So, the Declaration of “Independence” was for whites only...


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
This is the argument of the radical left, wanting to tear down every symbol and statue of the Founding Fathers and of our Independence. That, as CNN puts it, the Declaration of “Independence” (they put that in quotes now), didn’t apply to blacks or natives.

My question to you America hating BLM types is, why should had the white people from Europe built a free nation for Africans? Or for the Natives? Or for the Chinese for that matter? Most of the people in the colonies considered themselves English in heritage, if not nationality. They were after all building and expanding colonies for the British and the crown. They had their rights as citizens diminished and stripped, that’s all they really wanted at first, was their rights back and representation. People who weren’t ever British citizens to begin with, probably didn’t care much.

It’s stupid to think that these people of English and European descent would fight to make a free nation for Natives, Africans, or anyone else but themselves. A people and culture are defined by their language, values, and religion. It’s funny how BLM types like morons on this board feel that Africans were entitled to the benefits of these white people fighting a war for independence. Why couldn’t the Africans build their own free nation somewhere? Oh I know, they couldn’t build ships to sail to the Western Hemisphere to start any colonies. But they had the whole continent of Africa to make a new nation.

I find it interesting that the BLM idiots here think that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and every other early leader of our nation, should had been the White Saviors for Africans and Native peoples. Were the Natives and Africans too stupid to make their own free nation? They certainly had the numbers and the resources. So which is it, my BLM friends? Did blacks and natives need the white man to give them rights and freedom? Were they too stupid to accomplish this on their own? Why is it the white man’s responsibility to provide these things to “people of color”? Even today, the majority of blacks keep trusting in their white liberal savior, and they still remain the poorest, least educated, most violent group in America.
CNN is so fucking WRONG.

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he really fucking meant it. Completely!!! to King George:
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.

Most of these communist shits will try to disparage Jefferson for not being able to end slavery or for having slaves himself, forgetting that at the time in Virginia it was probably not a good idea to free his slaves.
Well, historically, was for whites. White males. There was no Independence freedom for black slaves. Blacks have fought for and helped build this country. What a stupid thread Given how violently black rebellions were squashed and how often treaties with native Americans were broken, and they were slaughtered and subjugated under superior military force...Manifest Destiny.

It is all part of our national heritage: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Can’t change history.
When Tom wrote that line he meant it to embrace white male landed gentry and only those like as himself. The era of the conflagration was over the inability of the monarchies in Europe to have enlightenment with the rising middle class which wanted more representation in the govt. a system of parity if you will..The reasons for the American and French revolutions and indeed the English revolution..
CNN is so fucking WRONG.

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he really fucking meant it. Completely!!! to King George:
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.

Most of these communist shits will try to disparage Jefferson for not being able to end slavery or for having slaves himself, forgetting that at the time in Virginia it was probably not a good idea to free his slaves.
Manumission was not economically feasible to plantation owners, especially when slave markets on Africa's west coast happily supplied the demand.

But yes, this "peculiar institution" was one that the Americans grappled hard with, including Jefferson. Hence the inclusion in the Constitution of provisions to phase the practice out.
Well, historically, was for whites. White males. There was no Independence freedom for black slaves. Blacks have fought for and helped build this country. What a stupid thread Given how violently black rebellions were squashed and how often treaties with native Americans were broken, and they were slaughtered and subjugated under superior military force...Manifest Destiny.

It is all part of our national heritage: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Can’t change history.
and yet you democrats try and do that daily,,,

everything you just listed was done by democrats,,,
I am certain that some but not all whites did impute such racism into the Declaration of Independence.

Some whites were indentured servants or slaves themselves, and some blacks had better or worse situations of employment than others. Not all blacks were slaves: some had good jobs and some were in business for themselves and hired other blacks. Some blacks might even have been thought to "own" other blacks as slaves.
In later eras of US diplomacy much propaganda has been produced showing how the US is the place for justice and equality. Yet some people in this nation do not want justice and equality.
CNN is so fucking WRONG.

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he really fucking meant it. Completely!!! to King George:
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.

Most of these communist shits will try to disparage Jefferson for not being able to end slavery or for having slaves himself, forgetting that at the time in Virginia it was probably not a good idea to free his slaves.
Manumission was not economically feasible to plantation owners, especially when slave markets on Africa's west coast happily supplied the demand.

But yes, this "peculiar institution" was one that the Americans grappled hard with, including Jefferson. Hence the inclusion in the Constitution of provisions to phase the practice out.

They couldn’t get rid of slavery and keep the southern colonies on board, I agree. It was a contentious point in the founding ofour country.
Well, historically, was for whites. White males. There was no Independence freedom for black slaves. Blacks have fought for and helped build this country. What a stupid thread Given how violently black rebellions were squashed and how often treaties with native Americans were broken, and they were slaughtered and subjugated under superior military force...Manifest Destiny.

It is all part of our national heritage: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Can’t change history.

So Dimms erase it instead.
In later eras of US diplomacy much propaganda has been produced showing how the US is the place for justice and equality. Yet some people in this nation do not want justice and equality.
Like who?

I don't believe you.

Maybe it depends on what you mean by "justice" and "equality?"

If, by "justice" you mean "social justice" aka communism/socialism/Marxism, then yeah. We don't want that shit.

If, by "equality" you mean equal results or wealth redistribution, then yeah. We don't want that shit either.
I am certain that some but not all whites did impute such racism into the Declaration of Independence.

Some whites were indentured servants or slaves themselves, and some blacks had better or worse situations of employment than others. Not all blacks were slaves: some had good jobs and some were in business for themselves and hired other blacks. Some blacks might even have been thought to "own" other blacks as slaves.

At the beginning, blacks had some what more opportunities because the race was not yet firmly connected to slavery. That was a deliberate strategy of the southern landowners who innacted laws to that effect.
CNN is so fucking WRONG.

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he really fucking meant it. Completely!!! to King George:
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.

Most of these communist shits will try to disparage Jefferson for not being able to end slavery or for having slaves himself, forgetting that at the time in Virginia it was probably not a good idea to free his slaves.
Manumission was not economically feasible to plantation owners, especially when slave markets on Africa's west coast happily supplied the demand.

But yes, this "peculiar institution" was one that the Americans grappled hard with, including Jefferson. Hence the inclusion in the Constitution of provisions to phase the practice out.

They couldn’t get rid of slavery and keep the southern colonies on board, I agree. It was a contentious point in the founding ofour country.
But, the first president to actually do something about the international slave trade (Thomas Jefferson) is the target of destruction and erasure by those wanting "change."

I am certain that some but not all whites did impute such racism into the Declaration of Independence.

Some whites were indentured servants or slaves themselves, and some blacks had better or worse situations of employment than others. Not all blacks were slaves: some had good jobs and some were in business for themselves and hired other blacks. Some blacks might even have been thought to "own" other blacks as slaves.

At the beginning, blacks had some what more opportunities because the race was not yet firmly connected to slavery. That was a deliberate strategy of the southern landowners who innacted laws to that effect.
when you say southern landowners you mean democrats right???
CNN is so fucking WRONG.

When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he really fucking meant it. Completely!!! to King George:
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.

Most of these communist shits will try to disparage Jefferson for not being able to end slavery or for having slaves himself, forgetting that at the time in Virginia it was probably not a good idea to free his slaves.
Manumission was not economically feasible to plantation owners, especially when slave markets on Africa's west coast happily supplied the demand.

But yes, this "peculiar institution" was one that the Americans grappled hard with, including Jefferson. Hence the inclusion in the Constitution of provisions to phase the practice out.

They couldn’t get rid of slavery and keep the southern colonies on board, I agree. It was a contentious point in the founding ofour country.
But, the first president to actually do something about the international slave trade (Thomas Jefferson) is the target of destruction and erasure by those wanting "change."


I am certain that some but not all whites did impute such racism into the Declaration of Independence.

Some whites were indentured servants or slaves themselves, and some blacks had better or worse situations of employment than others. Not all blacks were slaves: some had good jobs and some were in business for themselves and hired other blacks. Some blacks might even have been thought to "own" other blacks as slaves.

At the beginning, blacks had some what more opportunities because the race was not yet firmly connected to slavery. That was a deliberate strategy of the southern landowners who innacted laws to that effect.
when you say southern landowners you mean democrats right???

This was long before the Dem party was founded. Learn some history.
It's almost like they were living in a different world under a different set of norms and morals back then.

Thank your maker for change huh? (and science)

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