So, it's okay for the House to overturn an election?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Nancy Pelosi once again shows her hypocrisy, as in the latest hotly-contested election, she is in favor of overthrowing the results if it would result in a Democrat win.

"The votes were counted, re-counted, certified by the state, but the House Administration Committee began a process this week that could lead to unseating the Congresswoman," said the interviewer, who went on to mention one of the tweets reproduced below by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Pelosi was then asked: "Why investigate an election that was certified by the state?"

Pelosi responded:

"Well, it was six votes. It was six votes. And the can– our candidate, Rita Hart, the Democratic candidate, asked for this process to begin."

"What the committee did, the House Administration Committee, was very narrow, to take the process to the next step and see where it goes from there.

"An election of six votes, out of 400,000 votes cast. This is not unique; this has happened .... before, when races had been close, one side or the other saying 'let's take it to the House'."

Let's be candid here, Pelosi isn't going to say that or do that if it's democrat that win by 6 votes. Anybody want to make that claim? The Dems can challenge or appeal the certification in court, like Trump did several times, if there are some questions or allegations over the election process. But turning a certified election result into a political event shouldn't be how we do things just because we can, no matter what the vote count was. There were calls for the GOP to do that if I remember right, and they refused. Apparently the Dems aren't above that sort of thing.
If the margin of victory or defeat is within an certain margin a recount can occur just like the one they had in the presidential election.
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Nancy Pelosi once again shows her hypocrisy, as in the latest hotly-contested election, she is in favor of overthrowing the results if it would result in a Democrat win.

"The votes were counted, re-counted, certified by the state, but the House Administration Committee began a process this week that could lead to unseating the Congresswoman," said the interviewer, who went on to mention one of the tweets reproduced below by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Pelosi was then asked: "Why investigate an election that was certified by the state?"

Pelosi responded:

"Well, it was six votes. It was six votes. And the can– our candidate, Rita Hart, the Democratic candidate, asked for this process to begin."

"What the committee did, the House Administration Committee, was very narrow, to take the process to the next step and see where it goes from there.

"An election of six votes, out of 400,000 votes cast. This is not unique; this has happened .... before, when races had been close, one side or the other saying 'let's take it to the House'."

Let's be candid here, Pelosi isn't going to say that or do that if it's democrat that win by 6 votes. Anybody want to make that claim? The Dems can challenge or appeal the certification in court, like Trump did several times, if there are some questions or allegations over the election process. But turning a certified election result into a political event shouldn't be how we do things just because we can, no matter what the vote count was. There were calls for the GOP to do that if I remember right, and they refused. Apparently the Dems aren't above that sort of thing.

Never happened.
Nancy Pelosi once again shows her hypocrisy, as in the latest hotly-contested election, she is in favor of overthrowing the results if it would result in a Democrat win.

"The votes were counted, re-counted, certified by the state, but the House Administration Committee began a process this week that could lead to unseating the Congresswoman," said the interviewer, who went on to mention one of the tweets reproduced below by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Pelosi was then asked: "Why investigate an election that was certified by the state?"

Pelosi responded:

"Well, it was six votes. It was six votes. And the can– our candidate, Rita Hart, the Democratic candidate, asked for this process to begin."

"What the committee did, the House Administration Committee, was very narrow, to take the process to the next step and see where it goes from there.

"An election of six votes, out of 400,000 votes cast. This is not unique; this has happened .... before, when races had been close, one side or the other saying 'let's take it to the House'."

Let's be candid here, Pelosi isn't going to say that or do that if it's democrat that win by 6 votes. Anybody want to make that claim? The Dems can challenge or appeal the certification in court, like Trump did several times, if there are some questions or allegations over the election process. But turning a certified election result into a political event shouldn't be how we do things just because we can, no matter what the vote count was. There were calls for the GOP to do that if I remember right, and they refused. Apparently the Dems aren't above that sort of thing.
It actually is okay and is perfectly within the rules. You know: the Trump standard. If it ain't written down, it ain't cheating. Right? Doesn't everyone get to play by the new rules? Or is it just the orange slob and the GOP that get to play by the new standards?

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