So whites are the only race that's racist?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
So whites are the only race that is racist? That's what you leftist keep screaming about day in and day out. You don't seem to think blacks are racist and every bit of violence they cause certainly can't be because of racism within your minds. O'nooo's the innercity black family can't raise a child to be a respectable human being it would seem. I have to put that in " " as I'm not saying all but we can see quite the difference between East Asians and Blacks in this case.

Do some whites vote against Obama because he's black...Sure. Mostly we don't like socialism that harm our free market system. Whites can think through things and most of us aren't shallow enough to vote based on skin color. That isn't so for blacks that utter every other word about race. Obama and friends feel that the black community should be given a free lunch, dinner and drink special from every white society. Why are most black innercities so poor? Are you really serious about blaming me for holding them down??? Honestly. :badgrin: A white person is expected to get off his or her freaking ass and get a job. Giving them a double standard would be as much of a mistake as the USSR forcing whites to stand in line for food.

It isn't about the economic health of our nation with "most" blacks as a large percentage of them love socialism. Nope, they feel they're owed something more than just being treated fairly and a fair chance. I feel that's destructive to the black community, but wtf do I know???

I hear daily from the local news about how Young black males go around beating up whites every single day....BUT, but that can't be racist, right? Only the rare case of a white beating up black, now that's racist. Now that's a reason to shame all whites as violent sub-human monsters. The truth is whites make up right around the same percentage of murders as blacks...What you don't get is whites are 5 times the black population. To top this off blacks cause over twice as many black on white murders than the other way around. REMEMBER whites are 5 times the black population within the US.

See the double standard? I feel it isn't right. You can look at not just America, but let's say South Africa. Whites are being destroyed there as blacks are just as racist as any pre-civil rights period white could ever be. Our businesses are being destroy, our sons are being killed and our daughters are being raped. Whites have been in South Africa for at least 600 years in one part or another. Is this what you call fairness? I don't think so...No logical human being could say that either.

The same could be said at a lower level within black dominated cities throughout America. Is it right? Two wrongs sure as hell don't make a right. Wtf do you want us whites to believe??? Do you want us to get down on our hands and knee's and declare that blacks are right for what they do and we better shut up. It seems to me that you liberals just don't give a damn what blacks do and they can do no wrong.

Is this what you leftist want from us. You want us to stop thinking and being logical, so this nation can become the next South Africa or worst the next Zimbabwe. Something tells me that you're just anti-white.
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It certainly isn't a yawning issue when the rare white attacks a black to you, right? You just love to accuse all whites for being hillbilly racist. You don't like the fact that blacks beat, kill and harm far more whites.

You don't want to think about the reality that blacks are far more racist.
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It certainly isn't a yawning issue when the rare white attacks a black to you, right? You just love to accuse all whites for being racist hillbilly racist. You don't like the fact that blacks beat, kill and harm far more whites.

You don't want to think about the reality that blacks are far more racist.

I think Whites are all... racist hillbilly racist ????...No ,if that where the case they would all agree with you and in case you have not noticed thats not how it is
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It certainly isn't a yawning issue when the rare white attacks a black to you, right? You just love to accuse all whites for being racist hillbilly racist. You don't like the fact that blacks beat, kill and harm far more whites.

You don't want to think about the reality that blacks are far more racist.

I think Whites are all... racist hillbilly racist ????...No ,if that where the case they would all agree with you and in case you have not noticed thats not how it is

Can you prove me wrong? Show me how blacks aren't racist and aren't harming whites in many cities. Please. :eusa_whistle:

If there's racist whites. Well, this is why.
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Within the Democratic Party, we know that some blacks don't like the gays.

But still, the two groups work together and negotiate their issues so they can work towards what is good for America.

Republicans hate the gays, and the blacks and the Muslims, women's rights, Hispanics and liberals, college professors, teachers, atheists and, and, and.....

Republicans hate so many people, it's difficult to keep track of all of them.

But Republicans hope a man leads them who represents every position at the same time. A man who keeps his money overseas. A man who wants to bring immigrants here with degrees so he doesn't have to support or invest in his base. A man who says he will represent the wealthiest Americans but not the poorest 47% which includes much of his base.


These are the people Mitt Romney will support. They're rich. Not most of the Republican base. That's why he wants to bring immigrants here with degrees. To be the overseers of the people he pretends to represent. If he gets elected, I hope it works out for ya'll.
Many whites are disgusted with both the R and D party. I personally had hoped Ron Paul would get the nomination. He was the only candidate who spoke common sense. That the American public isn't outraged he never stood a chance of being POTUS boggles my mind.
i wrote a long reply to this but it was too stupid of a subject for that so simply its not an issue if anyone out there thinks that only white people are racist because by thinking that they are in fact racist and racism is bad.... mmmk
Many whites are disgusted with both the R and D party. I personally had hoped Ron Paul would get the nomination. He was the only candidate who spoke common sense. That the American public isn't outraged he never stood a chance of being POTUS boggles my mind.

Common sense?

The guy is fucking nuts. It was from him came the line, "Let him die".
Is this another whiny whitey thread?

P.S. Your America is gone. Welcome to OUR America.


It's going to look like South Africa or Mexico within the next 30 years. South Africa is going to hell and Mexico is corrupt.

Both cases will be hateful towards whites.

Thank God. I can't wait.

The next people you're going to be hating are the Meso's. haha:badgrin: I doubt they will put up with you as much as whitey.

It's going to look like South Africa or Mexico within the next 30 years. South Africa is going to hell and Mexico is corrupt.

Both cases will be hateful towards whites.

Thank God. I can't wait.

The next people you're going to be hating are the Meso's. haha:badgrin: I doubt they will put up with you as much as whitey.

I guess it must really suck for you, that your only hope is the Mexicans.:lol:

It certainly isn't a yawning issue when the rare white attacks a black to you, right? You just love to accuse all whites for being hillbilly racist. You don't like the fact that blacks beat, kill and harm far more whites.

You don't want to think about the reality that blacks are far more racist.

What difference does what other races think about you matter? I never think about it. Try what I do.... " Ya can't please eveybody ". It takes the weight off.

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