Hillary has been skating by...by sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?
It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.
I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???
I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.
Good Luck, Lady.
Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'