess up enough to let Trump win?
A weak economy will defeat him. If the President is going to brag how great the economy is under his watch, he will end up bearing the responsibility that comes with its downfall. The same voters cheering now may become the biggest critics.
The right Dem candidate could win. But, the current candidates, other than Biden, are all way too far to the left. And, Biden has lost more than a step since being VP. He is hitting about 80 on his fast ball. The Dems have to be worried about him. Many of these Dem candidates are simply unlikable. Others, are just weird. Obama was 10 times the candidate.

I predict Mommy will come back into the field to clean up the mess before long.
everyone of the democrats can beat him, or no one can....

IF Democrats get all of or near all of their registered voters out to vote, then any of the candidates will beat him. Democrats/liberals, do not need Republicans to switch sides to win, they only need themselves

If they do not get their registered voters out to vote, then none of them, not even Biden, can beat Trump... imho...

It is in the president's favor, as far as the odds of a president winning a second term, though.
Beat Trump on what issue? Going back to the Obama economy? Socialism? Jew bashing? Envirwhacko regulations? Open borders? Freebies to illegals?

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