So much for Democracy.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

When Russia has free and fair elections, perhaps the Ukraine will too. I think he'd win; easily. I'm not sure what Zelinsky is afraid of...

Maybe having 3-400 people standing outside of a building that could be attacked by a missile??? It might be the safest thing; still sucks though.
When you are in the middle of a significant war on your own soil, it would be almost impossible to hold elections. For that matter, you don't want to go about shuffling politicians until the conflict is concluded or easily manageable.
When you are in the middle of a significant war on your own soil, it would be almost impossible to hold elections. For that matter, you don't want to go about shuffling politicians until the conflict is concluded or easily manageable.
Especially when the incumbent stands to gain millions in US money as long as the war continues.
When Russia has free and fair elections, perhaps the Ukraine will too. I think he'd win; easily. I'm not sure what Zelinsky is afraid of...

Maybe having 3-400 people standing outside of a building that could be attacked by a missile??? It might be the safest thing; still sucks though.
He knows he‘s get voted out of office. Ukrainians do not want this stupid war.
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

Having nothing to do with the legitimacy and importance of supporting Ukraine in its defense against Putin’s lawless war of aggression.
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

Which countries have had democratic elections during an invasion of their country?
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

Zelenskyyyyyyyyyyy's a bigger crook than Biden.
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

In this situation, it is reasonable.
Bet money we won't hear a word from the loons about Democracy. I wonder what hoops the left will jump through to explain this tyrannical crap ? "If you don't support Zelensky canceling elections your a Putin lover." ?

I wonder what Biden and the left's response is to this?
When you are in the middle of a significant war on your own soil, it would be almost impossible to hold elections. For that matter, you don't want to go about shuffling politicians until the conflict is concluded or easily manageable.
Which is why Zelensyy doesn't want the war to end.
Should be easy to find out.

This is old news.

Many countries don't hold elections during war time.

To bad Putin is spinning it to help justify his unwarranted attack on Ukraine and that we have people who fall for it...or push it; whichever the case is.
Breaking news: Vladimir Putin has died.

Britain was being bomb to shit during WWII and didn't suspend elections.

Britain hadn't been invaded, except for the Channel Islands. And the UK didn't have a General Election from 1935 to 1945. The change in leadership with Churchill coming in, wasn't because of a General Election.

I asked if any country that was being invaded had ever had a democratic election, and you've managed to find one that wasn't invaded and DIDN'T have elections. Well done.
Britain hadn't been invaded, except for the Channel Islands. And the UK didn't have a General Election from 1935 to 1945. The change in leadership with Churchill coming in, wasn't because of a General Election.

I asked if any country that was being invaded had ever had a democratic election, and you've managed to find one that wasn't invaded and DIDN'T have elections. Well done.
Planes flying over a country dropping bombs is not an invasion ? You are probably the only person in the history of aviation combat who believes that shit. By the way there where elections for parliament during the time Germany was blitzing England.
Wasn't there a presidential election during the War of 1812?

Yeah... but... but...

1812 was back in those times where elections weren't always conducted by the general public.

In 1812 9 states appointed electors, eight states had electors elected by the general public and Massachusetts did two by vote and one by state.

Also by the time of the election the war had been taking place in Canada, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois and at sea

None of the states that actually voted had territory that was much part of the war. Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Indiana didn't vote in the election. Indiana was the first of these and that was 1816.

So really there was no occupation of the lands that were states, there was a bit of warring at sea that impacted some of the people of these states.

So I'm going to say no, this war doesn't count as an occupied country having an election.

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