So free college, why not free everything?

18 TRILLION in debt and they still want to hand out more so called Free Shit................

They don't think it will have consequences to our country and our future generations to ignore this problem.

What the republicans need to understand is the poor and the lower middle class can't afford college. This is why so many people are in debt...If they can't do college then they have much less opportunity to get a decent paying job that is middle class. Upward mobility is going down because of this!

Computer science, math, physics, science, engineering, etc should be encouraged! Want high paying jobs instead of McDonald? Well, it isn't 50 years ago when a person could pay for it working part time. It is a economic investment that makes sense because it makes our people more capable of moving upwards.

There's a reason we bring in a shit load of h1b's.
Yeah..........there is.............about 20 to 30k difference a year on wages...................
As Americans graduate in the same fields and lose a potential job to someone out of country who will work for less.........

Wake up and smell what you are shoveling.......................

You make it sound like we don't have educated and qualified people here which is utter bs............You keep talking about education perhaps you need it more than most..................

You want to go to college........STUDY...........SAVE..............AND do the others before you have done...............If not..............flip the burgers.............
Not only that we will continue to pay for other countries' college educations.

They will send their kids here so Americans can pay for their kids.

I say no more.
I used to be against abortion until many years of talking to these liberals and their agenda.............They changed my mind...............Now I don't think they should breed............

What the republicans need to understand is the poor and the lower middle class can't afford college. This is why so many people are in debt...If they can't do college then they have much less opportunity to get a decent paying job that is middle class. Upward mobility is going down because of this!

Computer science, math, physics, science, engineering, etc should be encouraged! Want high paying jobs instead of McDonald? Well, it isn't 50 years ago when a person could pay for it working part time. It is a economic investment that makes sense because it makes our people more capable of moving upwards.

There's a reason we bring in a shit load of h1b's.
Yeah..........there is.............about 20 to 30k difference a year on wages...................
As Americans graduate in the same fields and lose a potential job to someone out of country who will work for less.........

Wake up and smell what you are shoveling.......................

You make it sound like we don't have educated and qualified people here which is utter bs............You keep talking about education perhaps you need it more than most..................

You want to go to college........STUDY...........SAVE..............AND do the others before you have done...............If not..............flip the burgers.............
Not only that we will continue to pay for other countries' college educations.

They will send their kids here so Americans can pay for their kids.

I say no more.
I used to be against abortion until many years of talking to these liberals and their agenda.............They changed my mind...............Now I don't think they should breed............

They use college as a way to liberalize young minds. That's why they want it.

The education they talk about is socialism.
What will we cut back to make the Social Security payments?
What, no free shit for everybody???
I want a Ferrari...and a house in hawaii...
No we'd all have to drive electric cars, live in project style houses, wear Mao style clothing, eat what the government allows us to eat, study what the government tells us to study, and work where the government tells us to work.
Free college. Free houses. Free cars. Free food. Free clothes.

All the houses, cars, food, clothes, etc, would have to be identical to make it fair.

Give your paycheck straight to the government and let the government completely take care of you and when you want or need something you go to the government, like you would your parents and ask them for a new toothbrush, a facelift, a bathing suit, a glass of water.

Why not?

I'm sorry, did you have a point? Or is the purpose of this thread to rub your clitoris on your computer screen and have a jolly?
Big difference between access to education like many other countries and free cars. Typical right wing idiocy.

Taking a list and picking one item out of it as if it was the whole point, typical left wing idiocy.

Seriously, Holmes, we need homes, food, transportation even more than education, they are just to live. Why should we have to pay for those?
Well, the audit on the DOD should help, no reason we need to spend 200 billion dollars on a single spy plane, ending involvement in foreign wars would help.
Let Saudi Arabia, the country that is 3rd in military spending deal with ISIS, since they are a much more immediate threat to them, they're just waiting to see if we fix it for them, and save them some money.
Then, let's stop imprisoning so many people for non violent crime and spending way too much a year taking care of prisoners needs 24/7. Since our prison system costs far more than any social program.
And lastly college education being free will help the transition America is going through towards more high education technical jobs and help cut down unemployment.

It's not free everything because that's ridiculous, albeit loud, rhetoric. He has a plan on how to get money to pay for things and has been remarkably clear on that.

And obviously to benefit from this you should have to prove citizenry, and to people who say the other countries can do because they are less populous or have alot of oil money, I really should remind you we are the richest country in the world, with more billionaires per capita than any other country in the world.
Free college. Free houses. Free cars. Free food. Free clothes.

All the houses, cars, food, clothes, etc, would have to be identical to make it fair.

Give your paycheck straight to the government and let the government completely take care of you and when you want or need something you go to the government, like you would your parents and ask them for a new toothbrush, a facelift, a bathing suit, a glass of water.

Why not?

Free college is just a way for the government to get its hands on the college education system. I honestly fear what will happen to our universities if the government pays for them. I already see the effect of government subsidized loans and it ain't good
Free college. Free houses. Free cars. Free food. Free clothes.

All the houses, cars, food, clothes, etc, would have to be identical to make it fair.

Give your paycheck straight to the government and let the government completely take care of you and when you want or need something you go to the government, like you would your parents and ask them for a new toothbrush, a facelift, a bathing suit, a glass of water.

Why not?

Free college is just a way for the government to get its hands on the college education system. I honestly fear what will happen to our universities if the government pays for them. I already see the effect of government subsidized loans and it ain't good
Those government subsidized loans are the only way I can afford to go to school, what damage have those loans done?
Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Go to Students Who Don't Graduate, Analysis Finds

"There's two scandals here. We have spent over the last decade one quarter of a trillion dollars on Pell grants, and if you ask the federal government what percentage of those kids graduate from college, they can't tell you," said Richard Vedder, director of the non-profit Center for College Affordability and Productivity. "The second scandal is as far as we can estimate, that graduation rate is embarrassingly low."

Vedder has done research on Pell recipient graduation rates, which concluded that only about 40 percent Pell recipients graduate, significantly lower than the national average of about 60 percent.
Free college. Free houses. Free cars. Free food. Free clothes.

All the houses, cars, food, clothes, etc, would have to be identical to make it fair.

Give your paycheck straight to the government and let the government completely take care of you and when you want or need something you go to the government, like you would your parents and ask them for a new toothbrush, a facelift, a bathing suit, a glass of water.

Why not?
Why not?

If the government is able to deliver something much cheaper than we can get on the open market, why not?

If I can get a government produced home cheaper than on the open market, why not?
If I can buy food cheaper from the government than the open market, why not?
Free college. Free houses. Free cars. Free food. Free clothes.

All the houses, cars, food, clothes, etc, would have to be identical to make it fair.

Give your paycheck straight to the government and let the government completely take care of you and when you want or need something you go to the government, like you would your parents and ask them for a new toothbrush, a facelift, a bathing suit, a glass of water.

Why not?

How about affordable college so that our kids don't end up with $100,000 or more in debt to start their working life with? Kids that are strapped with massive debt do not have extra money to spend. It's important to understand why our consumer based economy is so sluggish. Millionaires do not drive the economy. Ordinary everyday working people do. When they are strapped with excessive debt, the economy does not thrive.
Why should I pay for your kids to go to college! I don't want to pay for it.
Have you even bothered to look into the proposals for college? Of course not, you happily pay for useless defense spending though.
Fail! The $400 Billion Military Jet That Can't Fly in Cloudy Weather
You can give me all the excuses in the world it's just another thing I have to pay for it that doesn't help me on anyway.
Of course, you do realize your taxes would virtually not be affected at all with the current proposals in circulation, especially the one with Bernie? Your 401k might take a TINY, and I mean tiny hit. If you have one.
And that would be just the beginning of their getting their grubby hands on our 401k
Have a niece and her husband that did just that. Received the grants. Failed to graduate just a few credits short.
Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Go to Students Who Don't Graduate, Analysis Finds

"There's two scandals here. We have spent over the last decade one quarter of a trillion dollars on Pell grants, and if you ask the federal government what percentage of those kids graduate from college, they can't tell you," said Richard Vedder, director of the non-profit Center for College Affordability and Productivity. "The second scandal is as far as we can estimate, that graduation rate is embarrassingly low."

Vedder has done research on Pell recipient graduation rates, which concluded that only about 40 percent Pell recipients graduate, significantly lower than the national average of about 60 percent.
Big difference between access to education like many other countries and free cars. Typical right wing idiocy.

Name the differences and the social impacts upon the lives of the productive vs the non productive......

Give a complete and detailed analysis of where in the US Constitution is is permitted for government to take from the labor of some to provide education for everyone.
All online college courses should be free and made available by the government

It would cut student debt in half

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