So, Just What in Hell Makes Someone an 'Expert'?

I wonder because the experts are wrong, over and over and over. How the hell do we get these fools?

I suppose they have all the sheepskins on the wall from the 'top' universities, Ivey League schools or whatever, but these schools let in morons all the time for racial balance or being supported by alumni or legacy slots, etc. So having one of these sheepskins, even a POhud, doesnt really mean much. They took some course in schools that wouldnt dare cross the kids parents. My God, Chrissy 'Fredo' Cuomo graduated from one of these schools, damn.

But lets look at the track record working backward.

1) The economy would not recover till next year, if it ever does. No, it is already roaring back, quite predictably for anyone who understands economics.

2) COVID19 would kill up to 2,000,000 Americans this year. Nowhere near that is actually happening. We will probably see maybe up to 150k deaths, even with idiots classifying everything as a COVID death if they had the virus and got run over by a tractor trailer.

3) It will take years to develop a treatment for COVID19, middle of next year at the earliset. Nope, we have a treatment coming out already.

4) Trump is going to be removed from office for abuse of office. lol

5) The Mueller Report will show us Trumps collusion with Russia. Remember all those SNL skits with Trump running scared from Mueller? roflmao

6) Trumps tariff hikes will cause run away inflation. Nope, didnt happen.

7) Georgia loosening COVID lockdown will cause massive spike in cases. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

8) The wall along our border with Mexico will not be built. hahahahah

9) Trump will not reduce immigration along our Southern Border. cant stop laughing

10) Trump cannot bring back manufacturing jobs. Many if not most are back.

11) Hillary Clinton had a 98% chance of winning election. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! ! ! ! ! !

12) We will see more hurricanes of greater strength due to Global Warming.

Where do all these loser morons come from?

Why does anyone have a shred of confidence in them?

We have no real experts any more it seems, only leftwing ass kissing frauds that other leftwing ass kissing frauds use so they can promote their leftwing ass kissing ideological loser bullshit..
I believe that the inner-cities are full of criminal behavior. No sheepskin needed for that and their behavior is predictable.
I wonder because the experts are wrong, over and over and over. How the hell do we get these fools?

I suppose they have all the sheepskins on the wall from the 'top' universities, Ivey League schools or whatever, but these schools let in morons all the time for racial balance or being supported by alumni or legacy slots, etc. So having one of these sheepskins, even a POhud, doesnt really mean much. They took some course in schools that wouldnt dare cross the kids parents. My God, Chrissy 'Fredo' Cuomo graduated from one of these schools, damn.

But lets look at the track record working backward.

1) The economy would not recover till next year, if it ever does. No, it is already roaring back, quite predictably for anyone who understands economics.

2) COVID19 would kill up to 2,000,000 Americans this year. Nowhere near that is actually happening. We will probably see maybe up to 150k deaths, even with idiots classifying everything as a COVID death if they had the virus and got run over by a tractor trailer.

3) It will take years to develop a treatment for COVID19, middle of next year at the earliset. Nope, we have a treatment coming out already.

4) Trump is going to be removed from office for abuse of office. lol

5) The Mueller Report will show us Trumps collusion with Russia. Remember all those SNL skits with Trump running scared from Mueller? roflmao

6) Trumps tariff hikes will cause run away inflation. Nope, didnt happen.

7) Georgia loosening COVID lockdown will cause massive spike in cases. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

8) The wall along our border with Mexico will not be built. hahahahah

9) Trump will not reduce immigration along our Southern Border. cant stop laughing

10) Trump cannot bring back manufacturing jobs. Many if not most are back.

11) Hillary Clinton had a 98% chance of winning election. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! ! ! ! ! !

12) We will see more hurricanes of greater strength due to Global Warming.

Where do all these loser morons come from?

Why does anyone have a shred of confidence in them?

We have no real experts any more it seems, only leftwing ass kissing frauds that other leftwing ass kissing frauds use so they can promote their leftwing ass kissing ideological loser bullshit..


1) The economy would not recover till next year, if it ever does. No, it is already roaring back, quite predictably for anyone who understands economics.
13% unemployment isn't "roaring," yet.
Maybe it will go back up to 30%! Awesome! Depravity and poverty and starvation! Awesome! No trump!

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