So much for Ryan as Speaker

If we don't abolish 90% of the government and defund everything...Well, the sick tea party freaks won't be happy.

Americans if you care about living in a first world techonological advance nation it is time to vote the tea party out. Vote them out or face the reality of becoming a crap hole.
What's laughable is the Democrats front runner for President is being investigated by the FBI and the runner up is a Socialist nutjob.

That shit is hysterical

yokie dokie. :rolleyes:
Dear it's a SNL skit being acted out in real life. You can't deny it and be considered a rational thinker.
What are you talking about? I hope YOU didn't think Ryan was going to be elected?
the threads yesterday were built on errors only childish teapers could make

I knew he wasn't. Show me where I said he would be . What are YOU talking about?
I asked. calm down Mary

I had already said on a couple of todays threads there was no way in hell he'd be the Speaker, so naturally, I ask too .. :rolleyes:
What are you talking about? I hope YOU didn't think Ryan was going to be elected?
the threads yesterday were built on errors only childish teapers could make

I knew he wasn't. Show me where I said he would be . What are YOU talking about?
I asked. calm down Mary

I had already said on a couple of todays threads there was no way in hell he'd be the Speaker, so naturally, I ask too .. :rolleyes:
a coup,e of threads? Staff should combine them all in the conspiracy forum
Ryan was not the right guy, thats fine, thats they way the system works. they will find someone. This is nothing but filler for the 24/7/365 news cycle.

We should be glad that members of congress are standing firm on their beliefs no matter which side of the political aisle they are on.

Do you really want a bunch of do-nothing pussies who just do as their masters tell them?

This whole Boehner thing is good for the country. It will sort itself out. Do not despair, give it time.
If we don't abolish 90% of the government and defund everything...Well, the sick tea party freaks won't be happy.

Americans if you care about living in a first world techonological advance nation it is time to vote the tea party out. Vote them out or face the reality of becoming a crap hole.


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