Gold Member
philosophical questions are once again being asked through the works of the greatest rock bands currently working the amphi-theaters of Earth for a decent living.
and i find those questions that they're asking, mightily interesting.
i thank them sincerely for their work, and promise not to rip it off too much for use in my future mixtapes under my artist name 'DJ FireSnake'.
i also will keep an eye on any new youtube releases by subscribing to the appropriate youtube channels and bands and producers, so i can keep the general public updated about what the next wave of deeply morals-philosophical brings into those 2 vital questions that arise from all those tough questions found in such artwork : how do we humans survive the next million years? how do we keep Earth alive and thriving during that time?
do you know that with any type of tubing, you can pump water uphill using minimal initial force only, thus enabling organic farming even in desert environments.
you might want to re-consider just how you shape that world of ours, and why the Gods keep telling you that you're all sinners.
most of us are sinners. and yet, also worthy of forgiveness. they are not 100% sinners, they just sin when they feel they really have to. that right to survive by your own means.
but let's just try to be a better educated version of ourselves in the future, rather than 'good old humanity'.