What Went Down In The Indiana Primary
he Electoral College contributes to this. How many states can we expect to be competitive in the fall? In a normal year, that list is probably limited to New Hampshire, Ohio, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Florida. Maybe Virginia, Iowa and North Carolina. In a bad year for Republicans, Missouri and Indiana. Some of the variation in those states will come down to turnout; in a presidential year, the Democrats have a bit of an advantage while Republicans do better in a midterm year. In others, especially Iowa and Wisconsin, there’s some evidence to suggest that they’re not so much moderate as balanced between fairly committed liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. It’s not clear what the incentives to pivot to the center will be.
And the challenge for Trump goes beyond a standard ideological pivot.
Folks, it is all about this being Presidential year. Donald Duck has energized the Hispanics. He has alienated the Blacks and he has infuriated Women! HE WILL LOSE!
he Electoral College contributes to this. How many states can we expect to be competitive in the fall? In a normal year, that list is probably limited to New Hampshire, Ohio, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Florida. Maybe Virginia, Iowa and North Carolina. In a bad year for Republicans, Missouri and Indiana. Some of the variation in those states will come down to turnout; in a presidential year, the Democrats have a bit of an advantage while Republicans do better in a midterm year. In others, especially Iowa and Wisconsin, there’s some evidence to suggest that they’re not so much moderate as balanced between fairly committed liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. It’s not clear what the incentives to pivot to the center will be.
And the challenge for Trump goes beyond a standard ideological pivot.
Folks, it is all about this being Presidential year. Donald Duck has energized the Hispanics. He has alienated the Blacks and he has infuriated Women! HE WILL LOSE!