So, I have not vaxed or boosted. I don't mask.

Well then you must know the vaccines lose their effectiveness after six months or so. Do you intend to take a shot every six months for the rest of your life?
I got the booster.

I plan on continuing to get the flu vaccine every year, too.
Conservative Radio Host Dies of Covid After Claiming Vaccines Were Tested on Aborted Fetuses

Not in his 80s.

Here are several more dead anti-vaxxers, none in their 80s: Notable Anti-Vaxxers Who Have Died From COVID-19

How often does it happen? Not often enough to bring the average age of WuFlu deaths below 80 years old.

Now run along and get your fourth jab. Perfectly safe and effective.
I got the booster.

I plan on continuing to get the flu vaccine every year, too.
Get your booster every six months, or be considered an anti-vaxxer.

So none of the following bothers you?
- The vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission
- The vaccines have no long term studies
- The Pfizer vax killed over 1200 people and sickened thousands in just three months of trials…according to their own research documents.
- The vax makers are corporate felons with a long history of fines and nefarious behavior
- The vax makers have an enormous conflict of interest, with their paramount goal of profits.
- The many federal agencies regulating big pharma including FDA, CDC, and NIH are captured and have a revolving door with the companies their charged with regulating.
- The establishment media is controlled by money given them by big pharma.
- The American political class is also controlled by money given them by big pharma.
- Much of academia and scientific research is also controlled by big pharma.
- to say nothing of the numerous lies spewed by Fauci, Biden, and others in the establishment about the vaccines.
- a concerted effort by establishment media and big tech to silence anyone who criticizes the vaccines.
- the establishment ignores the many helpful and proven vitamins and supplements for preventing and lessening the effects of viruses.
- the establishment medical profession has refused to tell Americans to eat healthy, exercise, get sun exposure, lose weight, make sure your getting enough vitamin C and D.
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Well then you must know the vaccines lose their effectiveness after six months or so. Do you intend to take a shot every six months for the rest of your life?
Vaccination loses SOME effectivenes, but it's still much better than not having been vaccinated at all.
Smart of you to post this information. You have assured that there will be no delay in you receiving your posthumous Herman Cain Award, when the time comes.
According to some doctors those who are vaxxed are living on borrowed time. 3 to 5 years they will be gone from complications caused by the vax. Good luck.
According to some doctors those who are vaxxed are living on borrowed time. 3 to 5 years they will be gone from complications caused by the vax. Good luck.
Hey moron, what happened to you nutbags claiming vaxxed people will be dying in 1 year?

Oh yea thats right 1 year happened and none of that lutatic horseshit came to be. Who could have possibly predicted?
Hey moron, what happened to you nutbags claiming vaxxed people will be dying in 1 year?

Oh yea thats right 1 year happened and none of that lutatic horseshit came to be. Who could have possibly predicted?
I never claimed that. Next.
Vaccination loses SOME effectivenes, but it's still much better than not having been vaccinated at all.
No it’s not. Even many assholes in the establishment will tell you natural immunity is far better than the vaccines.
No it’s not. Even many assholes in the establishment will tell you natural immunity is far better than the vaccines.
You are not contradicting what you quoted, because you don't quite grasp what you are saying.

Natural immunity and vaccination ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

You can have both and as all studies show the best immunity is vaccination + natural immunity

So vaccination should benefit you no matter what exposure to Covid-19 you've had or will have.

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You are not contradicting what you quoted, because you don't quite grasp what you are saying.

Natural immunity and vaccination ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

You can have both and as all studies show the best immunity is vaccination + natural immunity

So vaccination should benefit you no matter what exposure to Covid-19 you've had or will have.

That only works if you have an effective vaccine. The covid vaccines aren’t effective, but they are certainly deadly for some. The vaccine holocaust appears to be in effect.
The Die-Off Is Here: Life Insurance Payouts Skyrocket 258% as Post-Vaccine Deaths Rapidly Accelerate - LewRockwell
That only works if you have an effective vaccine. The covid vaccines aren’t effective
...WTF? if you really belive vaccines are not effective then why the hell are you claiming reduced effectiveness over time?

Is there ANY consistency to what you peddle?
...WTF? if you really belive vaccines are not effective then why the hell are you claiming reduced effectiveness over time?

Is there ANY consistency to what you peddle?
Do you have short term memory loss?

We were told the vaccines prevent infection and transmission. We now know they don’t. Not effective.

Now they claim the vaccines keep you from dying or serious illness. However they readily admit the effectiveness wanes over time. A mere few months. Not very effective. Right?
Do you have short term memory loss?

We were told the vaccines prevent infection and transmission. We now know they don’t. Not effective.

Stop lying, "we were told" that vaccines are effective at preventing transmission AND that they are highly effective at reducing complications, hospitalizations and deaths. And they were doing all that untill we got to Delta and Omicron variants.

But even with the new variants vaccination is still effective at reducing complications, hospitalizations and deaths. So when you say vaccines are not effective you are plainly full of shit.
...WTF? if you really belive vaccines are not effective then why the hell are you claiming reduced effectiveness over time?

Is there ANY consistency to what you peddle?
We’re done if you’re going to play stupid.
We’re done if you’re going to play stupid.
Get real, we are done because you can't really explain blatant contradiction of what you are posting.

Vaccine can't lose effectiveness if it's not effective. DUH.

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