So much for Democracy.

Planes flying over a country dropping bombs is not an invasion ? You are probably the only person in the history of aviation combat who believes that shit. By the way there where elections for parliament during the time Germany was blitzing England.

No, the UK was not invaded. The only part that was was the Channel Islands right next to France.

I'd love for you to find someone else who thinks that planes flying over a country is an INVASION. Note, we're talking about actual troops on the ground, in the country, controlling parts of the country, like Russia is right now.

Yeah, which election happened during the Blitz?

Here's the wikipedia page for the 1935 election. Each election has a button you can click on to go to the previous and next election. The previous was 1931, the next is 1945.

They even have a list of General elections. Guess what?

"The election due by 1940 was not held due to the Second World War (1939–1945)."

So, which election do you think happened during the Blitz? Maybe the German planes voted for Churchill or something.
This is funny. Americans arguing that elections shouldn't be held during a war when it is the only issue Ukranian citizens care about right now. Now, which party is it that agrees with silencing the voices of citizens who don't want to send their kids into the woodchipper of war?
Who is "they"? You are upset with the move to protect Israel, I take it. Are you a Democrat?
"They" is the Pentagon, at the direction of the dummy in chief. Who did you think sends troops?

You said "Nobody is sending out kids to war."

I am absolutely against sending troops into that shit show. We've admitted to sending 900 over there already, so you know there are more. It's just a matter of time before they see action and kids start getting killed.

Of course I'm not a Democrat. They're idiots.
Burgermeister supports Hamas, thus Iran and Russia as well.

I don't understand this type of American, blessed with all our freedoms and opportunities yet in alliance with those opposed to them.
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

Their constitution does not allow for election during a time of a declared national emergency, it is just that simple.
That for a sign of solidarity the US should also cancel its presidential election until after the war in Ukraine has ended
That, and also to protect our democracy from Trump, we should suspend elections until further notice to make sure that Trump doesn't take our democracy away if he were to win.
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

Is that like Lincoln suspending Habeas Corpus, the anti Sedition Act of 1918 and FDR putting Americans in Concentration camps? All justified because of war.

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