So, about that Palin libel suit

so did this turn out to be just another leftist hate fest smear campaign?
All in all, I don’t think that this was the intended result.....So, about that Palin libel suit… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState:lol:

1. No reason yet to think the story is true or not true.

2. She's a public figure... no libel suit except under extradordinary circumstances... and getting divorced isn't that.

As for posting the musings of some wingnut blogger who ALSO knows nothing about libel law just so you all can have another rightwingnut circule jerk... well, you can do that, i guess... but offers nothing.
Welcome to the board, Yank. Good to have ya here.
Well, thank you very much. I am not sure what happened, but it would appear MSNBC shut down their politics message board, which is my usual haunt. Just so you know, I am NO liberal. My vote for Obama was my very first for a Democrat in my life....
Welcome to the board, Yank. Good to have ya here.
Well, thank you very much. I am not sure what happened, but it would appear MSNBC shut down their politics message board, which is my usual haunt. Just so you know, I am NO liberal. My vote for Obama was my very first for a Democrat in my life....

I'll forgive you forthe vote, but I'm not sure about some of the others. :D

And in the spirit of full disclosure, I'm all over the board politically. I vote my conscience. Sometimes that means I vote for a Dem, sometimes a Repub, sometimes one of the other, lesser party candidates.
I vote my conscience. Sometimes that means I vote for a Dem, sometimes a Repub, sometimes one of the other, lesser party candidates.
In my VERY humble opinion, this is how it should be. Why does ANYONE belong to a political party, anyway? While I may be for smaller government, which would pigeon hole me as a Republican, I am for a woman's right to choose abortion, which in turn pigeon hole's me as a Democrat. WHo the hell wants to be pigeon holed?
What an outrage. For the story, you have to Google: "sarah palin former klansman agenda."

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